< Job 12 >
Então Job respondeu, e disse:
2 “You really think you're special people, don't you? Obviously when you die, wisdom will die with you!
Na verdade, que só vós sois o povo, e comvosco morrerá a sabedoria.
3 But I too have insights, and you're no better than me. Doesn't everyone know the things you've said?
Tambem eu tenho um coração como vós, e não vos sou inferior: e quem não sabe taes coisas como estas?
4 But my friends laugh at me because I called on God and he answered me: the innocent man who does right has become an object of derision.
Eu sou irrisão aos meus amigos; eu, que invoco a Deus, e elle me responde; o justo e o recto servem de irrisão.
5 People who are comfortable have contempt for those who are in trouble, ready to push over those who are already slipping.
Tocha desprezivel é na opinião do que está descançado, aquelle que está prompto a tropeçar com os pés.
6 Robbers live in peace, and those who make God angry live in safety, trusting their own strength as their ‘god.’
As tendas dos assoladores teem descanço, e os que provocam a Deus estão seguros; nas suas mãos Deus lhes põe tudo.
7 But if you ask the animals they will teach you, the birds in the sky will tell you;
Mas, pergunta agora ás bestas, e cada uma d'ellas t'o ensinará: e ás aves dos céus, e ellas t'o farão saber;
8 ask the earth and it will teach you, and the fishes in the sea will tell you.
Ou falla com a terra, e ella t'o ensinará: até os peixes do mar t'o contarão.
9 Which of all these doesn't know that the Lord has done this?
Quem não entende por todas estas coisas que a mão do Senhor faz isto?
10 He gives life to every living thing, life to all humankind.
Em cuja mão está a alma de tudo quanto vive, e o espirito de toda a carne humana.
11 The ear distinguishes words just like the palate distinguishes foods.
Porventura o ouvido não provará as palavras, como o paladar gosta as comidas?
12 Wisdom to distinguish belongs to the old, and the ability to rightly discriminate belongs to those with long experience.
Com os edosos está a sabedoria, e na longura de dias o entendimento.
13 God has wisdom and power, counsel and understanding belong to him.
Com elle está a sabedoria e a força: conselho e entendimento tem.
14 If he tears something down, nobody can rebuild it. If he imprisons someone, nobody can free them.
Eis que elle derriba, e não se reedificará: encerra o homem, e não se lhe abrirá.
15 If God holds back the waters, everything dries up; if he releases the waters, the earth floods.
Eis que elle retem as aguas, e se seccam; e as larga, e transtornam a terra.
16 He is mighty and victorious; both deceivers and those deceived are subject to him.
Com elle está a força e a sabedoria: seu é o errante e o que o faz errar.
17 He leads counselors away stripped of their wisdom, he makes judges into fools.
Aos conselheiros leva despojados, e aos juizes faz desvairar.
18 He removes the chains of office from kings and makes them wear loincloths.
Solta a atadura dos reis, e ata o cinto aos seus lombos.
19 He leads priests away stripped of their religious garments, he overthrows the powerful.
Aos principes leva despojados, aos poderosos transtorna.
20 He takes away the advice of trusted advisors, he removes the discernment of the elders.
Aos acreditados tira a falla, e toma o entendimento aos velhos.
21 He pours scorn upon princes and takes away power from the strong.
Derrama desprezo sobre os principes, e affrouxa o cinto dos violentos.
22 He reveals what is hidden in darkness, and brings into the light the shadow of death.
As profundezas das trevas manifesta, e a sombra da morte traz á luz.
23 He makes nations great and he destroys them; he expands nations and ruins them.
Multiplica as gentes e as faz perecer; espalha as gentes, e as guia.
24 He removes the understanding of rulers and makes them wander in the wilderness.
Tira o coração aos chefes das gentes da terra, e os faz vaguear pelos desertos, sem caminho.
25 They grope around in the dark without a light. He makes them stagger like drunk people.
Nas trevas andam ás apalpadelas, sem terem luz, e os faz desatinar como ebrios.