< Job 23 >

1 Job replied,
Ipapo Jobho akapindura akati:
2 “Just the same, my complaints today remain bitter. In spite of my groaning he is still punishing me.
“Kunyange nanhasi ndinonyunyuta ndine shungu; ruoko rwake runondiremera kunyange ndiri pakugomera kwangu.
3 If only I knew where I could find him so I could go to where he sits in judgment.
Dai chete ndaiziva kwandingamuwana; dai chete ndaigona kuenda kwaanogara!
4 There I would lay out my case before him and present all my arguments in full.
Ndaitaura hangu mhaka yangu pamberi pake, uye ndaizadza muromo wangu nenharo.
5 I would discover how he would answer me and learn what he has to say to me.
Ndaizoziva hangu zvaaizondipindura, uye ndaizocherechedza zvaaizoreva.
6 Would he fight against me using his mighty power? No, he would pay attention to what I have to say.
Kuti aizondidzivisa nesimba guru here? Kwete, haaizondipomera mhaka.
7 There a good person could reason with him, and I would be acquitted forever by my judge.
Ipapo munhu akarurama aigona kuzotaura mhaka yake pamberi pake, uye ndaizosunungurwa kubva pamutongi wangu nokusingaperi.
8 If I go to the east, he's not there; if I go the west, I don't find him.
“Asi kana ndikaenda kumabvazuva, iye haako; kana ndikaenda kumavirira, handimuwani.
9 If he's working in the north, I don't perceive him; if he's moving south, I don't see him.
Paanenge ari pabasa nechokumusoro, handimuoni; paanotsaukira zasi, handikwanisi kumuona.
10 Yet he always knows where I'm going. When he has proved me, I will come out shining like gold.
Asi iye anoziva nzira yandinofamba nayo; kana apedza kundiedza, ndichabuda ndava segoridhe.
11 I have kept in step with him; I have followed his way without turning aside.
Tsoka dzangu dzakanyatsotevera paakatsika; ndakarambira panzira dzake ndisingambotsaukiri parutivi.
12 I have not neglected his commands, for I value what he has told me to do more than the food I eat every day.
Handina kumbobva pamirayiro yemiromo yake; ndakakoshesa mashoko omuromo wake kupfuura chingwa changu chamazuva ose.
13 But God is unchangeable—who can turn him from his purposes? He does whatever he wants to do.
“Asi iye anomira oga, uye ndiani angapikisana naye? Anoita zvaanoda.
14 So he will finish whatever he has planned for me—and he has many plans for me.
Anoita zvaakatema pamusoro pangu, uye urongwa huzhinji hwakadai achinahwo mudura rake.
15 That's why I'm terrified at meeting him; when I think of him I tremble with fear.
Ndokusaka ndichitya pamberi pake; pandinofunga nezvose izvi, ndomutya.
16 God has made me faint-hearted; the Almighty has scared me to death.
Mwari akaita kuti mwoyo wangu unete; Wamasimba Ose akandivhundutsa.
17 Yet I'm still here despite the dark—even though I can't see through the utter darkness.
Kunyange zvakadaro rima harina kuita kuti ndinyarare, iro rima guru rinofukidza chiso changu.

< Job 23 >