< Job 15 >

1 Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered and said,
2 “Would a wise man answer with such empty ‘knowledge’ that is just a lot of hot air?
3 He wouldn't argue with unprofitable speeches using words that do no good.
4 But you are doing away with the fear of God, and destroying communion with him.
まことに汝は神を畏るる事を棄て その前に祷ることを止む
5 It's your sins that are doing the talking, and you are choosing deceptive words.
なんぢの罪なんぢの口を敎ふ 汝はみづから擇びて狡猾人の舌を用ふ
6 Your own mouth is condemning you, not me; your own lips are testifying against you.
なんぢの口みづから汝の罪を定む 我には非ず汝の唇なんぢの惡きを證す
7 Were you the very first person to be born? Were you born before the hills were created?
汝あに最初に世に生れたる人ならんや 山よりも前に出來しならんや
8 Were you there listening in God's council? Does wisdom only belong to you?
神の御謀議を聞しならんや 智慧を獨にて藏めをらんや
9 What do you know that we don't? What do you understand that we don't?
なんぢが知る所は我らも知ざらんや 汝が曉るところは我らの心にも在ざらんや
10 We have among us old, gray-haired people much older than your father!
11 Are the comforts God provides too little for you? Are God's gentle words not enough for you?
12 Why do you let yourself be carried away by your emotions?
なんぢ何ぞかく心狂ふや 何ぞかく目をしばたたくや
13 Why do your eyes flash in anger that you turn against God and let yourself speak this way?
なんぢ是のごとく神に對ひて氣をいらだて 斯る言詞をなんぢの口よりいだすは如何ぞや
14 Who can say they are clean? Which human being can say that they do what is right?
人は如何なる者ぞ 如何してか潔からん 婦の產し者は如何なる者ぞ 如何してか義からん
15 Look, God doesn't even trust his angels—even the heavenly beings are not pure in his sight!
それ神はその聖者にすら信を置たまはず 諸の天もその目の前には潔からざるなり
16 How much less pure are those who are unclean and corrupt, drinking in sin like water!
17 If you are ready to listen to me, I will show you. I will explain my insights.
我なんぢに語る所あらん 聽よ 我見たる所を述ん
18 This is what wise men have said, confirmed by their ancestors,
19 those who to whom alone the land was given before foreigners ever were there.
20 The wicked writhe in pain all their lives, through all the years these oppressors survive.
惡き人はその生る日の間つねに悶へ苦しむ 強暴人の年は數へて定めおかる
21 Terrifying sounds fill their ears; even when they think they're safe, the destroyer will attack them.
22 They don't believe they will escape the darkness—they know a sword is waiting for them.
彼は幽暗を出得るとは信ぜず 目ざされて劒に付さる
23 They wander around looking for food, asking ‘Where is it?’ They know that their day of darkness is close at hand.
彼食物は何處にありやと言つつ尋ねありき 黑暗日の備へられて己の側にあるを知る
24 Misery and torment overwhelm them like a king preparing for battle.
患難と苦痛とはかれを懼れしめ 戰鬪の準備をなせる王のごとくして彼に打勝ん
25 They shake their fists in God's face, defiantly challenging the Almighty,
彼は手を伸て神に敵し 傲りて全能者に悖り
26 insolently attacking him with their shields.
頸を強くし 厚き楯の面を向て之に馳かかり
27 They have become fat in their rebellion, their bellies bloated with fat.
面に肉を滿せ 腰に脂を凝し
28 But their cities will become desolate; they will live in abandoned houses that are crumbling into ruins.
荒されたる邑々に住居を設けて人の住べからざる家 石堆となるべき所に居る
29 They will lose their riches, their wealth will not endure, their possessions will not spread over the earth.
是故に彼は富ず その貨物は永く保たず その所有物は地に蔓延ず
30 They will not escape from the darkness. Like a tree whose shoots are burned up in a forest fire, the breath of God will blow him away.
また自己は黑暗を出づるに至らず 火燄その枝葉を枯さん 而してその身は神の口の氣吹によりて亡ゆかん
31 They should not trust in things that are worthless, for their reward will be worthless.
彼は虚妄を恃みて自ら欺くべからず 其報は虚妄なるべければなり
32 This will be paid in full before their time has come. They are like tree branches that wither,
彼の日の來らざる先に其事成べし 彼の枝は緑ならじ
33 like vines that lose their unripe grapes, or olive trees that lose their flowers.
彼は葡萄の樹のその熟せざる果を振落すがごとく 橄欖の樹のその花を落すがごとくなるべし
34 For those who reject God are barren, and fire will burn up the homes of those who love bribes.
邪曲なる者の宗族は零落れ 賄賂の家は火に焚ん
35 They plan trouble and produce evil, giving birth to deception.”
彼等は惡念を孕み 虚妄を生み その胎にて詭計を調ふ

< Job 15 >