< Job 28 >
1 There are silver mines and places where gold is refined.
“Kuna machimbo ya fedha, na mahali dhahabu isafishwapo.
2 Iron is extracted from the earth and copper is smelted from its ore.
Chuma hupatikana ardhini, nayo shaba huyeyushwa kutoka mawe ya madini.
3 Miners take lamps into the darkness underground and search for ore as far as they can go in the shadows and the gloom.
Mwanadamu hukomesha giza; huyatafuta hadi sehemu iliyo mbali, kwa ajili ya kuchimbua mawe yenye madini katika giza jeusi sana.
4 They dig a mineshaft far from where people live or anyone ever goes. They swing from ropes that hang in the pits.
Huchimba shimo jembamba mbali na makao ya watu, mahali paliposahaulika na nyayo za wanadamu; mbali na wanadamu huningʼinia na kupembea kwa kamba.
5 Bread comes from the earth, but underneath it looks as if it has been turned upside-down by fire.
Ardhi, ambako chakula hutoka, chini hugeuzwa kwa moto;
6 Here the rocks contain lapis lazuli and the dust contains gold.
yakuti samawi hutoka katika miamba yake, nalo vumbi lake lina vipande vya dhahabu.
7 No birds of prey can see these paths, no falcon's eye can perceive.
Hakuna ndege awindaye aijuaye njia ile iliyofichika, wala hakuna jicho la mwewe lililoiona.
8 No wild beasts have passed that way; the lion has not walked there.
Wanyama wa porini wanaotamba hawajawahi kupakanyaga, wala simba azungukaye huko.
9 Miners attack the hard rock; they overturn the roots of mountains.
Mikono ya mwanadamu hushambulia miamba migumu sana, na kuiacha wazi mizizi ya milima.
10 They tunnel through the rock, looking carefully for every precious stone.
Hutoboa shimo refu la kupenya chini kwa chini kwenye miamba; macho yake huona hazina zake zote.
11 They dam the sources of the rivers, and bring to light what is hidden.
Hutafuta vyanzo vya mito na kuvileta vitu vilivyofichika katika nuru.
12 But where can wisdom be found? Where is the place to gain understanding?
“Lakini hekima inaweza kupatikana wapi? Ufahamu unakaa wapi?
13 Human beings do not know the way to wisdom; it is not found among the living.
Mwanadamu hatambui thamani yake; haiwezi kupatikana katika nchi ya walio hai.
14 The deep waters say, ‘It's not here,’ and the sea says, ‘It's not here either.’
Kilindi husema, ‘Haiko ndani yangu’; bahari nayo husema, ‘Haiko pamoja nami.’
15 It cannot be bought with gold; nor can it be purchased with silver.
Haiwezi kununuliwa kwa dhahabu safi kuliko zote, wala thamani yake haiwezi kupimwa kwa fedha.
16 Its value cannot be measured, even with the gold of Ophir; it is more precious than onyx or lapis lazuli.
Haiwezi kununuliwa kwa dhahabu ya Ofiri, kwa shohamu ya thamani kubwa au yakuti samawi ya thamani kubwa.
17 Gold or fine glass cannot compare with wisdom; it cannot be exchanged for gold jewelry.
Dhahabu wala mawe maangavu haviwezi kulinganishwa nayo, wala haiwezi hubadilishwa na vito vya dhahabu.
18 Coral and crystal are not worth mentioning; the price of wisdom is far above rubies.
Marijani na yaspi hazistahili kutajwa; thamani ya hekima ni zaidi ya akiki nyekundu.
19 Topaz from Ethiopia can't compare with it; it cannot be bought with the purest gold.
Yakuti manjano ipatikanayo Kushi haiwezi kulinganishwa nayo, wala haiwezi kununuliwa kwa dhahabu safi.
20 So where does wisdom come from? Where is the place to gain understanding?
“Ni wapi basi hekima itokako? Ufahamu hukaa wapi?
21 Wisdom is hidden from the sight of all living things, even the birds of the air cannot see it.
Imefichika machoni pa kila kitu kilicho hai, imesitiriwa hata kwa ndege wa angani.
22 Abaddon and Death say, ‘We've only heard a rumor of it.’
Uharibifu na Mauti husema, ‘Ni uvumi wake tu uliotufikia masikioni mwetu.’
23 Only God understands the path to wisdom; he knows where it is found.
Mungu anaifahamu njia ya kuiendea hekima na ndiye peke yake anayefahamu inakokaa,
24 For he looks to the very end of the earth; he sees everything under heaven.
kwa maana yeye huitazama miisho ya dunia na huona kila kitu chini ya mbingu.
25 He decided how strong the wind should blow, and regulated the waters.
Alipofanyiza nguvu za upepo na kuyapima maji,
26 He set a limit for the rain and made a path for the lightning.
alipofanya maagizo kwa ajili ya mvua na njia kwa ajili ya umeme wa radi,
27 Then he considered wisdom. He examined it, gave it his approval, and declared it good.
ndipo alipoitazama hekima na kuikadiria thamani yake, akaithibitisha na kuihakikisha.
28 He said to humankind, ‘To reverence the Lord is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.’”
Naye Mungu akamwambia mwanadamu, ‘Kumcha Bwana: hiyo ndiyo hekima, nako kujitenga na uovu ndio ufahamu.’”