< Job 13 >
1 Look, I've seen all this with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears, and I understand it.
視よわが目これを盡く觀 わが耳これを聞て通逹れり
2 I know what you know. You're no better than me.
汝らが知るところは我もこれを知る 我は汝らに劣らず
3 But I would still like to speak to the Almighty: I want to prove myself to God!
然りと雖ども我は全能者に物言ん 我は神と論ぜんことをのぞむ
4 As for you, you cover things up by telling lies! You are all like doctors who can't heal anyone!
汝らは只謊言を造り設くる者 汝らは皆無用の醫師なり
5 I wish you would all be quiet! That would be the wisest thing for you to do.
願くは汝ら全く默せよ 然するは汝らの智慧なるべし
6 Listen to my argument and pay attention to what I have to say.
請ふわが論ずる所を聽き 我が唇にて辨爭ふ所を善く聽け
7 Do you think you can tell lies to defend God? Are you talking deceitfully on his behalf?
神のために汝ら惡き事を言や 又かれのために虚僞を述るや
8 Or are you wanting to show God favoritism? Are you going to argue God's case for him?
汝ら神の爲に偏るや またかれのために爭はんとするや
9 Will you be found to be doing good when God examines you? Can you fool him as if he's a human being?
神もし汝らを鑒察たまはば豈善らんや 汝等人を欺むくごとくに彼を欺むき得んや
10 No, he will definitely rebuke you if you secretly show him favoritism!
11 Isn't his majesty terrifying to you? Aren't you so afraid of him you're paralyzed?
その威光なんぢらを懼れしめざらんや 彼を懼るる畏懼なんぢらに臨まざらんや
12 Your sayings are as helpful as ashes; your arguments as weak as clay.
なんぢらの諭言は灰に譬ふべし なんぢらの城は土の城となる
13 Be quiet. Don't talk to me. Let me speak, come what may.
默して我にかかはらざれ 我言語んとす 何事にもあれ我に來らば來れ
14 I take responsibility for myself; I am ready to risk my life.
我なんぞ我肉をわが齒の間に置き わが生命をわが手に置かんや
15 Even though he kills me, I will hope in him. I am still going to defend my ways before him.
彼われを殺すとも我は彼に依賴まん 唯われは吾道を彼の前に明かにせんとす
16 By doing this I will be saved since no godless person could come before him.
彼また終に我救拯とならん 邪曲なる者は彼の前にいたること能はざればなり
17 Listen carefully to what I say, pay attention to my explanation.
なんぢら聽よ 我言を聽け我が述る所をなんぢらの耳に入しめよ
18 Look, I've prepared my case—I know I will be proved right.
視よ我すでに吾事を言竝べたり 必ず義しとせられんと自ら知る
19 Who wants to argue with me? If I'm proved wrong, I'm prepared to be quiet and die.
誰か能われと辨論ふ者あらん 若あらば我は口を緘て死ん
20 God, I have two requests, then I can face you.
惟われに二の事を爲たまはざれ 然ば我なんぢの面をさけて隱れじ
21 Stop beating me, and stop terrifying me.
なんぢの手を我より離したまへ 汝の威嚴をもて我を懼れしめたまはざれ
22 Then call, and I will answer. Or let me speak, and then answer me.
而して汝われを召たまへ 我こたへん 又われにも言はしめて汝われに答へたまへ
23 What are my sins and iniquities? Show me what have I done wrong; how have I rebelled against you?
我の愆われの罪いくばくなるや 我の背反と罪とを我に知しめたまへ
24 Why are you unfriendly towards me? Why do you treat me as your enemy?
25 Would you frighten a leaf blown by the wind or hunt down a piece of straw?
なんぢは吹廻さるる木の葉を威し 干あがりたる籾殼を追たまふや
26 For you write down bitter things against me and pay me back for the sins of my youth.
汝は我につきて苦き事等を書しるし 我をして我が幼稚時の罪を身に負しめ
27 You put my feet in the stocks. You keep an eye on every step I take. You even inspect my footprints!
わが足を足械にはめ 我すべての道を伺ひ 我足の周圍に限界をつけたまふ
28 I'm falling apart like something rotten, like moth-eaten clothes.
我は腐れたる者のごとくに朽ゆき 蠹に食るる衣服に等し