< Job 39 >

1 Do you know when the wild goats give birth? Have you watched the birth-pains of the deer?
Sen taghdiki yawa öchkilerning qachan tughidighanliqini bilemsen? Jerenlerning balilighanliqini közitip baqqanmusen?
2 Do you know how many months they carry their young? Do you know the time when they give birth?
Ularning boghaz bolghili nechche ay bolghanliqini saniyalamsen? Ularning balilaydighan waqtidin xewiring barmu?
3 They crouch down in labor to deliver their offspring.
Ular qeddini püküp, yétip balilirini tughidu, Ular özidiki tolghaqni chiqirip tashlaydu;
4 Their young grow strong in the open countryside; they leave and never return.
Ularning baliliri küchlinip yétilidu, Ular dalada ösüp, [anisining] yénidin chiqip qaytip kelmeydu.
5 Who gave the wild donkey its freedom? Who set it free from its bonds?
Yawa éshekni dalagha qoyuwétip erkinlikke chiqarghan kim? Shash éshekning noxtilirini yéshiwetken kim?
6 I have given it the wilderness as its home, the salt plains as a place to live.
Chöl-bayawanni uning öyi qilghanmen, Shorluqnimu uning turalghusi qilghanmen.
7 It despises the noise of the city; it doesn't need to listen to the shouts of a driver.
U sheherning qiyqas-sürenliridin yiraq turup uni mazaq qilidu; U éshekchining warqirishinimu anglimaydu.
8 It hunts in the mountains for pastureland, searching for all kinds of green plants to eat.
U taghlarni öz yayliqim dep kézidu, Shu yerdiki hemme gül-giyahni izdep yüridu.
9 Is the wild ox willing to serve you? Will it spend the night at your manger?
Yawa kala bolsa xizmitingge kirishke razi bolamdu? Séning oqurungning yénida turushqa unamdu?
10 Can you tie a wild ox to a plow? Can you make it till your fields for you?
Yawa kalini tana bilen baghlap, tapqa chüshürelemsen?! U sanga egiship jilghilarda méngip tirna tartamdu?
11 Because it's so powerful can you trust it? Can you depend on it to do your heavy work for you?
Uning küchi zor bolghanliqi üchün uninggha tayinamsen? Emgikingni uninggha amanet qilamsen?
12 Are you sure it will gather your grain and bring it to your threshing floor?
Danliringni öyge kötürüp ekilishni uninggha tapshuramsen? «[Danlirimni] xaminimgha yighishturidu» dep uninggha ishenemsen?
13 The ostrich proudly flaps her wings, but they are nothing like the flight feathers of the stork.
Tögiqush qanatlirini shadliq bilen qaqidu, Biraq bular leylekning qanat uchliri hem peylirige yétemdu?
14 The ostrich abandons her eggs on the ground, leaving them to be warmed in the dust.
U tuxumlirini yerge tashlap qoyidu, Tuxumlirim topida issitilsun, deydu.
15 She doesn't think that they can be crushed underfoot, trampled by a wild animal.
Ularning tasadipiy dessilip yanjilidighanliqini, Dalidiki birer haywanning asanla ularni dessep-cheyleydighanliqini untuydu.
16 She is tough towards her young, acting as if they didn't belong to her. She doesn't care that all her work was for nothing.
Balilirini özining emestek baghrini qattiq qilidu; Uning tughutining ejri bikargha kétidu, Biraq u pisent qilmighandek turidu.
17 For I, God, made her forget wisdom—she didn't get her share of intelligence.
Chünki Tengri uni kem eqil qilghan, Uninggha danaliqni bermigen.
18 But when she needs to, she can jump up and run, mocking a horse and its rider with her speed.
Halbuki, u yügürüsh aldida meydisini yuqirigha kötürginide, At hem atliqlarni kemsitip mazaq qilidu.
19 Did you give the horse its strength? Did you place a mane upon its neck?
Sen atqa küch béghishlighanmiding? Sen uning boynigha yelpünüp turidighan yaylini kiygüzgenmiding?
20 Did you make it able to jump like a locust? Its loud snorting is terrifying!
Sen uni heywetlik purqushliri bilen ademni qorqutidighan, Chéketkidek sekreydighan qilalamsen?
21 It paws at the ground, rearing up with power as it charges into battle.
U esheddiylik bilen yer tatilap-zoxchup, Öz küchidin shadlinip kétidu, Qoralliq qoshun bilen jeng qilishqa atlinidu.
22 It laughs at fear; it is not frightened at all.
U qorqunchqa nisbeten külüpla qoyidu, Héchnémidin qorqmaydu; Qilichning bisidin u yanmaydu.
23 The quiver full of arrows rattles against it; the spear and the javelin flash in the sunlight.
Oqdan, julaliq neyze, Görzimu uning yénida sharaqshiydu,
24 Shaking with rage it gallops across the ground; it cannot remain still when the trumpet sounds.
U yerni achchiq hem ghezep bilen yutuwétidu, [Jeng] kanayini bir anglapla hayajanlinip qin-qinigha patmay kétidu.
25 Whenever the trumpet calls, it is ready; he senses the sound of battle from far away, he hears the commanders shouting.
Kanaylarning awazi bilenla u: «Ayhay!» deydu, U jengni yiraqtin purap bolidu. U serkerdilerning towlashlirini, jengchilerning warqirashlirini xushalliq bilen anglaydu.
26 Is it through your wisdom that the hawk soars, spreading its wings towards the south?
Sar séning eqling bilen uchamdu, Qanatlirini jenubqa qarap kéremdu?
27 Do you command the eagle to fly high and make its nest in the summits of the mountains?
Bürküt buyruqung bilen yuqirigha perwaz qilip kötürülemdu, Uwisini yuqirigha salamdu?
28 It lives among the cliffs, and roosts on a remote rocky crag.
U qoram tashning üstide makanlishidu, U taghning choqqisigha qonidu, Tik qiyanimu turalghusi qilidu.
29 From there it spies its prey from far away, fixing its gaze on its victim. Its chicks eagerly swallow blood.
Shu yerdin u owni paylap bayqiwalidu, Közliri yiraq-yiraqlarni közitidu.
30 Where the carcasses are, that's where birds of prey are found.”
Uning baliliri qan shoraydu; Öltürülgenler nede bolsa, u shu yerde bolidu».

< Job 39 >