< Job 33 >

1 Now listen to me, Job. Pay attention to everything I have to say.
“Kaakano ggwe Yobu, wuliriza ebigambo byange: ssaayo omwoyo ku byonna bye njogera.
2 Look, I'm about to speak; my mouth is ready to talk.
Laba nnaatera okwasamya akamwa kange, ebigambo byange bindi ku lulimi.
3 My words come from my upright heart; my lips speak sincerely of what I know.
Ebigambo byange biva mu mutima omulongoofu; olulimi lwange, mu bwesimbu, lwogera bye mmanyi.
4 The spirit of God made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.
Omwoyo wa Katonda ye yankola, era omukka gw’oyo Ayinzabyonna gumpa obulamu.
5 Answer me, if you can. Stand in front of me and prepare to defend yourself.
Onnyanukule nno bw’oba osobola, teekateeka ebigambo byo onjolekere.
6 Look, before God we are both the same. I was also made from a piece of clay.
Laba, nange ndi ggwe mu maaso ga Katonda. Nange nava mu bbumba.
7 See here, you don't need to be frightened of me. I won't be too hard on you.
Tobaako ky’otya, sijja kukunyigiriza.
8 You spoke in my hearing and I have listened to everything you had to say.
Ddala ddala oyogedde mpulira, ebigambo byennyini mbiwulidde ng’ogamba nti,
9 You say, ‘I'm clean, I've done nothing wrong; I'm pure, I have not sinned.
Ndi mulongoofu sirina kibi, siriiko musango so mu nze temuli butali butuukirivu.
10 See how God finds fault with me and treats me as his enemy.
Kyokka Katonda anteekako omusango, anfudde omulabe we.
11 He puts my feet in the stocks and watches everything I do.’
Asiba ebigere byange mu nvuba, antwala okuba omulabe we.
12 But look, you are wrong—let me explain. God is greater than any human being.
“Naye leka nkubuulire, mu kino toli mutuufu. Katonda asinga omuntu.
13 Why are you fighting against him, complaining that God isn't answering your questions?
Lwaki omwemulugunyiza nti, taddamu bigambo bya muntu yenna?
14 God speaks over and over again, but people don't notice.
Kubanga Katonda ayogerera mu ngeri emu, n’awalala n’ayogerera mu ngeri endala, wadde ng’omuntu tassaayo mwoyo.
15 Through dreams and visions in the night, when people fall into deep sleep, resting on their beds,
Mu kirooto mu kwolesebwa ekiro ng’otulo tungi tukutte abantu nga beebase ku bitanda byabwe,
16 God speaks to them with solemn warnings
aggula amatu g’abantu, n’abalabula n’ebyekango,
17 to turn them away from doing wrong and to stop them from becoming proud.
alyoke akyuse omuntu okumuggya mu bikolwa ebibi n’amalala,
18 He saves them from the grave and spares them from violent death.
aziyize emmeeme ye okukka mu bunnya, n’obulamu bwe buleme okuzikirira n’ekitala.
19 People are also disciplined on a bed of pain with constant aching in their bones.
“Omuntu ayinza okubonerezebwa, olumbe ne lumulumira ku kitanda kye, n’alumwa olutatadde mu magumba ge,
20 They have no desire to eat; they do not even want their favorite dishes.
obulamu bwe ne bwetamira ddala emmere, emmeeme ye n’ekyayira ddala ebyassava.
21 Their flesh wastes away to nothing; all that's left is skin and bones.
Omubiri gwe gugwako ku magumba, n’amagumba ge ne gafubutukayo gye gaali geekwese,
22 They are close to death; their lives approaching the executioner.
emmeeme ye n’esembera kumpi n’obunnya; obulamu bwe ne bulaga eri abo abaleeta okufa.
23 But if an angel appears, a mediator, one of God's thousands of angels, to tell someone the right way for them,
Singa wabaawo malayika ku ludda lwe, amuwolereza, omu ku lukumi, okubuulira omuntu ekigwanidde;
24 he will be gracious to them. He will say, ‘Save them from going down into the grave, for I have found a way to free them.’
yandimukwatiddwa ekisa n’amugamba nti, ‘Muwonye aleme kusuulibwa magombe, mmusasulidde omutango,’
25 Then their bodies will be renewed as if they were young again; they will be as strong as when they were in their prime.
omubiri gwe guzzibwa buggya ng’ogw’omwana omuwere, era guddayo ne gubeera nga bwe gwali mu nnaku ze ez’obuvubuka.
26 They will pray to God, and he will accept them; they come into God's presence with joy, and he will set things right for them.
Omuntu asaba Katonda, Katonda n’amukwatirwa ekisa. Alaba amaaso ga Katonda n’ajaguza n’essanyu, Katonda n’amuddiza nate ekifo kye eky’obutuukirivu.
27 They sing, and tell others, ‘I sinned, I distorted what is right, but it did not do me any good.
Awo omuntu n’akomawo eri abantu n’abagamba nti, Nayonoona, ne nkola ekyo ekitaali kirungi, naye ne sibonerezebwa nga bwe kyali kiŋŋwanidde.
28 He saved me from going down into the grave and I will live in the light.’
Yanunula emmeeme yange n’amponya okukka mu bunnya; kyenaava mbeera omulamu ne nsigala nga mpoomerwa ekitangaala.
29 Look, God does this time and again for people;
“Bw’atyo Katonda bw’akola omuntu emirundi ebiri oba esatu,
30 he saves them from the grave so they might see the light of life.
okuzza emmeeme ye ng’agiggya emagombe, ekitangaala eky’obulamu kimwakire.
31 Pay attention Job, and listen to me! Be quiet—let me speak!
“Yobu, weetegereze nnyo, ompulirize; siriikirira nkubuulire.
32 But if you have anything to say, then speak up.
Bw’oba ng’olina eky’okwogera kyonna, nziraamu; yogera kubanga njagala wejjeerere.
33 If not, listen to me. Keep quiet and I will teach you wisdom.”
Bwe kitaba kityo, mpuliriza; sirika nange nnaakuyigiriza amagezi.”

< Job 33 >