< Job 8 >

1 Then Bildad the Shuhite spoke up and said,
respondens autem Baldad Suites dixit
2 “How much longer will you go on talking like this? The words coming out of your mouth are a lot of hot air!
usquequo loqueris talia et spiritus multiplex sermones oris tui
3 Does God pervert justice? Does the Almighty pervert what is right?
numquid Deus subplantat iudicium et Omnipotens subvertit quod iustum est
4 Your children must have sinned against him, and so they deserved the punishment he inflicted on them.
etiam si filii tui peccaverunt ei et dimisit eos in manu iniquitatis suae
5 But if you pray to God and ask for his help,
tu tamen si diluculo consurrexeris ad Deum et Omnipotentem fueris deprecatus
6 if you live a clean life and do what is right, then he would act to make things right for you in your home.
si mundus et rectus incesseris statim evigilabit ad te et pacatum reddet habitaculum iustitiae tuae
7 Though you began with next to nothing, you will end up with so much!
in tantum ut priora tua fuerint parva et novissima tua multiplicentur nimis
8 Why don't you ask what previous generations discovered, examine what our ancestors found out? We were born yesterday and don't know anything!
interroga enim generationem pristinam et diligenter investiga patrum memoriam
9 Our days on earth fade as quickly as a passing shadow.
hesterni quippe sumus et ignoramus quoniam sicut umbra dies nostri sunt super terram
10 Won't they teach you and explain what they know?
et ipsi docebunt te loquentur tibi et de corde suo proferent eloquia
11 Can papyrus grow where there is no marsh? Can reeds grow without water?
numquid vivere potest scirpus absque humore aut crescet carectum sine aqua
12 Even without being cut, while they are still flowering, they wither faster than grass.
cum adhuc sit in flore nec carpatur manu ante omnes herbas arescit
13 This is what happens to everyone who forgets God. The hopes of those who live without God come to nothing.
sic viae omnium qui obliviscuntur Deum et spes hypocritae peribit
14 Their confidence is like holding on to a flimsy spider's web.
non ei placebit vecordia sua et sicut tela aranearum fiducia eius
15 They look to their home to provide security, but it provides no support. They try to hang onto it, but it doesn't last.
innitetur super domum suam et non stabit fulciet eam et non consurget
16 Those who live without God are like a luxuriant plant growing in the sun, spreading its shoots all over the garden.
humectus videtur antequam veniat sol et in horto suo germen eius egreditur
17 It twists its roots down through the stones, and holds on to rock.
super acervum petrarum radices eius densabuntur et inter lapides commorabitur
18 But when it's cut down, the place where it was disowns it, saying, ‘I never even saw you.’
si absorbuerit eum de loco suo negabit eum et dicet non novi te
19 Its life is over, and others spring up from the earth to take its place.
haec est enim laetitia viae eius ut rursum de terra alii germinentur
20 Look, God doesn't reject someone who is innocent, and he doesn't support those who are guilty.
Deus non proiciet simplicem nec porriget manum malignis
21 He can make you laugh with happiness again and shout for joy.
donec impleatur risu os tuum et labia tua iubilo
22 Those who hate you will be put to shame, and the place where the wicked live will be destroyed.”
qui oderunt te induentur confusione et tabernaculum impiorum non subsistet

< Job 8 >