< Job 22 >

1 Then Eliphaz the Temanite responded and said,
Temani Eliphaz loh a doo tih,
2 “How can anyone be of help to God? Even wise people are only helpful to themselves.
Pathen te hlang loh s hmaiben a? Lungming khaw amah la dawk a hmaiben uh.
3 Is it any benefit to the Almighty if you're a good person? What does he gain if you do what's right?
Na tang mai tih na mueluemnah mai akhaw, na khoboe soep cakhaw tlungthang hamla naep aya?
4 Does he correct you and bring charges against you because of your reverence?
Na hinyahnah dongah nang te laitloeknah neh n'khuen tih nang n'tluung a?
5 No: it's because you're so wicked! Your sins are never-ending!
Na boethae tangkik pawt nim? Nang kah thaesainah te a bawtnah om pawh.
6 For no reason at all you took your brother's clothing as a security for a debt, and left them stripped naked.
Lunglilungla la na manuca na laikoi tih pumtling kah himbai te na pit pah.
7 You refused water to the thirsty; you denied food to the hungry.
Buhmueh rhathih te tui na tul pawt tih bungpong te buh na hloh pah.
8 Is it because the land belongs to the powerful, and only the privileged have a right to live there?
Bantha aka khueh hlang loh amah hamla khohmuen a khueh tih a sokah khosa mikhmuh ah a dangrhoek.
9 You have sent widows away empty-handed; you have crushed the outstretched arms of orphans, begging for help.
Nuhmai te kuttling la na tueih tih cadah te a ban na phop pah.
10 That's why you're surrounded by traps to catch you, and why you suddenly panic in terror.
Na kaepvai kah pael dongah he khaw na birhihnah neh buengrhuet na let.
11 That's why it's so dark you cannot see, and why you feel like you're drowning.
A hmuep khaw na hmu pawt tih tuili tui loh nang n'khuk.
12 Doesn't God live in highest heaven and looks down on even the highest stars?
Pathen tah vaan sang kah moenih a? So lah, aisi rhoek kah a lu tah pomsang uh te.
13 But you ask, ‘What does God know? How can he see and judge what happens in down here in darkness?
Te lalah, “Pathen te metlam a mingpha? Yinnah lamloh lai a tloek a?
14 Thick clouds cover him so he can't see anything as he walks around in heaven.’
Anih te khomai loh a huep tih tueng pawh. Te vaengah vaan kah kueluek dongah cet,” na ti.
15 Why do you insist on following the traditional thinking of the wicked?
Boethae hlang rhoek loh a cawt khosuen caehlong nim na ngaithuen salah?
16 They were taken before their time; all they had built was washed away.
A tonga uh vaengah a tue pawt ah khaw tuiva loh amih kah khoengim te a hawt pah.
17 They had told God, ‘Get lost! What can the Almighty do to us?’
“Pathen te mamih taeng lamloh nong saeh, Tlungthang loh mamih taengah balae a saii eh?” a ti uh.
18 And yet he was the one who had filled their homes with good things—but I don't accept their way of thinking.
Amah loh amih im te hnothen a cung sak sitoe cakhaw halang kah cilsuep tah kai lamloh lakhla saeh.
19 Those who do right rejoice when they see the destruction of the wicked, and the innocent mock them,
Aka dueng rhoek loh a hmuh vaengah a kohoe uh tih ommongsitoe loh amih te a tamdaeng.
20 saying, ‘Our enemies are destroyed, and fire has burned up all that's left of them.’
Mamih kah thinnaeh a thup vetih amih kah a coih te hmai loh hlawp het pawt nim?
21 Come back to God and be reconciled to him, and you'll be prosperous again.
Amah neh hmaiben lamtah te nen te thuung laeh. Nang taengah hnothen ha pawk bitni.
22 Listen to what he tells you and keep his words in mind.
A ka lamkah olkhueng mah doe laeh, a ol te khaw na thinko khuiah khueh laeh.
23 If you return to God you will be restored. If you renounce your sinful life
Tlungthang taengla na mael atah n'thoh bitni dumlai mah na dap lamloh lakhla sak.
24 and give up your love of money and desire for possessions,
Pasing te laipi bangla, Ophir te soklong kah lungpang bangla khueh ngawn.
25 then the Almighty will be your gold and your precious silver.
Te vaengah na pasing te tlungthang la, cak te na ki la poeh bitni.
26 Then you will find delight in the Almighty, and be able to face him without feeling ashamed.
Te daengah ni Tlungthang dongah na ngailaem vetih Pathen taengla na maelhmai na dangrhoek bitni.
27 You will pray to him, and he will hear you, and you will keep your promises to him.
A taengah na thangthui vaengah nang ol a yaak vetih na olcaeng khaw cung ni.
28 Whatever you decide to do will be successful, and wherever you go, light will shine on you.
Olkhueh te na tuiphih vaengah nang hamla thoo vetih na longpuei ah vangnah loh a tue ni.
29 When others are humbled, and you say, ‘please help them,’ God will save them.
A kunyun uh vaengah koevoeinah na thui dae tlahoei mik ni a khang eh.
30 God saves those who are innocent, and you will be saved if you do what is right.”
Ommongsitoe pawt khaw loeih vetih na kut kah cimcaihnah loh a loeih sak ni,” a ti.

< Job 22 >