< Joel 3 >

1 At that time when this happens, when I bring back the exiles to Judah and Jerusalem,
“Mumazuva iwayo, napanguva iyoyo, kana ndichinge ndadzosa pfuma yeJudha neyeJerusarema,
2 I will gather together all the nations in the valley of Jehoshaphat and I will judge them there over my people Israel, my inheritance, whom they have scattered among the nations, and have divided up my land.
ndichaunganidza ndudzi dzose ndigoenda nadzo kuMupata waJehoshafati. Ipapo ndichavatonga nokuda kwenhaka yangu, vanhu vangu vaIsraeri, nokuti vakaparadzira vanhu vangu pakati pendudzi, uye vakagovana nyika yangu.
3 They cast lots for my people; they traded boys in payment for prostitutes and girls to buy wine to drink.
Vakakanda mijenya pamusoro pavanhu vangu, vakatsinhanisa vakomana nezvifeve; vakatengesa vanasikana kuti vagotenga waini yokuti vanwe.
4 Also, what have you got to do with me, Tyre and Sidon, and all the regions of Philistia? Are you trying to get back at me? If you are trying to pay me back, I will quickly pay you back what you deserve for what you've done.
“Zvino ndakakutadzirai chiiko, imi Tire neSidhoni, nemi matunhu ose eFiristia? Muri kundiripira chimwe chinhu chandakaita here? Zvino kana muchindiripira, ini ndichadzosera zvamakaita pamisoro yenyu chaiyo nokukurumidza chaizvo.
5 You stole my silver and my gold and my best treasures, and you put them in your temples.
Nokuti makatora sirivha negoridhe rangu, mukatakurawo midziyo yangu yakanakisisa mukandoiisa kutemberi dzenyu.
6 You sold the people of Judah and Jerusalem to the Greeks so they could be sent far away from their land.
Makatengesa vanhu veJudha neveJerusarema kuvaGiriki kuti muvaendese kure.
7 But watch out! I will get them moving from the places you sold them to, and bring them back, and I will pay you back what you deserve for what you've done.
“Tarirai, ini ndichavamutsa kubva kunzvimbo dzamakavatengesera, uye ndichadzosera pamisoro yenyu chaiyo zvamakaita.
8 I will sell your sons and daughters to the people of Judah, and they will sell them to the Sabeans, a distant nation. I the Lord have spoken.
Ndichatengesa vanakomana navanasikana venyu kuvanhu veJudha, uye vachavatengesa kuvaShebha, rudzi rwuri kure.” Jehovha ataura.
9 Proclaim this among the nations: “Prepare for war! Call up the mighty warriors! Let all the soldiers get ready and advance!
Paridzirai izvi kundudzi dzose: Gadzirirai hondo! Mutsai varwi! Varwi vose ngavaswedere pedyo varwise.
10 Hammer your plough blades and turn them into swords. Turn your pruning hooks into spears. Even the weak should say ‘I am a strong fighter!’
Pfurai mapadza enyu muaite minondo, uye mapanga okuchekerera miti muaite mapfumo. Asina simba ngaati, “Ndine simba!”
11 Hurry up and come, all nations from everywhere, and gather there. Bring down your warriors, Lord!
Uyai nokukurumidza, imi ndudzi dzose, kubva kumativi ose mugoungana ipapo. Haiwa Jehovha, burutsai varwi venyu.
12 Let the nations get ready, let them come to the valley of Jehoshaphat for there I will sit in judgment on all the nations.
“Ndudzi dzose ngadzimutswe; ngadziende kuMupata waJehoshafati, nokuti ipapo ndipo pandichagara pasi kuti nditonge ndudzi dzose kumativi ose enyika.
13 Start swinging the sickle, for the harvest is ripe. Come and tread the grapes for the winepress is full and the vats are overflowing because their wickedness has become so great.
Shandisai jeko, nokuti gohwo raibva. Uyai musvine mazambiringa netsoka dzenyu, nokuti chisviniro chazara, uye zvirongo zvopfachukira, uku ndiko kukura kwakaita kuipa kwavo.”
14 Huge mobs are in the valley of the Lord's verdict. For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of his verdict.
Vazhinji zhinji, vazhinji zhinji, vari mumupata wokutonga. Nokuti zuva raJehovha rava pedyo mumupata wokutonga.
15 The sun and moon will become dark, and the stars will stop shining.
Zuva nomwedzi zvichasviba uye nyeredzi dzichadzima.
16 The Lord will roar from Zion, shouting in a loud voice from Jerusalem, shaking the heavens and the earth. But the Lord will shelter his people, protecting the people of Israel.
Jehovha achaomba paZioni, uye achatinhira ari muJerusarema; denga nenyika zvichadedera. Asi Jehovha achava utiziro hwavanhu vake, nhare yavanhu veIsraeri.
17 Then you will know that I, the Lord your God, dwell in Zion, my holy mountain, and Jerusalem will be a holy place forever, and no foreigners will ever march through her again.
“Ipapo muchaziva kuti ini Jehovha Mwari wenyu, ndinogara muZioni, gomo rangu dzvene. Jerusarema richava dzvene; vatorwa havachazorirwisazve.
18 At that time new wine will pour down the mountains, and the hills will flow with milk, and all the riverbeds of Judah will run with water. A spring will flow out of the Temple and will water the valley of Shittim.
“Pazuva iroro makomo achachururuka waini itsva, uye zvikomo zvichaerera mukaka; hova dzose dzomuJudha dzichaerera mvura. Chitubu chichaerera chichibva muimba yaJehovha, uye chichadiridzira mupata wemiti yemiunga.
19 But Egypt will become desolate, and Edom a desert wasteland, because of the violence they did against Judah, for in their land they shed innocent blood.
Asi Ijipiti ichava dongo, Edhomu ichava gwenga risina basa, nokuda kwokurwiswa kwakaitwa vanhu veJudha, vakateura ropa risina mhosva munyika yavo.
20 Judah will be lived in forever, and Jerusalem for all generations.
MuJudha muchagara vanhu nokusingaperi, uye nomuJerusarema kusvikira kuzvizvarwa zvose.
21 Will I pardon and leave unpunished the shedding of innocent blood? The Lord lives in Zion!”
Mhosva yavo yeropa yandisina kuregerera, ndichairegerera,

< Joel 3 >