< Job 21 >

1 Job replied,
Awo Yobu n’addamu n’ayogera nti,
2 “Please listen carefully to what I say—that would be one comfort you could give me.
“Muwulirize n’obwegendereza ebigambo byange, era kino kibazzeemu amaanyi.
3 Bear with me; let me speak. After I've spoken you can resume mocking me.
Mungumiikirizeeko nga njogera, oluvannyuma museke.
4 Am I complaining against people? Of course not. Why shouldn't I be impatient?
“Okwemulugunya kwange nkw’olekezza muntu? Lwaki okugumiikiriza tekunzigwako?
5 Just take a look at me. Aren't you appalled? Cover your mouth with your hand in shock!
Muntunuulire mwewuunye, mujja kukwata ne ku mumwa.
6 Every time I think of what's happened to me I am horrified and I shake all over with fear.
Bwe ndowooza ku kino, nfuna entiisa; omubiri gwange ne gukankana.
7 Why do the wicked continue to live, to grow old and increasingly powerful?
Lwaki abakozi b’ebibi bawangaala, ne bakaddiwa ne beeyongera n’amaanyi?
8 Their children are with them; they watch their grandchildren grow up.
Balaba abaana baabwe bwe banywezebbwa, ezzadde lyabwe nga balaba.
9 They live in their homes in safety—they are not afraid. God does not use his rod to beat them.
Amaka gaabwe gaba n’emirembe nga temuli kutya; omuggo gwa Katonda tegubabeerako.
10 Their bulls always breed successfully; their cows give birth to calves and do not miscarry.
Ennume zaabwe teziremererwa, ente zaabwe enkazi zizaala awatali kusowola mwana gwazo.
11 They send out their little ones like lambs to play; their children dance around.
Abaana baabwe bagendera wamu nga kisibo; obuto ne bubeera mu kuzina.
12 They sing accompanied by the tambourine and lyre; they celebrate with the music of the flute.
Bayimbira ku bitaasa n’ennanga, ne basanyukira eddoboozi ly’omulere.
13 They live out their lives contentedly, and go down to Sheol in peace. (Sheol h7585)
Emyaka gyabwe gyonna babeera bulungi, mangwago ne bakka mu ntaana. (Sheol h7585)
14 Yet they tell God, ‘Get lost! We don't want anything to do with you.
Kyokka bagamba Katonda nti, ‘Tulekere emirembe gyaffe! Tetwegomba kumanya makubo go.
15 Who does the Almighty think he is for us to serve him as slaves? What benefit is there for us if we pray to him?’
Ayinzabyonna ye ani tulyoke tumuweereze? Kiki kye tuganyulwa bwe tumusaba?’
16 Such people believe they make their own fortune, but I don't accept their way of thinking.
Naye obugagga bwabwe tebuli mu mikono gyabwe, noolwekyo amagezi g’abakozi b’ebibi ganneewunyisa.
17 How often is the lamp of the wicked snuffed out? How often does disaster come upon them? How often does God punish the wicked in his anger?
“Ettaala y’abakozi b’ebibi yo, ezikira emirundi emeka? Ennaku ebajjira emirundi emeka? Katonda abatuusaako obulumi, ng’abasunguwalidde.
18 Are they blown along like straw in the wind? Does a tornado come in and carry them away?
Bali ng’ebisasiro ebitwaalibwa empewo; ng’ebisusunku embuyaga bye zitwala.
19 Some say, ‘God saves up people's punishment for their children.’ But I say, ‘God should punish those people themselves so that they can learn from it.’
Katonda abonereza abaana olw’ekibi kya bakitaabwe. Asasule omuntu yennyini oyo alyoke ategeere!
20 Let them see their destruction themselves, and drink deeply from God's anger.
Leka amaaso ge ye yennyini galabe okuzikirira; leka anywe ku kiruyi kya Ayinzabyonna.
21 For they don't care what happens to their families once they're dead.
Kubanga aba afaayo ki ku maka g’aba alese, nga emyezi gye egyamutegekerwa giweddeko?
22 Can anyone teach God anything he doesn't already know, since he is the one who judges even heavenly beings?
“Eriyo ayinza okuyigiriza Katonda amagezi, kubanga asalira omusango n’abo abasinga okuba aba waggulu?
23 One person dies in good health, totally comfortable and secure.
Omusajja omu afiira w’abeerera ow’amaanyi, nga munywevu ddala ali mu mirembe gye,
24 Their body is fat from eating well; their bones still strong.
omubiri gwe nga guliisiddwa bulungi, amagumba ge nga gajjudde obusomyo.
25 Another dies after a miserable life without every experiencing happiness.
Omusajja omulala n’afa ng’alina obulumi ku mutima, nga teyafuna kintu kyonna kirungi.
26 Yet they are both buried in the same dust; they are treated alike in death, eaten by maggots.
Ne beebaka kye kimu mu ttaka, envunyu ne zibabikka bombi.
27 Look, I know what you're thinking, and your schemes to do me wrong.
“Mmanyi bulungi ddala kye mulowooza, enkwe ze mwagala okunsalira.
28 You may ask me, ‘Where is the home of the great man? Where is the place where the wicked live?’
Mugamba nti, ‘Kaakano eruwa ennyumba y’omusajja ow’amaanyi, eweema abasajja abakozi b’ebibi mwe baabeeranga?’
29 Haven't you asked people who travel? Don't you pay attention to what they tell you?
Temwebuuzanga ku abo abatambula eŋŋendo? Temukkiriza bye babagamba,
30 Wicked people are spared in times of disaster; they are rescued from the day of judgment.
nti omusajja omukozi w’ebibi awona ku lunaku olw’emitawaana, era awona ku lunaku olw’ekiruyi?
31 Who confronts them with their actions? Who pays them back for what they have done?
Ani avumirira ebikolwa bye maaso ku maaso, ani amusasula ebyo by’akoze?
32 When they eventually die and are carried to the graveyard, their tomb is guarded. The earth of the grave softly covers them.
Atwalibwa ku ntaana, era amalaalo ge gakuumibwa.
33 Everyone attends their funeral service; a huge procession of people comes to pay their last respects.
Ettaka eriri mu lusenyi limuwoomera, abantu bonna bamugoberera, n’abalala abatamanyiddwa muwendo ne bamukulembera.
34 Why do you try to comfort me with worthless nonsense? Your answers are just a pack of lies!”
“Kaakano musobola mutya okuŋŋumya n’ebitaliimu? Tewali kisigaddeyo ku bye mwanzizeemu wabula obulimba!”

< Job 21 >