< Job 24 >
1 Why doesn't the Almighty set a definite time to punish the wicked? Why don't those who follow him never see him act in judgment?
Hvorfor har ej den Almægtige opsparet Tider, hvi får de, som kender ham, ikke hans Dage at se?
2 The wicked move boundary stones; they seize other people's flocks and move them to their own pastures.
De onde flytter Markskel, ranede Hjorde har de på Græs.
3 They steal the orphan's donkey; they take the widow's ox as security for a debt.
faderløses Æsel fører de bort, tager Enkens Okse som Borgen:
4 They push the poor out of their way; the destitute are forced to hide from them.
de trænger de fattige af Vejen. Landets arme må alle skjule sig.
5 Like wild donkeys in the desert, the poor have to scavenge for their food, looking for anything to feed their children in the wasteland.
Som vilde Æsler i Ørkenen går de ud til deres Gerning søgende efter Næring; Steppen er Brød for Børnene.
6 They are forced to find what they can in other people's fields, to glean among the vineyards of the wicked.
De høster på Marken om Natten, i Rigmandens Vingård sanker de efter.
7 They spend the night naked because they have no clothes; they have nothing to cover themselves against the cold.
Om Natten ligger de nøgne, uden Klæder, uden Tæppe i Hulden.
8 They are soaked by the cold mountain storms, and huddle beside the rocks for shelter.
De vædes af Bjergenes Regnskyl, klamrer sig af Mangel på Ly til Klippen.
9 Fatherless children are snatched from their mother's breasts, taking the babies of the poor as security for a debt.
- Man river den faderløse fra Brystet, tager den armes Barn som Borgen.
10 Because they have no clothes to wear they have to go naked, harvesting sheaves of grain while they themselves are hungry.
Nøgne vandrer de, uden Klæder, sultne bærer de Neg;
11 In the olive groves they work to produce oil, but do not taste it; they tread the winepress, but are thirsty.
mellem Murene presser de Olie. de træder Persen og tørster.
12 In the city the dying groan, and the wounded cry for help, but God ignores their prayers.
De drives fra By og Hus, og Børnenes Hunger skriger. Men Gud, han ænser ej vrangt.
13 These are people who rebel against the light. They do not want to know its ways, or to stay on its paths.
Andre hører til Lysets Fjender, de kender ikke hans Veje og holder sig ej på hans Stier:
14 The murderer gets up at dawn to kill the poor and needy, and when night falls he becomes a thief.
Før det lysner, står Morderen op, han myrder arm og fattig; om Natten sniger Tyven sig om;
15 The adulterer waits for dusk, saying to himself, ‘No one will see me now,’ and he covers his face.
Horkarlens Øje lurer på Skumring, han tænker: "Intet Øje kan se mig!" og skjuler sit Ansigt under en Maske.
16 Thieves break into houses during the night and they sleep during the day. They don't even know what the light is like!
I Mørke bryder de ind i Huse, de lukker sig inde om Dagen, thi ingen af dem vil vide af Lys.
17 Total darkness is like light to them, for they are familiar with the night.
For dem er Mørket Morgen, thide er kendt med Mørkets Rædsler.
18 Like bubbles on the surface of a river they are quickly carried away. The land they own is cursed by God. They don't enter their own vineyards.
Over Vandfladen jages han hen, hans Arvelod i Landet forbandes, han færdes ikke på Vejen til Vingården.
19 Just as heat and drought dry up snowmelt, so Sheol takes away those who have sinned. (Sheol )
Som Tørke og Hede tager Snevand, så Dødsriget dem, der har syndet. (Sheol )
20 Even their mothers forget them, maggots feast on them, they are no longer remembered, and their wickedness becomes like a tree that is broken into pieces.
Han er glemt på sin Hjemstavns Torv, hans Storhed kommes ej mer i Hu, Uretten knækkes som Træet.
21 They mistreat childless women and are mean to widows.
Han var ond mod den golde, der ikke fødte, mod Enken gjorde han ikke vel;
22 God prolongs the life of the wicked by his power; but when they arise, they have no assurance of life.
dem, det gik skævt, rev han bort i sin Vælde. Han står op og er ikke tryg på sit Liv,
23 He supports them and gives them security, but he is always watching what they're doing.
han styrtes uden Håb og Støtte, og på hans Veje er idel Nød.
24 Though they may be illustrious for a while, soon they are gone. They are brought down like all others, cut off like the heads of grain.
Hans Storhed er stakket, så er han ej mer, han bøjes og skrumper ind som Melde og skæres af som Aksenes Top.
25 If this isn't so, who can prove I'm a liar and there's nothing to what I say?”
Og hvis ikke - hvo gør mig til Løgner, hvo gør mine Ord til intet?