< Job 29 >

1 Job went on speaking.
Yobu anapitiriza kuyankhula kwake:
2 “I wish I was back in the old days when God looked after me!
“Aa! Ndikanakhala momwe ndinalili miyezi yapitayi, masiku amene Mulungu ankandiyangʼanira,
3 His light shone above me and lit my way through the darkness.
pamene nyale yake inkandiwunikira ndipo ndi kuwunika kwakeko ine ndinkatha kuyenda mu mdima!
4 When I was young and strong, God was my friend and spoke to me in my home.
Ndithu, masiku amene ndinali pabwino kwambiri, pamene ubwenzi wa Mulungu unkabweretsa madalitso pa nyumba yanga,
5 The Almighty was still with me and I was surrounded with my children.
nthawi imene Wamphamvuzonse anali nane, ndipo ana anga anali atandizungulira mʼmbalimu,
6 My herds produced much milk, and oil flowed freely from my olive presses.
pamene popondapo ine panali patakhathamira mafuta a mkaka, ndipo pa thanthwe pamatuluka mitsinje ya mafuta a olivi.
7 I went out to the city gate and took my seat in the public square.
“Pamene ndinkapita pa chipata cha mzinda ndi kukhala pa mpando wanga pabwalo,
8 The young men saw me and moved out of the way; the elders would stand up for me.
anyamata amati akandiona ankapatuka ndipo anthu akuluakulu ankayimirira;
9 The leaders remained silent and covered their mouths with their hands.
atsogoleri ankakhala chete ndipo ankagwira pakamwa pawo;
10 The voices of the officials were hushed; they held their tongues in my presence.
anthu otchuka ankangoti duu, ndipo malilime awo anali atamatirira ku nkhama zawo.
11 Everyone who listened to me praised me; whoever saw me commended me,
Aliyense amene anamva za ine anayankhula zabwino zanga, ndipo iwo amene anandiona ankandiyamikira,
12 because I gave to the poor who called out to me and the orphans who had no one to help them.
chifukwa ndinkapulumutsa mʼmphawi wofuna chithandizo, ndiponso mwana wamasiye amene analibe aliyense womuthandiza.
13 Those who were about to die blessed me; I made the widow sing for joy.
Munthu amene anali pafupi kufa ankandidalitsa; ndinkasangalatsanso mkazi wamasiye.
14 Being true and acting right were what I wore for clothing.
Chilungamo chinali ngati chovala changa; chiweruzo cholungama ndiye chinali mkanjo ndi nduwira yanga.
15 I was like eyes for the blind and feet for the lame.
Ndinali ngati maso kwa anthu osapenya; ndinali ngati mapazi kwa anthu olumala.
16 I was like a father to the poor, and I defended the rights of strangers.
Ndinali ngati abambo kwa anthu aumphawi; ndinkayimira mlendo pa mlandu wake.
17 I broke the jaw of the wicked and made them drop their prey from their teeth.
Ndinkawononga mphamvu za anthu oyipa ndi kulanditsa amene anali atagwidwa.
18 I thought I would die at home, after many years.
“Ndinkaganiza kuti, ‘Ndidzafera mʼnyumba yanga, masiku a moyo wanga ali ochuluka ngati mchenga.
19 Like a tree my roots spread out to the water; the dew rests on my branches overnight.
Mizu yanga idzatambalalira ku madzi, ndipo mame adzakhala pa nthambi zanga usiku wonse.
20 Fresh honors were always being given to me; my strength was renewed like an unfailing bow.
Ulemerero wanga udzakhala wosaguga mwa ine, ndipo uta wanga udzakhala watsopano nthawi zonse mʼdzanja langa.’
21 People listened carefully to what I had to say; they kept quiet as they listened to my advice.
“Anthu ankamvetsera zimene ndinkanena mwachidwi, ankadikira atakhala chete kuti amve malangizo anga.
22 Once I had spoken they had nothing else to say; what I said was enough.
Ndikayankhula, iwo sankayankhulanso; mawu anga ankawagwira mtima.
23 They waited for me like people waiting for rain; their mouths wide open for the spring rain.
Ankayembekezera ine monga momwe amayembekezera mvula ndipo ankalandira mawu anga ngati mvula ya mʼmalimwe.
24 When I smiled at them they could hardly believe it; my approval meant all the world to them.
Ndikawasekerera, iwo sankatha kukhulupirira; kuwala kwa nkhope yanga chinali chinthu chamtengowapatali kwa iwowo.
25 I decided the way forward as their leader, living like a king among his soldiers, and when they were sad I comforted them.
Ndinkawasankhira njira yawo ndipo ndinkawatsogolera ngati mfumu; ndinkakhala ngati mfumu pakati pa gulu lake lankhondo; ndinali ngati msangalatsi pakati pa anthu olira.”

< Job 29 >