< Job 7 >

1 “Isn't life for human beings like serving a sentence of hard labor? Don't their days pass like those of a hired laborer?
“Moul lun mwet uh oana sie mwet mweun su akkohsyeyuk ye ma sap upa nu sel — Oana moul lun sie mwet ma kemkatu ke oru orekma toasr lun pao,
2 Like some slave longing for a bit of shade, like a hired hand anxiously waiting for pay day,
Oana sie mwet foko su kena mongla in acn lul uh; Ac oana sie mwet orekma su soano pacl in eis molin orekma lal.
3 I've been given months of emptiness and nights of misery.
Malem nu ke malem, wanginna sripa nga in moul; Ac fong nu ke fong nga asor na.
4 When I go to bed I ask, ‘When shall I get up?’ But the night goes on and on, and I toss and turn until dawn.
Ke nga ona in motulla, pacl uh arulana sumui; Nga oanna pikpik fong fon se ac kena in tari lenelik.
5 My body is covered with maggots and caked in dirt; my skin is cracked, with oozing sores.
Monuk sessesla ke wet; Afla ke kolo keke; Ac sroano koluk sororla ke faf keik uh.
6 My days pass quicker than a weaver's shuttle and they come to an end without hope.
Len luk uh somla ac wangin finsrak kac, Ac fahsr la uh mui liki kutap lun sie mwet tatu nwek.
7 Remember that my life is just a breath; I will not see happiness again.
“O God, esam lah moul luk uh oana sie mong, Ac wanginla tari pwar luk.
8 Those watching me won't see me anymore; your eyes will be looking for me, but I will be gone.
Kom liyeyu inge, tusruktu kom ac fah tia sifil liyeyu tok. Kom fin ac sukyu, tuh nga nu somla tari.
9 When a cloud disappears, it's gone, just as anyone who goes down to Sheol does not come back up. (Sheol h7585)
Oana sie pukunyeng ac sarla ac wanginla, Ouinge sie mwet misa fah tiana sifil foloko; (Sheol h7585)
10 They will never return home, and the people they knew will forget them.
Mwet nukewa ma etal meet ah, ac tia sifil esamul.
11 So, no, I won't hold my tongue—I will speak in the agony of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of my soul.
Ke ma inge, nga tia ku in tila kaskas! Nga kasrkusrak ac mwen insiuk. Enenu na nga in fahkla nunak luk uh.
12 Am I the sea or a sea monster that you have to guard me?
“Efu ku kom sap in taranyuk nga? Mea, kom nunku mu nga pa soko ma sulallal in meoa uh?
13 If I tell myself, ‘I'll feel better if I lie down in my bed,’ or ‘it will help me to lie down on my couch,’
Nga ona ac srike ngan mongla; Nga sukok ma in lusrongla ngal keik uh.
14 then you scare me so much with dreams and terrify me with visions
A kom — kom aksangengyeyu ke mweme; Ac supwama aruruma ac mweme na koluk
15 that I would rather be strangled—I would rather die than become just a bag of bones.
Nwe ke na apkuran ngan ke in isasu kwawuk ngan misa, Liki nga in muta in mano keok se inge.
16 I hate my life! I know I won't live long. Leave me alone because my life is just a breath.
Nga fuhleak finsrak luk; nga totola ke moul muta uh. Tari fahla likiyu; wanginla sripen moul luk.
17 Why are human beings so important to you; why are you so concerned about them
“Efu ku kom oru mu yohk sripen mwet uh nu sum? Efu ku kom lohang nu ke ma el oru uh?
18 that you inspect them every morning and test them every moment? Won't you ever stop staring at me?
Kom tonel ke lotutang nukewa Ac srikal ke minit nukewa.
19 Won't you ever leave me alone long enough to catch my breath?
Mea, kom tia ku in ngetla likiyu ke kitin pacl Ngan ku in ukumya sronin oalik?
20 What have I done wrong? What have I done to you, Watcher of Humanity? Why have you made me your target, so that I'm a burden even to myself?
Ya kom keok ke ma koluk luk, kom su liyaung mwet kapir? Efu ku kom tungalyu oana in sie mwe akoalel lom? Mea, nga mwe toasr se na lom?
21 If so why don't you pardon my sins, and take away my guilt? Right now I'm going to lie down in the dust, and though you will look for me, I will be gone.”
Mea, kom ac tiana nunak munas nu sik ke ma koluk luk nwe tok? Kom tiana ku in tulala ma sufal nga orala uh? Nga akuranna misa, pukpuki, Ac kom ac sukyu tuh na nga wanginla.”

< Job 7 >