< Joel 1 >

1 The Lord sent a message through Joel, son of Pethuel.
Gospodova beseda, ki je prišla Joélu, Petuélovemu sinu.
2 Listen to this, elders; pay attention, everyone who lives in the land. Has anything ever happened like this before in your experience, or that of your forefathers?
Poslušajte to, vi starci in pazljivo prisluhnite, vsi vi prebivalci dežele. Ali je bilo to v vaših dneh ali celo v dneh vaših očetov?
3 Tell your children about it, and have your children tell it to their children, and their children tell the next generation.
Pripovedujte svojim otrokom o tem in naj vaši otroci pripovedujejo svojim otrokom in njihovi otroci naslednjemu rodu.
4 What the cutting locusts left, the swarming locusts have eaten; what the swarming locusts left, the hopping locusts have eaten; what the hopping locusts left, the destroying locusts have eaten.
To, kar je kosmata gosenica pustila, je pojedla leteča kobilica; in to, kar je leteča kobilica pustila, je pojedla škodljiva gosenica; in to, kar je pustila škodljiva gosenica, je pojedla gosenica.
5 Wake up, you drunks, and weep! Howl you wine-drinkers, because the new wine has been suddenly taken away from your mouth!
Prebudite se, vi pijanci in jokajte, tulite vsi vi vinski pivci zaradi novega vina, kajti odrezan je od vaših ust.
6 A nation has invaded my land: powerful and too many to count. Their teeth are like lion's teeth, their fangs like those of a lioness.
Kajti narod je prišel nad mojo deželo, močan in brezštevilen, katerih zobje so zobje leva in ima kočnike velikega leva.
7 It has ruined my grapevines and destroyed my fig trees, stripping them completely and reducing them to stumps, white and bare.
Opustošil je mojo trto in olupil moje figovo drevo. Naredil ga je razgaljenega in ga vrgel proč; njegove mladike so pobeljene.
8 Mourn like a bride dressed in sackcloth, mourning the death of her husband-to-be.
Žalujte kakor devica, opasana z vrečevino za soprogom svoje mladosti.
9 Grain and wine offerings have stopped in the Temple. The priests who minister before the Lord are in mourning.
Jedilna daritev in pitna daritev je odrezana od Gospodove hiše. Duhovniki, Gospodovi služabniki, žalujejo.
10 The fields are devastated, the earth mourns; for the grain is ruined, the new wine dries up, the olive oil fails.
Polje je opustošeno, zemlja žaluje, kajti žito je opustošeno. Novo vino je posušeno, olje peša.
11 Be ashamed, farmers, and wail in sorrow, keepers of vineyards, over the wheat and the barley, for the crops from the fields are ruined.
Bodite osramočeni, oh vi poljedelci. Tulite, oh vi obrezovalci trte, zaradi pšenice in zaradi ječmena, ker je žetev polja propadla.
12 The vines are shriveled, the fig trees are withered; the pomegranate, the palm, and the apricot trees—all the fruit trees have dried up, and at the same time the people's happiness has also dried up.
Trta je posušena in figovo drevo peša. Granatovec, tudi palmovo drevo in jablana, celó vsa poljska drevesa so ovenela, ker je veselje zamrlo pred človeškimi sinovi.
13 Dress in sackcloth, you priests, and mourn; weep, you who minister before the altar! Go and spend the night in sackcloth, you ministers of my God, for the grain and wine offerings have stopped in the Temple.
Opašite se in objokujte, vi duhovniki; tulite, služabniki oltarja, pridite, vso noč ležite v vrečevini, vi služabniki mojega Boga, kajti jedilna daritev in pitna daritev je zadržana pred hišo vašega Boga.
14 Proclaim a fast; call a sacred assembly. Have the elders and all people of the land gather in the Temple, and cry out to your God, to the Lord.
Posvetite post, skličite slovesen zbor, zberite starešine in vse prebivalce dežele v hišo Gospoda, svojega Boga in kličite h Gospodu:
15 What a terrible day! For the day of the Lord is near, it will come as destruction from the Almighty.
»Gorje zaradi dneva!« Kajti dan Gospodov je pri roki in to bo prišlo kakor uničenje od Vsemogočnega.
16 Haven't we seen our food taken away from us, right before our eyes? There is no joy and happiness in God's Temple.
Mar ni hrana odrezana izpred naših oči, da, radost in veselje od hiše našega Boga?
17 Seeds planted in the ground shrivel up; the storehouses are empty, the barns are torn down because the grain has dried up.
Seme je razpadlo pod njihovimi grudami, kašče ležijo zapuščene, skednji so razpadli, kajti žito je ovenelo.
18 The farm animals moan with hunger. The herds of cattle wander everywhere because they can't find grass to eat; the flocks of sheep are suffering.
Kako stokajo živali! Živine črede so zmedene, ker nimajo pašnika; da, tropi ovac so zapuščeni.
19 To you, Lord, I cry out! For fire has destroyed the pastures in the wilderness; flames have burned up all the orchards.
Oh Gospod, k tebi bom klical, kajti ogenj je požrl pašnike divjine in plamen je požgal vsa poljska drevesa.
20 Even the wild animals long for you because the streams have dried up, and fire has destroyed the pastures in the wilderness.
Tudi poljske živali kličejo k tebi, kajti reke vodá so posušene in ogenj je pogoltnil pašnike divjine.

< Joel 1 >