< Job 40 >

1 God continued speaking to Job.
Korero mai ano a Ihowa ki a Hopa, i mea,
2 “Are you still going to fight with the Almighty and try to set him straight? Anyone who argues with God must give some answers.”
E tohe ana ranei ki te Kaha Rawa te tangata whakatohutohu? Ma te tangata e whakatupehupehu ana ki te Atua, mana e korero mai.
3 Job answered the Lord,
Ano ra ko Hopa ki a Ihowa; i mea ia,
4 “Me—I am nothing at all. I have no answers. I put my hand in front of my mouth.
Nana, ehara noa iho ahau. Ko te aha taku e whakahoki atu ai ki a koe? Ka kopania toku ringa ki toku mangai.
5 I have already said far too much and I won't say anything more.”
Kua kotahi taku koreotanga, a e kore ahau e whakahoki kupu atu; a tuarua rawa, otira kahore atu aku.
6 Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind,
Katahi ka whakahokia mai e Ihowa ki a Hopa i roto i te tukauati, ka mea,
7 “Prepare yourself, be strong, for I am going to question you, and you must answer me.
Tena ra, whakatane, whitikiria tou hope, a ka ui atu ahau ki a koe, mau ano e whakaatu mai ki ahau.
8 Are you really going to say my decisions are wrong? Are you going to condemn me so you can be right?
Me whakakahore ano ranei e koe taku whakawa? Me whakahe ki ahau kia whakatikaia ai tau?
9 Are you as powerful as I am? Does your voice thunder like mine?
He ringa pera ranei tou i to te Atua? He reo whatitiri ranei tou, he pera i tona?
10 Why don't you dress yourself with majesty and dignity, and clothe yourself with glory and splendor!
Tena ra, rakai i a koe inaianei ki te rangatiratanga, ki te kororia; tatai i a koe ki te honore, ki te mana.
11 Let loose your fierce anger. Humble the proud with a glance.
Ringihia atu te puhaketanga o tou riri; tirohia atu nga mea whakakake katoa, whakaititia iho.
12 Bring down the proud with your gaze; tread the wicked underfoot right where they are.
Titiro atu ki nga mea whakakake katoa, whakapikoa iho; takahia iho ano hoki te hunga kino i te wahi e tu na ratou.
13 Bury them in the dust; lock them away in the grave.
Huihuia atu ratou, huna ki te puehu, herea o ratou mata ki te wahi ngaro.
14 Then I will also agree that your own strength can save you.
Na ko reira ahau whakaae ai ki a koe, ma tou ringa matau ano koe e whakaora.
15 Consider Behemoth, a creature I made just like I made you. It eats grass like cattle.
Na whakaaroa a Pehemoto, he mea hanga ngatahi korua naku; e kai ra i te tarutaru, ano he kau.
16 Look at its powerful loins, the muscles of its belly.
Nana, ko tona kaha kei tona hope, ko tona pakaritanga kei nga uaua o tona kopu.
17 It bends its tail like a cedar; its thigh sinews are strong.
Ko tona hiawero, ano he hita e tawhiria ana e ia: powhiwhiwhi tonu nga uaua o tona huha.
18 Its bones are like bronze tubes; its limbs like iron rods.
Ko ona wheua, ano he korere parahi; ko ona rara, he poro rino.
19 It is the most important example of what God can do; only the one who made it can approach it with a sword.
Ko ia te tino mea nui o nga ara o te Atua: ko tona kaihanga anake hei whakapa i tana hoari ki a ia.
20 The hills produce food for it, and all the wild animals play there.
He pono ko nga maunga hei homai kai mana; kei reira ano e takaro ana nga kirehe katoa o te parae.
21 It lies under the lotus; it hides in the reeds of the marsh.
Ko tona takotoranga ko raro i nga rakau kouru nui, i te rake kakaho, i te repo.
22 The lotus covers it with shade; the willow trees of the valley surround it.
Hei taupoki mona te whakamarumaru o nga rakau kouru nui, kei tetahi taha ona, kei tetahi taha, nga wirou o te awa.
23 Even if the river is in flood, it is not concerned; it remains calm when the Jordan river surges against it.
Nana, ki te aki mai te waipuke, e kore ia e tuiri; u tonu tona whakaaro, ahakoa kokiri noa mai a Horano ki tona mangai.
24 No one can catch it while it is watching, or pierce its nose with a noose.
E hopukia ranei ia e tetahi i a ia e mataara ana, e poka ranei i tona ihu ki te rore, puta noa?

< Job 40 >