< Job 27 >

1 Job began to speak again.
Ayup bayanini dawamlaxturup mundaⱪ dedi: —
2 “I promise you—as God lives, who has denied me justice, the Almighty, who has made my life bitter,
«Mening ⱨǝⱪⱪimni tartiwalƣan Tǝngrining ⱨayati bilǝn, Jenimni aƣritⱪan Ⱨǝmmigǝ Ⱪadirning ⱨǝⱪⱪi bilǝn ⱪǝsǝm ⱪilimǝnki,
3 for as long as I have life, while the breath of God remains in my nostrils—
Tenimdǝ nǝpǝs bolsila, Tǝngrining bǝrgǝn Roⱨi dimiƣimda tursila,
4 my lips will never speak lies, my tongue will never be dishonest.
Lǝwlirimdin ⱨǝⱪⱪaniysiz sɵzlǝr qiⱪmaydu, Tilim aldamqiliⱪ bilǝn ⱨeq xiwirlimaydu!
5 I will never agree that you are right; I will insist on my innocence until the day I die.
Silǝrningkini toƣra deyix mǝndin yiraⱪ tursun! Jenim qiⱪⱪanƣa ⱪǝdǝr durusluⱪumni ɵzümdin ayrimaymǝn!
6 I'm convinced I'm right and will never give up believing this; my conscience will not condemn me as long as I live.
Adilliⱪimni qing tutuwerimǝn, uni ⱪoyup bǝrmǝymǝn, Wijdanim yaxiƣan ⱨeqbir künümdǝ meni ǝyiblimisun!
7 May my enemy become like the wicked; may those who oppose me become like those who do evil.
Mening düxminim rǝzillǝrgǝ ohxax bolsun, Manga ⱪarxi qiⱪⱪanlar ⱨǝⱪⱪaniysiz dǝp ⱪaralsun.
8 For what hope do those who reject God have when he cuts them down, when God brings their lives to an end?
Qünki Tǝngri iplas adǝmni üzüp taxliƣanda, Uning jenini alƣanda, Uning yǝnǝ nemǝ ümidi ⱪalar?
9 When times of trouble come to them, will God hear their cry for help?
Balayi’apǝt uni besip qüxkǝndǝ, Tǝngri uning nalǝ-pǝryadini anglamdu?
10 Do they have a good relationship with the Almighty? Can they call on God at any time?
U Ⱨǝmmigǝ Ⱪadirdin sɵyünǝmdu? U ⱨǝrdaim Tǝngrigǝ iltija ⱪilalamdu?
11 Let me explain God's power to you. I will not keep anything back that the Almighty has planned.
Mǝn Tǝngrining ⱪolining ⱪilƣanliri toƣrisida silǝrgǝ mǝlumat berǝy; Ⱨǝmmigǝ Ⱪadirda nemǝ barliⱪini yoxurup yürmǝymǝn.
12 If all of you have recognized this, why do you talk such vain nonsense?
Mana silǝr alliburun bularni kɵrüp qiⱪtinglar; Silǝr nemixⱪa axundaⱪ pütünlǝy ⱪuruⱪ hiyalliⱪ bolup ⱪaldinglar?
13 This is what God provides as the destiny for the wicked, this is the inheritance that the ruthless will receive from the Almighty—
Rǝzil adǝmlǝrning Tǝngri bekitkǝn aⱪiwiti xundaⱪki, Zorawanlarning Ⱨǝmmigǝ Ⱪadirdin alidiƣan nesiwisi xundaⱪki: —
14 even if they have many children, they will experience violent deaths or die of starvation.
Uning baliliri kɵpǝysǝ, ⱪiliqlinix üqünla kɵpiyidu; Uning pǝrzǝntlirining neni yetixmǝydu.
15 Those who survive will die from disease, and even their widows will not mourn for them.
Uning ɵzidin keyin ⱪalƣan adǝmliri ɵlüm bilǝn biwasitǝ dǝpnǝ ⱪilinidu, Buning bilǝn ⱪalƣan tul hotunliri matǝm tutmaydu.
16 Even though they pile up silver like dust, and clothes like heaps of clay,
U kümüxlǝrni topa-qangdǝk yiƣip dɵwilisimu, Kiyim-keqǝklǝrni laydǝk kɵp yiƣsimu,
17 those who do good will wear the clothes and the innocent will divide the silver among them.
Bularning ⱨǝmmisini tǝyyarlisimu, Biraⱪ kiyimlǝrni ⱨǝⱪⱪaniylar kiyidu; Bigunaⱨlarmu kümüxlǝrni bɵlüxidu.
18 They build their houses like a moth; like some flimsy shelter made by a watchman.
Uning yasiƣan ɵyi pǝrwanining ƣozisidǝk, Üzümzarning kɵzǝtqisi ɵzigǝ salƣan kǝpidǝk box bolidu.
19 They go to bed rich, but never again! For when they wake up, it's all gone.
U bay bolup yetip dǝm alƣini bilǝn, Biraⱪ ǝng ahirⱪi ⱪetim keliduki, Kɵzini aqⱪanda, ǝmdi tügǝxtim dǝydu.
20 Waves of panic flood over them; in the night a whirlwind snatches them away.
Wǝⱨimilǝr kǝlkündǝk bexiƣa kelidu; Kǝqtǝ ⱪara ⱪuyun uni qanggiliƣa alidu.
21 The east wind picks them up and they're gone, carried away from where they were.
Xǝrⱪ xamili uni uqurup ketidu; Xiddǝt bilǝn uni ornidin elip yiraⱪⱪa etip taxlaydu.
22 The wind blows at them with full force; they try desperately to escape.
Boran uni ⱨeq ayimay, bexiƣa urulidu; U uning qanggilidin ⱪutulux üqün ⱨǝ dǝp urunidu;
23 People clap their hands at them and hiss at them wherever they are.
Biraⱪ [xamal] uningƣa ⱪarap qawak qalidu, Uni ornidin «ux-ux» ⱪilip ⱪoƣliwetidu».

< Job 27 >