< Job 37 >

1 At this my heart trembles, beating rapidly within me!
因此我心戰兢, 從原處移動。
2 Listen carefully to God's thunderous voice that rumbles as he speaks.
聽啊,上帝轟轟的聲音 是他口中所發的響聲。
3 He sends it across the heaven; his lightning flashes to the ends of the earth.
他發響聲震遍天下, 發電光閃到地極。
4 Then comes the roar of thunder, his majestic voice holding nothing back when he speaks.
隨後人聽見有雷聲轟轟,大發威嚴, 雷電接連不斷。
5 God's thunderous voice is wonderful! We can't comprehend the great things he does!
上帝發出奇妙的雷聲; 他行大事,我們不能測透。
6 He tells the snow to fall and the rain to pour down on the earth.
他對雪說:要降在地上; 對大雨和暴雨也是這樣說。
7 By this he stops people working so that everyone can understand what he does.
他封住各人的手, 叫所造的萬人都曉得他的作為。
8 Even the animals take shelter and remain in their dens.
百獸進入穴中, 臥在洞內。
9 The south wind blows in storms, while the north wind blows in cold weather.
暴風出於南宮; 寒冷出於北方。
10 God's breath produces ice, freezing the surface of water solid.
上帝噓氣成冰; 寬闊之水也都凝結。
11 He fills the clouds with moisture; he scatters his lightning from them.
他使密雲盛滿水氣, 布散電光之雲;
12 They swirl around under his control; they move over all the earth as he commands.
這雲是藉他的指引游行旋轉, 得以在全地面上行他一切所吩咐的,
13 He does this to accomplish his will, either to discipline or to show his goodness.
或為責罰,或為潤地, 或為施行慈愛。
14 Listen to this, Job! Stop for a moment and consider the wonderful things God does.
約伯啊,你要留心聽, 要站立思想上帝奇妙的作為。
15 Do you know how God controls the clouds, or makes his lightning flash from them?
上帝如何吩咐這些, 如何使雲中的電光照耀,你知道嗎?
16 Do you know how clouds float in the sky—the wonderful work of him who knows everything.
雲彩如何浮於空中, 那知識全備者奇妙的作為,你知道嗎?
17 You know how your clothes drip with sweat when the south wind brings air that is hot and heavy.
南風使地寂靜, 你的衣服就如火熱,你知道嗎?
18 Can you hammer out the sky so it becomes like a molten mirror, as he does?
你豈能與上帝同鋪穹蒼嗎? 這穹蒼堅硬,如同鑄成的鏡子。
19 So why don't you teach us what to tell God? We cannot make our case because we are in the dark!
我們愚昧不能陳說; 請你指教我們該對他說甚麼話。
20 Should God be told that I want to speak? Anyone who wanted to would be destroyed!
人豈可說:我願與他說話? 豈有人自願滅亡嗎?
21 After all, we can't look at the sun when it blazes brightly in the sky, after the wind has cleared away the clouds.
現在有雲遮蔽,人不得見穹蒼的光亮; 但風吹過,天又發晴。
22 Out of the north God comes shining like gold, surrounded in awesome majesty.
金光出於北方, 在上帝那裏有可怕的威嚴。
23 We cannot approach the Almighty for he is far beyond us in power and justice, and doing right.
論到全能者,我們不能測度; 他大有能力,有公平和大義, 必不苦待人。
24 He does not act like a tyrant—no wonder people are in awe of him, though he does not value those who think they're wise.”
所以,人敬畏他; 凡自以為心中有智慧的人,他都不顧念。

< Job 37 >