< Jeremiah 1 >

1 These are the words of Jeremiah son of Hilkiah, one of the priests living in Anathoth in the territory of Benjamin.
Benjamin kho Anathoth kah Khosoih Hilkiah capa Jeremiah kah ol;
2 The Lord's message came to Jeremiah beginning in the thirteenth year of the reign of Josiah, son of Amon, king of Judah,
Judah manghai Amon capa Josiah a manghai tue vaengkah kum hlai thum dongah anih taengah BOEIPA ol a om pah.
3 and on through the time of Jehoiakim, son of Josiah, king of Judah, up to the fifth month of the eleventh year of Zedekiah, son of Josiah, king of Judah, which was when the people of Jerusalem went into exile.
Judah manghai Josiah capa Jehoiakim tue neh Judah manghai Josiah capa Zedekiah kah kum hlai khat thok tih a hla nga dongkah Jerusalem a khum duela om pueng.
4 The Lord came and told me,
Te vaengah BOEIPA ol tah kai taengah om tih,
5 “I knew exactly who you would be before I created you in your mother's womb; I chose you before you were born to be a prophet to the nations.”
“Nang he bungko khuiah kan hlinsai khaw kan hlinsai hlan ah nang kan ming coeng. Bung khui lamkah na thoeng hlan ah nang kan ciim tih namtom rhoek ham tonghma la nang kang khueh coeng,” a ti.
6 “Oh no, Lord God!” I replied. “I really don't know how to speak in public because I'm still too young!”
Te vaengah, “Ya-oe ka Boeipa Yahovah aih khaw, kai camoe loh thui ham khaw ka ming moenih he,” ka ti nah.
7 “Don't say you're too young,” the Lord told me. “Go to everyone I send you to. Tell them everything I order you to say.
Tedae BOEIPA loh kai te, “Ka camoe,” ti boeh. Hlang boeih taengah nang kan tueih vanbangla cet lamtah nang kang uen te boeih thui.
8 Don't be afraid of them because I'll go with you and I'll look after you. This is the Lord's promise.”
Amih maelhmai te rhih boeh, nang huul hamla namah taengah kai ka om. BOEIPA kah olphong ni.
9 The Lord stretched out his hand, touched my mouth, and told me: “Look, I've put my words in your mouth.
BOEIPA loh a kut a yueng tih ka ka ham puei. Te phoeiah BOEIPA loh Kai taengah, “Na ka dongah ka ol kang khueh coeng he.
10 Today I've placed you over nations and kingdoms to pull up and tear down, to destroy and demolish, to build and plant.”
Tihnin namtom rhoek neh ram tom te phuk hamla, palet ham neh paltham sak ham, koengloeng ham, khoeng ham neh phung ham nang kan tuek he hmu laeh,” a ti.
11 The Lord's message came to me, asking, “Jeremiah, what can you see?” “I see a twig from an almond tree,” I answered.
Te phoeiah kai taengla BOEIPA ol ha om tih, “Jeremiah balae na hmuh,” a ti. Te dongah, “Noe kah a hlaeng ka hmuh,” ka ti nah.
12 “That's right, because I am watching to make sure what I say happens,” the Lord said.
Te dongah BOEIPA loh kai te, “Na hmuh te thuem, kai tah ka ol bangla saii ham ka hak thil,” a ti.
13 The Lord's message came to me again, asking, “What can you see?” “I see a pot that's boiling,” I answered, “and it's tipping in this direction from the north.”
BOEIPA ol te ka taengah koep om tih, “Balae na hmuh,” a ti. Te dongah, “Am aka tlawk te ka hmuh tih a rhai te tlangpuei hmai la mael,” ka ti nah.
14 Then the Lord told me, “Trouble brewing from the north will sweep out over everyone living in the country.
Te vaengah BOEIPA loh kai taengah, “Tlangpuei lamkah yoethaenah loh diklai khosa boeih te a phuh ni.
15 Watch out! I'm going to summon all the nations and kings of the north,” declares the Lord. “Each of these kings will come and set up their thrones right at the entrance of the gates of Jerusalem, and attack all its fortifications and all the towns in Judah.
Kai loh tlangpuei ram kah huiko boeih te BOEIPA kah olphong dongla ka khue coeng he. Ha pawk uh vaengah a ngolkhoel te Jerusalem vongka kah thohka neh a kaepvai kah vongtung boeih, Judah khopuei tomah te khaw rhip a hol thil uh ni.
16 I will carry out my sentence against the inhabitants for all their wickedness, because they abandoned me to burn incense to pagan gods, to worship idols they themselves made.
Amih te kamah kah laitloeknah ka thui pah ni. Amih kah boethae boeih neh kai n'hnoo uh tih pathen tloe rhoek taengah a phum uh. Te phoeiah amah kut dongkah bisai te a bawk uh.
17 You need to get yourself ready. You are going to stand before the people and tell them everything that I order you to say. Don't be scared by them, or I will scare you in front of them.
Nang tah na cinghen te yen lamtah pai laeh. Kai loh nang kang uen boeih te amih taengah thui pah. Amih mikhmuh ah rhihyawp boeh namah te amih mikhmuh ah kang rhihyawp sak ve.
18 Look! Today I have made you like a fortified city, a pillar of iron, a wall of bronze to stand against the whole country—against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests, and the people of the country.
Kai loh tihnin ah nang he hmuencak khopuei la, thi tung la, rhohum vongtung la Judah manghai rhoek kah khohmuen boeih, a mangpa rhoek, a khosoih rhoek, khohmuen kah pilnam taengah kang khueh coeng he.
19 They will fight against you but they won't defeat you, because I'll be there to rescue you,” declares the Lord.
Nang m'vathoh thil cakhaw nang te n'na uh mahpawh. Nang huul hamla nang taengah kamah ka om he BOEIPA kah olphong coeng ni,” a ti.

< Jeremiah 1 >