< Job 38 >

1 Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind,
Katahi a Ihowa ka whakahoki kupu ki a Hopa i roto i te tukauati, a ka mea,
2 “Who is this who questions my wisdom by talking so ignorantly?
Ko wai tenei e whakapouri nei i nga whakaaro ki nga kupu kahore ona matauranga?
3 Prepare yourself, be strong, for I am going to question you, and you must answer me.
Tena ra, whitikiria tou hope, whakatane; ka ui hoki ahau ki a koe, a mau e whakaatu mai ki ahau.
4 Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have such knowledge!
I hea koia koe i ahau e whakatakoto ana i te turanga o te whenua? Whakaaturia mai, ki te mea e mohio ana koe ki te whakaaro.
5 Who decided its dimensions? Don't you know? Who stretched out a measuring line?
Na wai i whakarite ona ruri? ki te mea e mohio ana koe: na wai hoki i whakamaro te aho ki runga?
6 What do its foundations rest upon? Who laid its cornerstone,
I whakaukia ona turanga ki runga ki te aha? Na wai hoki i whakatakoto tona kohatu kokonga;
7 when the stars of the morning sang together and all the angels shouted for joy.
I te mea i waiata ngatahi nga whetu o te ata, a i hamama nga tama katoa a te Atua i te koa?
8 Who laid down the boundaries of the sea when it was born?
Na wai hoki i tutaki te moana ki te tatau, i a ia e puta mai ana, me te mea e whanau mai ana i roto i te kopu?
9 Who clothed it with clouds, and wrapped it in a blanket of deep darkness?
I ahau ra i mea ai i te kapua hei kakahu mona, i te pouri kerekere hei takai mona.
10 I set its limits, marking its borders.
A whakapuakina ana e ahau taku tikanga mona, mea rawa ki nga tutaki, ki nga tatau,
11 I said, ‘You may come here, but no farther. Here is where your proud waves stop.’
Me taku ki atu ano, Ka taea mai e koe a konei, kati; hei konei ou ngaru whakakake mau ai?
12 During your lifetime, have you ever ordered the morning to begin?
Ko koe koia, i ou ra nei, te kaiwhakahau i te ata; nau ranei te puaotanga i mohio ai ki tona wahi;
13 Have you ever told the dawn where to appear that it might take hold of the corners of the earth and shake the wicked out?
Kia rurukutia e ia nga pito o te whenua, a ruperupea ake nga tangata kikino i roto?
14 The earth is changed like clay under a seal; its features stand out like a crumpled garment.
Kua whiti ke, kua pera ano me te paru i te hiri: tu ake ana nga mea katoa ano he kakahu:
15 The ‘light’ of the wicked is taken away from them; their acts of violence are stopped.
A e kaiponuhia ana to ratou marama ki te hunga kino, whati iho te ringa whakakake.
16 Have you entered the sources of the sea? Have you explored their hidden depths?
Kua tae atu ranei koe ki nga matapuna o te moana? Kua whakatakina haeretia ranei e koe te rire?
17 Have you been shown where the gates of death are? Have you seen the gates of utter darkness?
Kua whakapuaretia ranei ki a koe nga kuwaha o te mata? Kua kite ranei koe i nga kuwaha o te atarangi o te mate?
18 Do you know how far the earth extends? Tell me if you know all this!
Kua oti ranei te whakaaro e koe te whanuitanga o te whenua? Korero mai, ki te mea e mohiotia katoatia ana e koe.
19 In which direction does light live? Where does darkness dwell?
Kei hea te ara ki te nohoanga o te marama? Te pouri hoki, kei hea tona wahi?
20 Can you take them home? Do you know the way to where they live?
Kia kawea atu ai e koe ki tona rohe, a mohio iho koe ki nga huarahi ki tona whare?
21 Of course you know, because you were already born then! You've lived so long!
I mohio pea koe no te mea i whanau koe i taua wa, a he maha ou ra!
22 Have you been to where the snow is kept? Have you seen where the hail is held?
Kua tomo ranei koe ki nga takotoranga o te hukarere, kua kite ranei koe i nga takotoranga o te whatu,
23 I have stored them up for the time of trouble, for the day of war and battle.
I aku i rongoa ai mo te wa o te he, mo te ra o te tatauranga, o te pakanga?
24 Do you know the way to where light comes from, or to where the east wind blows over the earth?
Tena koa, te ara i marara atu ai te marama, i pakaru atu ai te marangai ki runga ki te whenua?
25 Who cuts a channel for the rain to flow? Who creates a path for the thunderbolt?
Na wai i wehe he awa mo te waipuke, he ara mo te uira o te whatitiri;
26 Who brings rain to an uninhabited land, to a desert where nobody lives,
Kia ua ai ki te whenua, ki te wahi kahore nei he tangata; ki te koraha, kahore nei o reira tangata;
27 to water a parched wasteland to make the green grass grow?
Hei whakamakona i te tuhea, i te ururua; hei mea kia pariri te tupu o te otaota hou?
28 Does the rain have a father? Who was the father of the dewdrops?
He matua tane ano ranei to te ua? I whanau ranei i a wai nga pata o te tomairangi?
29 Who was the mother of ice? Does the frost of the air have a mother?
I puta mai i roto i to wai kopu te huka tio? Ko te huka o te rangi, he whanau tena na wai?
30 Water turns into rock-hard ice; its surface freezes solid.
Me te mea he kohatu e huna ana i te wai; a whakatotoka ana te mata o te rire.
31 Can you tie together the stars of the Pleiades? Can you loosen the belt of the Orion constellation?
E taea ranei e koe te here te huihui o Matariki, e wewete ranei nga here o Tautoru?
32 Can you guide the stars of Mazzaroth at the right time? Can you direct the Great Bear constellation and its other stars?
E taea ranei e koe te arahi mai te Mataroto i tona wa, te taki mai ranei a Aketura ratou ko tana ropu?
33 Do you know the laws of the heavens? Can you apply them to the earth?
E mohio ana ranei koe ki nga tikanga o te rangi? Mau ranei e whai mana ai ki runga ki te whenua?
34 Can you shout to the clouds and command them to pour rain down on you?
E ara ranei i a koe tou reo ki nga kapua, kia nui ai nga wai hei taupoki i a koe?
35 Can you send out bolts of lightning and direct them, so that they can answer you saying, ‘Here we are’?
E taea ranei e koe nga uira te unga atu, e haere ai ratou, me ta ratou ki ano ki a koe, Tenei matou?
36 Who has placed wisdom inside people? Who has given understanding to the mind?
Na wai i whakanoho nga whakaaro nunui ki nga wahi o roto? Na wai i homai nga mahara ki te ngakau?
37 Who is clever enough to count the clouds? Who can turn heaven's water jars on their sides
Ko wai te mea whakaaro nui hei tatau i nga kapua? Ko wai hei tahoro i nga ipu o te rangi?
38 when the dust has baked into a solid mass?
Ina ka papatupu te puehu ano he mea whakarewa, a ka piri nga pokuru ki a ratou ano?
39 Can you hunt prey for the lion? Can you feed the lion cubs
Mau ranei e hopu he kai ma te raiona? Mau e nui ai he oranga mo nga kuao raiona,
40 as they crouch down in their dens and lie in wait in the bushes?
Ina tapapa iho ratou i o ratou nohoanga, ina noho i te piringa whanga ai?
41 Who provides food for the raven when its young cry out to God, weak from starvation?
Na wai i rite ai tana kai ma te raweni, ina tangi ana pi ki te Atua, ina kopikopiko ratou i te kore kai?

< Job 38 >