< Job 31 >

1 I vowed to myself never to look with desire at young women.
Vjeru uèinih sa oèima svojim, pa kako bih pogledao na djevojku?
2 What should people expect to receive from God? What reward should the Almighty on high give them?
Jer kakav je dio od Boga ozgo? i kakvo našljedstvo od svemoguæega s visine?
3 Isn't it disaster for the wicked and destruction for those who do wrong?
Nije li pogibao nevaljalome i èudo onima koji èine bezakonje?
4 Doesn't God see everything I do—even count every step I take?
Ne vidi li on putove moje, i sve korake moje ne broji li?
5 Have I lived a deceitful life? Have I been eager to tell lies?
Ako hodih s lažju ili ako pohitje noga moja na prijevaru,
6 No! Let God weigh me on the scales of his justice and let him discover my integrity.
Neka me izmjeri na mjerilima pravijem, i neka Bog pozna dobrotu moju.
7 If I have wandered from God's way, if I have let what I see become my desires, if there's any stain of sin on my hands,
Ako su koraci moji zašli s puta, i ako je za oèima mojim pošlo srce moje, i za ruke moje prionulo štogod,
8 then let someone else eat what I have sown, and all that I have grown be uprooted.
Neka ja sijem a drugi jede, i neka se iskorijene izdanci moji.
9 If a woman has seduced me, or if I have looked for an opportunity to sleep with my neighbor's wife,
Ako se zanijelo srce moje za kojom ženom, i ako sam vrebao na vratima bližnjega svojega,
10 then let my wife serve another, let other men sleep with her.
Neka drugomu melje žena moja, i neka se drugi nad njom povijaju.
11 For that would be wicked, a sin deserving punishment,
Jer je to grdilo i bezakonje za sudije.
12 for this sin is like a fire that leads to destruction, destroying everything I have.
Jer bi to bio oganj koji bi proždirao do uništenja, i svu bi moju ljetinu iskorijenio.
13 If I had refused to listen to my menservants or maidservants when they brought their complaints to me,
Ako nijesam htio doæi na sud sa slugom svojim ili sa sluškinjom svojom, kad bi se tužili na mene;
14 what would I do when God came to judge me? How would I reply if he investigated me?
Jer šta bih èinio kad bi se Bog podigao, i kad bi potražio, šta bih mu odgovorio?
15 Didn't the same God make all of us?
Koji je mene stvorio u utrobi, nije li stvorio i njega? nije li nas on isti sazdao u materici?
16 Have I refused to give the poor what they needed, or caused widows to despair?
Ako sam odbio siromasima želju njihovu, i oèi udovici zamutio,
17 Have I even eaten just a piece of bread by myself? Haven't I always shared my food with orphans?
I ako sam zalogaj svoj sam jeo a nije ga jela i sirota,
18 From when I was young I was a father to orphans and took care of widows.
Jer je od mladosti moje rasla sa mnom kao kod oca, i od utrobe matere svoje vodao sam je;
19 If ever I saw someone needing clothes, the poor without anything to wear,
Ako sam gledao koga gdje gine nemajuæi haljine, i siromaha gdje se nema èim pokriti,
20 they always thanked me for the wool clothing that kept them warm.
Ako me nijesu blagosiljala bedra njegova što se runom ovaca mojih utoplio,
21 If I raised my hand to hit an orphan, confident that if it came to court the judges would be on my side,
Ako sam izmahnuo rukom na sirotu, kad vidjeh na vratima pomoæ svoju,
22 then let my shoulder be pulled from its joint, my arm wrenched out of its socket.
Neka mi ispadne rame iz pleæa, i ruka moja neka se otkine od zgloba.
23 Since I'm terrified of what punishment God may have in store for me, and because of his majesty, I could never do this.
Jer sam se bojao pogibli od Boga, kojega velièanstvu ne bih odolio.
24 Have I put my trust in gold, calling fine gold, ‘My security’?
Ako sam polagao na zlato nadanje svoje, ili èistome zlatu govorio: uzdanico moja!
25 Have I delighted in being rich, happy at all my wealth I had gained?
Ako sam se veselio što mi je imanje veliko i što mnogo steèe ruka moja,
26 Have I looked at the sun shining so brilliantly or the moon moving in majesty across the sky
Ako sam gledao na sunce, kad sjaje, i na mjesec, kad ponosito hodi,
27 and been tempted to secretly worship them by kissing my hand to them in devotion?
I srce se moje potajno prevarilo i ruku moju poljubila usta moja,
28 This too would be a sin deserving punishment for it would mean I had denied God above.
I to bi bilo bezakonje za sudije, jer bih se odrekao Boga ozgo;
29 Have I ever been happy when disaster destroyed those who hated me, or celebrated when evil took them down?
Ako sam se radovao nesreæi nenavidnika svojega, i ako sam zaigrao kad ga je zlo zadesilo,
30 I have never allowed my mouth to sin by putting a curse on someone's life.
Jer ne dadoh jeziku svojemu da griješi tražeæi dušu njegovu s proklinjanjem;
31 Haven't my family asked, ‘Is there anyone who has not eaten as much as they wanted of his food?’
Ako ne govorahu domašnji moji: ko bi nam dao mesa njegova? ne možemo se ni najesti;
32 I have never let strangers sleep in the street; I have opened my doors to travelers.
Stranac nije noæivao na polju; vrata svoja otvorao sam putniku;
33 Have I concealed my sins from others, hiding my wrongdoing deep inside me?
Ako sam kao što èine ljudi tajio prijestupe svoje i krio svoje bezakonje u svojim njedrima,
34 Was I afraid of what everybody else would think, scared of the contempt families would show me, so that I kept quiet and didn't go outside?
Ako sam i mogao plašiti veliko mnoštvo, ipak od najmanjega u domu bijaše me strah; zato muèah i ne odlažah od vrata.
35 Why won't anyone listen to what I'm saying! I'm signing my name to endorse everything I've said. Let the Almighty answer me. Let my accuser write down what he is charging me with.
O da bih imao koga da me sasluša! Gle, želja je moja da mi svemoguæi odgovori i suparnik moj da mi napiše knjigu.
36 I would hold them up high; I would wear them on my head like a crown.
Nosio bih je na ramenu svom, vezao bih je sebi kao vijenac,
37 I would explain to him everything I'd done; I would hold my head high before him.
Broj koraka svojih kazao bih mu, kao knez pristupio bih k njemu.
38 If my land has cried out against me; if her furrows have wept over me;
Ako je na me vikala moja zemlja, i brazde njezine plakale,
39 if I have taken its crops without payment or if I have caused harm to the farmers;
Ako sam jeo roda njezina bez novaca i dosaðivao duši gospodara njezinijeh,
40 then let thorns grow instead of wheat, and weeds instead of barley.” The words of Job are ended.
Mjesto pšenice neka mi raða trnje, i mjesto jeèma kukolj. Svršiše se rijeèi Jovove.

< Job 31 >