< John 12 >

1 Six days before the Passover Jesus went to Bethany, to the home of Lazarus who had been raised from the dead.
nistArotsavAt pUrvvaM dinaSaTke sthite yIzu ryaM pramItam iliyAsaraM zmazAnAd udasthAparat tasya nivAsasthAnaM baithaniyAgrAmam Agacchat|
2 There a dinner was arranged in his honor. Martha helped serve the food while Lazarus sat at the table with Jesus and the others guests.
tatra tadarthaM rajanyAM bhojye kRte marthA paryyaveSayad iliyAsar ca tasya saGgibhiH sArddhaM bhojanAsana upAvizat|
3 Mary brought a pint of pure nard perfume and anointed Jesus' feet, wiping them dry with her hair. The scent of the perfume filled the whole house.
tadA mariyam arddhaseTakaM bahumUlyaM jaTAmAMsIyaM tailam AnIya yIzozcaraNayo rmarddayitvA nijakeza rmArSTum Arabhata; tadA tailasya parimalena gRham Amoditam abhavat|
4 But one of the disciples, Judas Iscariot, who would later betray Jesus, asked,
yaH zimonaH putra riSkariyotIyo yihUdAnAmA yIzuM parakareSu samarpayiSyati sa ziSyastadA kathitavAn,
5 “Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth three hundred denarii.”
etattailaM tribhiH zatai rmudrApadai rvikrItaM sad daridrebhyaH kuto nAdIyata?
6 He wasn't saying this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief. He was the one who looked after the disciples' money and he often took some for himself.
sa daridralokArtham acintayad iti na, kintu sa caura evaM tannikaTe mudrAsampuTakasthityA tanmadhye yadatiSThat tadapAharat tasmAt kAraNAd imAM kathAmakathayat|
7 “Don't criticize her,” Jesus replied. “She did this in preparation for the day of my burial.
tadA yIzurakathayad enAM mA vAraya sA mama zmazAnasthApanadinArthaM tadarakSayat|
8 You'll always have the poor here with you, but you won't always have me here.”
daridrA yuSmAkaM sannidhau sarvvadA tiSThanti kintvahaM sarvvadA yuSmAkaM sannidhau na tiSThAmi|
9 A large crowd had found out that he was there. They came there not just to see Jesus but because they wanted to see Lazarus, the man Jesus had raised from the dead.
tataH paraM yIzustatrAstIti vArttAM zrutvA bahavo yihUdIyAstaM zmazAnAdutthApitam iliyAsaraJca draSTuM tat sthAnam Agacchana|
10 So the chief priests planned to kill Lazarus as well,
tadA pradhAnayAjakAstam iliyAsaramapi saMharttum amantrayan;
11 since it was because of him that many Jews were no longer following them but putting their trust in Jesus.
yatastena bahavo yihUdIyA gatvA yIzau vyazvasan|
12 The following day the crowds of people who had come for the Passover festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem.
anantaraM yIzu ryirUzAlam nagaram AgacchatIti vArttAM zrutvA pare'hani utsavAgatA bahavo lokAH
13 They cut off palm branches and went to welcome him, shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is the one coming in the name of the Lord. Blessed is the king of Israel.”
kharjjUrapatrAdyAnIya taM sAkSAt karttuM bahirAgatya jaya jayeti vAcaM proccai rvaktum Arabhanta, isrAyelo yo rAjA paramezvarasya nAmnAgacchati sa dhanyaH|
14 Jesus found a young donkey and rode on it, as Scripture says:
tadA "he siyonaH kanye mA bhaiSIH pazyAyaM tava rAjA garddabhazAvakam AruhyAgacchati"
15 “Don't be afraid, daughter of Zion. Look, your king is coming, riding a donkey's colt.”
iti zAstrIyavacanAnusAreNa yIzurekaM yuvagarddabhaM prApya taduparyyArohat|
16 At the time, Jesus' disciples did not understand what these things meant. It was only later when he was glorified that they realized what had happened had been prophesied and applied to him.
asyAH ghaTanAyAstAtparyyaM ziSyAH prathamaM nAbudhyanta, kintu yIzau mahimAnaM prApte sati vAkyamidaM tasmina akathyata lokAzca tampratIttham akurvvan iti te smRtavantaH|
17 Many in the crowd had seen Jesus call Lazarus from the tomb and raise him from the dead and were telling the story.
sa iliyAsaraM zmazAnAd Agantum AhvatavAn zmazAnAJca udasthApayad ye ye lokAstatkarmya sAkSAd apazyan te pramANaM dAtum Arabhanta|
18 That was the reason so many people went to meet Jesus—because they had heard about this miracle.
sa etAdRzam adbhutaM karmmakarot tasya janazrute rlokAstaM sAkSAt karttum Agacchan|
19 The Pharisees said to one other, “Look, we're getting nowhere. Everyone's running after him.”
tataH phirUzinaH parasparaM vaktum Arabhanta yuSmAkaM sarvvAzceSTA vRthA jAtAH, iti kiM yUyaM na budhyadhve? pazyata sarvve lokAstasya pazcAdvarttinobhavan|
20 Now some Greeks had come to the festival to worship.
bhajanaM karttum utsavAgatAnAM lokAnAM katipayA janA anyadezIyA Asan,
21 They came to Philip of Bethsaida in Galilee, and said, “Sir, we'd like to see Jesus.”
te gAlIlIyabaitsaidAnivAsinaH philipasya samIpam Agatya vyAharan he maheccha vayaM yIzuM draSTum icchAmaH|
22 Philip went and told Andrew. Then they both went to Jesus and told him.
tataH philipo gatvA Andriyam avadat pazcAd Andriyaphilipau yIzave vArttAm akathayatAM|
23 Jesus replied, “The time has come for the Son of man to be glorified.
tadA yIzuH pratyuditavAn mAnavasutasya mahimaprAptisamaya upasthitaH|
24 I tell you the truth: unless a grain of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains just one grain. But if it dies, it produces many more grains of wheat.
ahaM yuSmAnatiyathArthaM vadAmi, dhAnyabIjaM mRttikAyAM patitvA yadi na mRyate tarhyekAkI tiSThati kintu yadi mRyate tarhi bahuguNaM phalaM phalati|
25 If you love your own life you will lose it, but if you don't love your own life in this world you will keep your life forever. (aiōnios g166)
yo jane nijaprANAn priyAn jAnAti sa tAn hArayiSyati kintu ye jana ihaloke nijaprANAn apriyAn jAnAti senantAyuH prAptuM tAn rakSiSyati| (aiōnios g166)
26 If you want to serve me you need to follow me. My servants will be where I am, and my Father will honor anyone who serves for me.
kazcid yadi mama sevako bhavituM vAJchati tarhi sa mama pazcAdgAmI bhavatu, tasmAd ahaM yatra tiSThAmi mama sevakepi tatra sthAsyati; yo jano mAM sevate mama pitApi taM sammaMsyate|
27 Now I am troubled. What should I say? ‘Father, save me from this coming time of suffering?’ No, for this is why I came—to go through this time of suffering.
sAmprataM mama prANA vyAkulA bhavanti, tasmAd he pitara etasmAt samayAn mAM rakSa, ityahaM kiM prArthayiSye? kintvaham etatsamayArtham avatIrNavAn|
28 Father, show the glory of your character.” A voice came from heaven, saying, “I have shown its glory, and I will show it again.”
he pita: svanAmno mahimAnaM prakAzaya; tanaiva svanAmno mahimAnam ahaM prAkAzayaM punarapi prakAzayiSyAmi, eSA gagaNIyA vANI tasmin samaye'jAyata|
29 The crowd that was standing there heard it. Some said it thundered; others said an angel had spoken to him.
taczrutvA samIpasthalokAnAM kecid avadan megho'garjIt, kecid avadan svargIyadUto'nena saha kathAmacakathat|
30 Jesus told them, “This voice spoke not for my sake, but for yours.
tadA yIzuH pratyavAdIt, madarthaM zabdoyaM nAbhUt yuSmadarthamevAbhUt|
31 Now is the judgment of this world; now the prince of this world will be thrown out.
adhunA jagatosya vicAra: sampatsyate, adhunAsya jagata: patI rAjyAt cyoSyati|
32 But when I am lifted up from the earth I will attract everyone to me.”
yadyaI pRthivyA Urdvve protthApitosmi tarhi sarvvAn mAnavAn svasamIpam AkarSiSyAmi|
33 (He said this to point out the kind of death he was going to die.)
kathaM tasya mRti rbhaviSyati, etad bodhayituM sa imAM kathAm akathayat|
34 The crowd responded, “The Law tells us that the Messiah will live forever, so how can you say the Son of man must be ‘lifted up’? Who is this ‘Son of man’?” (aiōn g165)
tadA lokA akathayan sobhiSiktaH sarvvadA tiSThatIti vyavasthAgranthe zrutam asmAbhiH, tarhi manuSyaputraH protthApito bhaviSyatIti vAkyaM kathaM vadasi? manuSyaputroyaM kaH? (aiōn g165)
35 Jesus replied, “The light is here with you for a little longer. Walk while you have the light so that the darkness doesn't overtake you. Those who walk in the dark don't know where they're going.
tadA yIzurakathAyad yuSmAbhiH sArddham alpadinAni jyotirAste, yathA yuSmAn andhakAro nAcchAdayati tadarthaM yAvatkAlaM yuSmAbhiH sArddhaM jyotistiSThati tAvatkAlaM gacchata; yo jano'ndhakAre gacchati sa kutra yAtIti na jAnAti|
36 Put your trust in the light while you still have it so that you can become children of light.” When Jesus had told them this, he left and hid himself from them.
ataeva yAvatkAlaM yuSmAkaM nikaTe jyotirAste tAvatkAlaM jyotIrUpasantAnA bhavituM jyotiSi vizvasita; imAM kathAM kathayitvA yIzuH prasthAya tebhyaH svaM guptavAn|
37 But despite all the miracles he had done in their presence, they still did not trust in Jesus.
yadyapi yIzusteSAM samakSam etAvadAzcaryyakarmmANi kRtavAn tathApi te tasmin na vyazvasan|
38 This fulfilled the message of Isaiah the prophet who said, “Lord, who has believed what we told them? To whom has the Lord's power been revealed?”
ataeva kaH pratyeti susaMvAdaM parezAsmat pracAritaM? prakAzate parezasya hastaH kasya ca sannidhau? yizayiyabhaviSyadvAdinA yadetad vAkyamuktaM tat saphalam abhavat|
39 They were not able to trust him, and as a result they fulfilled what Isaiah also said:
te pratyetuM nAzankuvan tasmin yizayiyabhaviSyadvAdi punaravAdId,
40 “He blinded their eyes, and made their minds dull, so that their eyes would not see, and their minds would not think, and they would not turn to me—for if they did I would heal them.”
yadA, "te nayanai rna pazyanti buddhibhizca na budhyante tai rmanaHsu parivarttiteSu ca tAnahaM yathA svasthAn na karomi tathA sa teSAM locanAnyandhAni kRtvA teSAmantaHkaraNAni gADhAni kariSyati|"
41 Isaiah saw Jesus' glory and said this in reference to him.
yizayiyo yadA yIzo rmahimAnaM vilokya tasmin kathAmakathayat tadA bhaviSyadvAkyam IdRzaM prakAzayat|
42 Even so many of the leaders did trust in him. However, they did not openly admit it because they did not want the Pharisees to expel them from the synagogue,
tathApyadhipatinAM bahavastasmin pratyAyan| kintu phirUzinastAn bhajanagRhAd dUrIkurvvantIti bhayAt te taM na svIkRtavantaH|
43 loving human admiration more than God's approval.
yata Izvarasya prazaMsAto mAnavAnAM prazaMsAyAM te'priyanta|
44 Jesus called out, “If you trust in me you're not just trusting in me but also in the one who sent me.
tadA yIzuruccaiHkAram akathayad yo jano mayi vizvasiti sa kevale mayi vizvasitIti na, sa matprerake'pi vizvasiti|
45 When you see me, you're seeing the one who sent me.
yo jano mAM pazyati sa matprerakamapi pazyati|
46 I have come as a light shining into the world, so if you trust in me you won't remain in the dark.
yo jano mAM pratyeti sa yathAndhakAre na tiSThati tadartham ahaM jyotiHsvarUpo bhUtvA jagatyasmin avatIrNavAn|
47 I don't judge anyone who hears my words but doesn't do what I say. I came to save the world, not to judge it.
mama kathAM zrutvA yadi kazcin na vizvasiti tarhi tamahaM doSiNaM na karomi, yato heto rjagato janAnAM doSAn nizcitAn karttuM nAgatya tAn paricAtum Agatosmi|
48 Anyone who rejects me and does not accept my words will be judged at the end-time judgment in accordance with what I have said.
yaH kazcin mAM na zraddhAya mama kathaM na gRhlAti, anyastaM doSiNaM kariSyati vastutastu yAM kathAmaham acakathaM sA kathA carame'nhi taM doSiNaM kariSyati|
49 For I'm not speaking for myself but for my Father who sent me. He is the one who instructed me what to say and how to say it.
yato hetorahaM svataH kimapi na kathayAmi, kiM kiM mayA kathayitavyaM kiM samupadeSTavyaJca iti matprerayitA pitA mAmAjJApayat|
50 I know that what he told me to say brings eternal life—so whatever I say is what the Father told me.” (aiōnios g166)
tasya sAjJA anantAyurityahaM jAnAmi, ataevAhaM yat kathayAmi tat pitA yathAjJApayat tathaiva kathayAmyaham| (aiōnios g166)

< John 12 >