< John 13 >
1 It was the day before the Passover festival, and Jesus knew that the time had come to leave this world and go to his Father. He had loved those in the world who were his own, and he now demonstrated his complete and utter love for them.
Lätnak Pawi a pha vai mhnüp mat a hlü ham üng, Jesuh naw hina khawmdek ceh ta lü Paa veia a cehnak vai kcün pha lawki ti ksingki. Hina khawmdeka veki a khyange cen aläa jah mhläkphyanak lü adüt vei cäpa jah kphyanaki.
2 It was during supper, and the devil had already put the thought of betraying Jesus into the mind of Judas, son of Simon Iscariot.
Jesuh ja axüisaw he naw mü buh eikie. Sihmona capa, Judaha mlung k’uma, Jesuh phyehei khaia khawyai naw a mhlawmcawk pänga kyaki.
3 Jesus knew that the Father had placed everything under his authority, and that he had come from God and was going back to God.
Pa naw ahmäi a mhjum ja Mhnam üngkhyüh law lü Pamhnama veia cit be khai ti cun Jesuh naw ksingki.
4 So Jesus stood up from eating supper, took off his robe and wrapped a towel around his waist.
Acunakyase, buh capawi üngka naw tho law lü a jih ngvaih sut lü ngxuheinak jih a vawh.
5 He poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel he had wrapped around him.
Kbe ksung üng tui kyäi lü axüisaw hea khaw jah mthih pet lü a jih vawh am a jah xuh pet.
6 He came to Simon Peter, who asked him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?”
Sihmon Pita veia a pha law üng, “Bawipa aw, ka khaw na na mthih hlü petki aw?” a ti.
7 Jesus replied, “You won't realize what I'm doing for you now. But one day you'll understand.”
Jesuh naw, “Tukbäih i ka pawhmsah ti am ksing hamki; acunsepi, tuha ta na ksing law khai ni” ti lü a msang.
8 “No!” Peter protested. “You'll never wash my feet!” Jesus replied, “If I don't wash you, you have no part with me.” (aiōn )
Pita naw, “Ka khaw käh na mthi sümsüm khai” a ti. Jesuh naw, “Na khaw am ka ning mthih pet üng ta keia hnukläka am kya tiki” a ti. (aiōn )
9 “Then, Lord, wash not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!” Simon Peter exclaimed.
Sihmon Pita naw, “Bawipa aw, acun ani üng ta ka khaw däk am ni lü ka kut ja ka lu pi na mthih peta” a ti.
10 Jesus responded, “Those who have had a bath only need to wash their feet and then they're clean all over. You are clean—but not all of you.”
Jesuh naw, “Tui nghlawk pängki naküt ngcimki ni, i a mthih vai am hlü, a khaw däk ni a hlü. Nangmi avan ngcimcaih päng ve uki, acunsepi am ngcimcaih hamki mat ve ve” a ti. (
11 For he knew who was going to betray him. That's why he said, “Not all of you are clean.”
U naw jawiei khai a ksing pänga phäha, “Nami van nami ngcimki, lüpi am ngcimki mat nami ksunga veki” a ti.)
12 After Jesus had washed their feet, he put his robe back on, and sat down. “Do you understand what I've done to you?” he asked them.
Ami khaw jah mthih pet lü, a jih ngvaih be lü, ngaw beki naw, “Nami khana ka pawh hin asuilam nami ksingki aw?
13 “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that's who I am.
“Nangmi naw Saja aw, Bawipa aw nami na ti na khawiki. Nami cangki, ka kya kungki.
14 So if I, your Teacher and Lord, washed your feet, you ought to wash one another's feet.
“Kei nami na Bawipa ja Saja hngawh naw nami khaw ka ning jah mthih pet üng, nangmi pi mat naw mata khaw nami mthih pet vai.
15 I have set you an example, so you should do just as I did.
“Nami khana ka pawha mäiha nangmi naw pi nami pawh hnga vaia ka ning jah mhnuhki.
16 I tell you the truth, servants are not more important than their master, and the one sent is not greater than the sender.
“Akcanga ka ning jah mtheh ta: mpya cen a mahpa kthaka am däm bawk khawi; ngsäe cun pi jah tüihkia kthaka däm bawkia am kya.
17 Now that you understand these things, you will be blessed if you do them.
“Ahina ngthungtak nami ksingki, nami ksinga mäiha nami xünpüi üng ta ihlawka nami jo sen khai ni.
18 I'm not talking about all of you—I know those I have chosen. But this is to fulfill Scripture: ‘The one who shares my food has turned against me.’
“Nami vana mawng ka pyen am ni. Ka xüe ka jah ksingki. Acunsepi, ‘Kani ei yümki naw am na ngja hlü ve’ ti lü, cangcima kümkawi lawnak vaia kyaki.
19 I'm telling you this now, before it happens, so when it does happen you will be convinced that I am who I am.
“Ahin hin am a pha law ham üng, atuh ka ning jah mtheh ni. Acun a pha law üng ‘Kei Ania Ka Kyaki’ ti nami jumnak thei vaia ka ning jah mtheh ni.
20 I tell you the truth, whoever welcomes anyone I send welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me, welcomes the one who sent me.”
“Akcanga ka ning jah mthehki: au pi ka tüi law dokhameiki cun kei na dokhameiki ni; au pi ka tüi law dokhamki naw, kei pi na dokhameikia kyaki. Kei na dokhameiki naw pi na tüi lawki dokhamkia kyaki” ti lü a pyen.
21 After he had said this, Jesus was deeply troubled, and declared: “I tell you the truth, one of you is going to betray me.”
Jesuh naw acukba a pyen law päng üng a mlung khuikha lü, “Akcanga ka ning jah mthehki: nangmi üngka mat naw na phyehei khai” ti lü a jah mtheh.
22 The disciples looked at each other, wondering which of them Jesus was talking about.
U a pyennak hman am ksing u lü axüisaw he naw ami püi ci teng lü awmki he.
23 The disciple whom Jesus loved was sitting next to Jesus at the table, leaning close him.
Axüisawe üngka mat, Jesuha kphyanak cun Jesuha peia ngawki.
24 Simon Peter motioned to him to ask Jesus which one he was talking about.
Sihmon Pita naw, “U a pyenak ni, na mtheha” ti lü, a kut am khiktawt hü lü a kthäh.
25 So he leaned over to Jesus and asked, “Lord, who is it?”
Acuna axüisaw naw Jesuh peia va ngnawn lü, “Bawipa aw, u ni?” a ti.
26 Jesus replied, “It's the one to whom I will give a piece of bread after I have dipped it.”
Jesuh naw, “Hina muk mte mcawi lü ka peta khyanga kya khai” ti lü a msang. Muk mte mcawi lü, Sihmona capa Judah üng a pet.
27 After dipping the piece of bread, he gave it to Judas, son of Simon Iscariot. Once Judas had taken the bread, Satan entered him. “What you're going to do, do it quickly,” Jesus told him.
Muk mte a doei ja khawyam a k’uma lutki. Jesuh naw, “Na pawh vai akjanga pawha” a ti.
28 No one at the table understood what Jesus meant by this.
Ei kbe kunga ngawkie naw, i a pyennak ti, u naw pi am ksing u.
29 Since Judas was in charge of the money some of them thought that Jesus was telling him to go and buy what was needed for the Passover festival, or to donate something to the poor.
Avang naw Judah Iskarot naw nguiip a cüma phäh, Jesuh naw, ‘‘Hina pawi üng mi summang vai va khyeia a tinak ni, am ani üng khuikha si mpyaki he üng ik’eih jah pea” tikia, ami ngai.
30 Judas left immediately after he'd taken the piece of bread, and went out into the night.
Judah naw muk mte lo lü cit ktäihki. Acun cun mthana kyaki.
31 After he'd left, Jesus said, “Now the Son of man is glorified, and through him God is glorified.
Acukba a ceh käna Jesuh naw pyen lü, “Atuh hin Khyanga Capa mhlünmtaia kya ve. Ani üngkhyüh Pamhnam pi mhlünmtaia kya ve.
32 If God is glorified through him, then God will glorify the Son himself, and will glorify him immediately.
“Ani üngkhyüh Pamhnama hlüngtainak mdan lü, Pamhnam naw Khyanga Capa pi amät üng mhlünmtai khai. Sängsäng se Pamhnam naw ani mhlünmtai khai.
33 My children, I will be with you only a little while longer. You will look for me, but I'm telling you now just as I told the Jews: you cannot come where I'm going.
“Ka canae aw, nami hlawnga ka ve vai hin am hjo ti. Nami na sui hü khaie. Acunüng, Judah ngvaie üng, ‘Ka cehnak vaia am law thei uki’ ti lü ka pyena mäiha atuh pi acukba bäa ka ning jah mthehki.
34 I am giving you a new command: Love one another. Love one another in the same way I have loved you.
“Ngthumkhän kthai ka ning jah peki: mat ja mat mhläkphya na ua. Ka ning jah mhläkphyanaka mäiha mat ja mat mhläkphya na u.
35 If you love one another you will prove to everyone that you are my disciples.”
“Mat ja mat nami mhläkphyanak üng ta, khyang naküt naw ka hnukläke tia ning jah ksing khaie” a ti.
36 Simon Peter asked him, “Where are you going, Lord?” Jesus answered, “You can't follow me now where I'm going. You will follow me later.”
Sihmon Pita naw, “Bawipa aw, hawia na cit khai?” a ti. Jesuh naw, “Ka cehnak hlüa nang tuh am law theiki; tuha ta na law thei khai” ti lü, a msang.
37 “Lord, why can't I follow you now?” Peter asked. “I'll lay down my life for you.”
Pita naw, “Bawipa aw, ise atuh na hlawnga am ka law theiki ni? Na phäha ta thih vai pi am kyüh nawng” a ti.
38 “Are you really ready to die for me? I tell you the truth: before the cock crows you will deny me three times,” Jesus replied.
Jesuh naw, “Keia phäha na thih vai akcanga am na kyühki aw? Akcanga ka ning mthehki: nang naw ainghlüi am khawng ham se, ani am ksing ngü ti lü kthum vei na ngcim khai” a ti.