< Job 10 >

1 I hate my life! Let me speak freely about my complaints—I can't keep my bitterness to myself.
Kua hoha toku wairua ki toku ora; ka tukua e ahau taku tangi kia rere ana; ka korero ahau i te kikiwatanga o toku ngakau.
2 I will tell God, “Don't just condemn me—tell me what you have against me.
Ka mea ahau ki te Atua, Kaua ahau e whakahengia; whakakitea ki ahau te take i totohe ai koe ki ahau.
3 Do you enjoy accusing me? Why do you reject me, someone you made with your own hands, and yet smile on the scheming of the wicked?
He mea pai ranei ki a koe kia tukino koe, kia whakahawea ki te mahi a ou ringa, a kia whiti tou marama ki te whakaaro o te hunga kino?
4 Do you have human eyes? Do you see like human beings do?
He kanohi kikokiko ranei ou? he penei ranei tau titiro me ta te tangata titiro?
5 Is your life as short as mortal beings? Are your years as brief as those of humanity,
He rite ranei ou ra ki o te tangata ra? He rite ranei ou tau ki o te tangata ra?
6 that you have to examine my wrongs and investigate my sins?
I uiuia ai e koe toku kino, i rapua ai e koe toku hara?
7 Even though you know I'm not guilty, no one can save me from you.
Ahakoa e mohio ana ano koe ehara ahau i te mea he, kahore ano tetahi hei whakaora i roto i tou ringa?
8 You made me and shaped me with your own hands, and yet you destroy me.
Na ou ringa ahau i mahi, i hanga, he mea hono marie i tetahi taha, i tetahi taha; otiia e whakangaromia ana ahau e koe.
9 Remember that you shaped me like a piece of clay—are you now going to turn me back into dust?
Kia mahara ra, nau ahau i hanga, ano he paru; tera ranei koe e whakahoki ano i ahau ki te puehu?
10 You poured me out like milk, you curdled me like cheese.
He teka ianei he mea riringi ahau nau ano he waiu, meinga ana ahau e koe kia tetepe ano he tiihi?
11 You clothed me with skin and flesh; you wove my body together with bones and muscles.
Nau ahau i whakakakahu ki te kiri, ki te kikokiko, a nau ano ahau i hohou ki te wheua, ki te uaua.
12 You granted me life and showed me your kindness; you have taken great care of me.
Whakawhiwhi ana ahau e koe ki te ora, ki te atawhai, a he tirotirohanga mai nau i mau ai toku wairua.
13 But you kept these things hidden in your heart. I know your purpose was
Heoi huna ana ano enei mea e koe i roto i tou ngakau: e mohio ana hoki ahau kei a koe ano tenei.
14 to watch me, and if I sinned, then you would not forgive my wrongs.
Ki te hara ahau, ka matauria e koe; e kore ano koe e whakakahore ki toku he.
15 If I'm guilty I'm in trouble, if I'm innocent I can't hold my head high because I'm totally disgraced as I look at my sufferings.
Ki te he ahau, aue toku mate: ki te tika ahau, e kore tonu e ara toku mahunga; he ki hoki noku i te whakama me te titiro iho ki toku mate.
16 If I do hold my head high you hunt me down like a lion, showing how powerful you are in hurting me.
A ki te whakarewa ake toku mahunga i a ia, ka whaia ahau e koe ano he raiona; a ka whakakite ano koe i a koe, i tou miharo, ki ahau.
17 You repeat your arguments against me, you pour out more and more of your anger against me, you send fresh armies against me.
E whakahoutia ana e koe au kaiwhakaatu i oku he, e whakanuia ana hoki e koe tou riri ki ahau; ko nga putanga ketanga ko te whawhai hei pehi i ahau.
18 So why did you allow me to be born? I wish that I had died, and nobody had ever seen me!
He aha ra ahau i whakaputaina mai ai e koe i roto i te kopu? te hemo noa atu ai ahau, a kihai tetahi kanohi i kite i ahau.
19 It would have been better if I had never existed, taken straight from the womb to the grave.
Penei kua rite ahau, ano kua kahore noa iho; kua mauria atu ahau i te kopu ki te urupa.
20 I only have a few days left, so why don't you leave me alone so I can have a little peace
He teka ranei he torutoru oku ra? Kati ra, waiho ake koa ahau, kia ahua makoha ana i tenei wa iti,
21 before I go to where I shall never return from, the land of darkness and the shadow of death—
Keiwha haere, ahau ki te wahi e kore nei ahau e hoki mai, ki te whenua o te pouri, o te atarangi o te mata;
22 the land of total darkness where death's shadow lies, a place of chaos where light itself is darkness.”
Ki te whenua o te pouri kerekere, o te tino o te pouri; he whenua no te atarangi o te mate, kahore nei o reira tikanga, a ko tona marama, koia ano te pouri.

< Job 10 >