< Job 17 >
1 My spirit is crushed; my life is extinguished; the grave is ready for me.
“Umoya wami udabukile, insuku zami ziqunyiwe, ithuna lingimelele.
2 Mockers surround me. I see how bitterly they ridicule me.
Impela abaklolodayo bangihanqile; amehlo ami asehlezi elinde ulaka lwabo.
3 God, you need to put down a pledge for me with yourself, for who else will be my guarantor?
Ngipha, Oh Nkulunkulu, lesosibambiso osifunayo. Kambe ngubani omunye ongangenzela lesosibambiso na?
4 You have closed their minds to understanding, so do not let them win!
Usuzivalile ingqondo zabo kabasazwisisi; ngakho kawuzukubayekela bagiye.
5 They betray friends to gain benefit for themselves and their children suffer for it.
Nxa umuntu angaphika umngane wakhe ukuze ahlawulwe, amehlo abantwabakhe azafiphala.
6 He has made me a proverb of ridicule among the people; they spit in my face.
UNkulunkulu usengenze ngaba yisiga ebantwini bonke, umuntu okhafulelwa ngabanye emehlweni.
7 My eyes are worn out from crying and my body is a shadow of its former self.
Amehlo ami asethundubele ngosizi; umdumbu wami wonke usuyisithunzi nje.
8 People who think they are good are shocked to see me. Those who are innocent are troubled by the godless.
Abantu abaqotho kuyabanenga lokhu; abangelacala bayacaphuka ngabangakholwayo.
9 Those who are right keep going, and those whose hands are clean grow stronger and stronger.
Kungenani, abalungileyo bazabambelela ezindleleni zabo, kuthi labo abalezandla ezihlanzekileyo baqine.
10 Why don't you come back and repeat again what you've been saying?—yet I still won't find a wise man among you!
Kodwa khathesi lina lonke ake lizame futhi! Kangiboni loyedwa ohlakaniphileyo kini.
11 My life is over. My plans are gone. My heart is broken.
Sezidlule insuku zami, amacebo ami asedilikile, kunjalo lezifiso zenhliziyo yami.
12 They turn night into day, and say that daylight is close to darkness.
Lababantu bathatha ubusuku njengemini; bathi bebona ubumnyama bathi, ‘Ukukhanya sekusondele.’
13 What am I looking for? To make my home in Sheol, to make my bed in darkness? (Sheol )
Nxa ikhaya engilithembileyo lilingcwaba kuphela, nxa ngisendlala umbheda wami emnyameni, (Sheol )
14 Should I call the grave my father, and the maggot my mother or my sister?
nxa ngisithi ekuboleni, ‘Baba,’ ngithi empethwini, ‘Mama’ kumbe ‘Dadewethu,’
15 So then where is my hope? Can anyone see any hope for me?
pho lingaphi ithemba lami na? Ngubani ongabona ithemba ngami?
16 Will hope go down with me to the gates of Sheol? Will we go down together into the dust?” (Sheol )
Kuzakwehlela emasangweni okufa na? Sizakwehlela ndawonye othulini na?” (Sheol )