< Jeremiah 9 >

1 How I wish my head was a spring of water, and my eyes a fountain of tears! Then I would weep day and night over all my people who have been killed.
Aue, me he wai toku mahunga! me he puna roimata oku kanohi, kia tangihia ai e ahau nga tupapaku o te tamahine a taku iwi i te ao, i te po!
2 I wish I had a temporary shelter in the desert—I would give up on my people and leave them, because they're all adulterers, a bunch of traitors!
Aue, me he tihokahoka toku, he mea na te tira haere i te koraha! kia whakarerea ai e ahau taku iwi, kia mawehe ai i roto i a ratou, he hunga puremu katoa nei hoki ratou, he huihuinga no te hunga tinihanga.
3 Their words are like arrows shot from a bow. Lies win out over the truth throughout the country. They go from one evil thing to the next, forgetting all about me, declares the Lord.
Me te mea he kopere na ratou o ratou arero e whakapikoa ana hei korero teka: kua tupu kaha ake ratou i runga i te whenua, kahore ia mo te pono; engari e koni atu ana i te kino ki te kino, kahore hoki o ratou mohio ki ahau, e ai ta Ihowa.
4 Everyone, watch out for your friends! Don't even trust your brother! Every brother is deceitful, and every friend slanders other people.
Kia tupato i o koutou hoa, e tenei, e tenei, kaua e whakawhirinaki ki te tuakana, ki te teina: no te mea he maminga rawa ta nga tuakana, ta nga teina katoa; kei runga ano i te ngautuara te haere o nga hoa katoa.
5 Everyone betrays their friends; no one tells the truth. They've made themselves into expert liars; they tire themselves out doing wrong.
Ka tinihangatia e ratou tona hoa, tona hoa, kahore hoki he pono o te korero; kua whakaakona e ratou o ratou arero ki te korero teka; ruha noa ratou i te mahinga i te he.
6 Everyone exploits each other, and in all their lies they don't want to know me, declares the Lord.
Kei waenga tinihanga koe e noho ana: na te tinihanga ratou te pai ai ki te mohio ki ahau, e ai ta Ihowa.
7 So this is what the Lord Almighty says: Look, I'm going to test them and purify them like metal in a furnace. What else can I do because of what my people have done?
Heoi ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa o nga mano, Nana, ka whakarewa ahau i a ratou, ka whakamatau i a ratou; me pehea hoki ahau, ko te tamahine nei ia a taku iwi?
8 Their words are arrows that kill; they always tell lies. They're nice to their friends on the outside while plotting against them inside.
Ko te rite i to ratou arero kei te kopere whakamate; he korero tinihanga tana: he korero pai ta te mangai o tetahi ki tona hoa, kei roto ia i tona ngakau e whanga ana mona.
9 Shouldn't I punish them for all this? declares the Lord. Shouldn't I retaliate for what this nation has done?
E kore ianei ahau e whiu i a ratou mo enei mea? e ai ta Ihowa; e kore ianei toku wairua e rapu utu i te iwi penei?
10 I will weep and wail for the mountains, I will sing a funeral song over the pastures in the countryside, because they have been so badly burned that no one can pass through, and there are no cattle to make any noise. The birds have flown and the wild animals have run away.
He whakaaro ki nga maunga i ara ai taku tangi, taku aue, he whakaaro ki nga puninga o te koraha taku uhunga; no te mea kua wera, kahore tetahi tangata e tika na reira, kahore e rangona te reo o nga kararehe; ko nga manu o te rangi, ko nga karare he, putere atu ana, kua riro.
11 I'm going to make Jerusalem into a heap of rubble, a place where jackals live. I will destroy the towns of Judah, leaving them empty.
Ka meinga hoki e ahau a Hiruharama hei puranga, hei nohoanga kuri mohoao, ka meinga ano e ahau nga pa o Hura kia ururuatia, te ai he tangata.
12 Who is wise enough to understand this? Has the Lord told anyone so they can explain what's happened? Why has the land been destroyed and burned so it's like a desert, so no one can pass through it?
Ko wai te tangata whakaaro nui e matau ana ki tenei? i korerotia ano ki a wai e te mangai o Ihowa, mana e whakaatu? he aha ra te whenua i whakangaromia ai, i wera ai, ano ko te koraha, kahore he tangata e tika ana i reira?
13 The Lord replied, It's because they have given up keeping my laws that I placed before them. They haven't followed them; they haven't done what I told them.
Ano ra ko Ihowa, Mo ratou i whakarere i taku ture i hoatu e ahau ki to ratou aroaro, a kihai i whakarongo ki toku reo, kihai i haere i taua ara;
14 On the contrary, they have followed their own stubborn way of thinking, and went to worship the Baals, just as their forefathers taught them.
Na haere ana ratou i nga tikanga maro o o ratou ngakau; kei te wahi i nga Paarimi i whakaakona nei e o ratou matua ki a ratou.
15 So this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Watch out! I will give these people wormwood to eat and poisoned water to drink.
Heoi ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa o nga mano, a te Atua o Iharaira, Tenei ahau te whangai nei i a ratou, i tenei iwi, ki te taru kawa, te whakainu nei i a ratou ki te wai kawa.
16 I'm about to scatter them among nations unfamiliar to them and their forefathers, and I will send enemies with swords to chase after them until I have wiped them out.
Ka whakamararatia ano ratou e ahau ki roto ki nga iwi kihai nei i mohiotia e ratou, e o ratou matua: ka unga ano e ahau te hoari hei whai i a ratou a poto noa ratou i ahau.
17 This is what the Lord Almighty says: Be aware of what's happening! Call for the professional women mourners, ask for the best of them.
Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa o nga mano, Whakaaroa e koutou, karangatia hoki nga wahine tangi kia haere mai; unga tangata ki nga wahine whakaaro nui kia haere mai.
18 Have them come as quickly as possible, and sing a funeral song about us, so we can cry our eyes out, so our tears will flow like streams.
Kia hohoro ano te ara o ta ratou tangi mo tatou, kia tarere ai nga roimata o o tatou kanohi, kia maringi iho ai nga wai o o tatou kamo.
19 The sound of weeping comes from Zion, “We're completely devastated! We're totally ashamed, because we've had to abandon our country, because our houses have been demolished.”
No te mea e rangona ana te reo tangi i Hiona, Ano to tatou pahuatanga! Nui atu to tatou whakama, no te mea kua mahue i a tatou te whenua, no te mea kua turakina mai e ratou o tatou nohoanga.
20 Women, listen to the Lord's message, hear what he has to say. Teach your daughters to mourn and sing songs of sadness.
Whakarongo raia, e nga wahine, ki te kupu a Ihowa, kia riro ano i o koutou taringa te kupu a tona mangai; whakaakona a koutou tamahine ki te tangi, nga hoa hoki o tenei, o tenei, ki te uhunga.
21 Death has slipped in through our windows; it has come into our fortresses. It has killed the children playing in the streets and the young people gathering in the town squares.
No te mea kua tae ake te mate ki roto ki o tatou matapihi, kua tomo ki o tatou whare kingi, hautope atu ai i nga kohungahunga i waho, i nga taitamariki ano hoki i nga huanui.
22 Tell everyone this is what the Lord says: Dead bodies will be left where they fall like manure in the fields, lying there like stalks of freshly-cut grain behind the reaper, with no one to collect them.
Korero, Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, Tera nga tinana o nga tangata e hinga ano he whakawairakau ki te mata o te mara, ano he kutanga witi i muri i te kaitapahi, a kahore he kaikohi.
23 This is what the Lord says: The wise shouldn't boast about their wisdom. The strong shouldn't boast about their strength. The rich shouldn't boast about their riches.
Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, Kaua te tangata whakaaro nui e whakamanamana ki tona whakaaro nui, kaua hoki te marohirohi e whakamanamana ki tona marohirohi; kaua te tangata taonga e whakamanamana ki ona taonga;
24 Anyone who wants to boast should boast that they really know and understand me, recognizing that I am the Lord who acts with trustworthy love, who shows fairness, and who does what is right everywhere on earth, because these mean the most to me, declares the Lord.
Engari ko tenei hei whakamanamananga ma te tangata whakamanamana, ara kua whai whakaaro ia, kua mohio ki ahau, ko Ihowa, ahau, ko te kaimahi o te mahi tohu, o te whakawa, o te tika i runga i te whenua: ko aku hoki enei e whakaahuareka ai, e ai t a Ihowa.
25 Watch out, for the time is coming, declares the Lord, when I will punish all who are only physically circumcised.
Nana, kei te haere mai nga ra, e ai ta Ihowa, e whiua ai e ahau te hunga katoa i kotia i roto i to ratou kotingakore;
26 Egypt, Judah, Edom, Ammon, Moab, and all the desert people who trim their hair on the sides of their heads—all these nations are uncircumcised, and all the Israelites are spiritually uncircumcised.
Ko Ihipa, ko Hura, ko Eroma, ko nga tama a Amona, ko Moapa, ko te hunga katoa e noho ana i te koraha, e whakaihoa nei nga tapa o o ratou makawe: he mea kokotikore hoki nga iwi katoa; ko te whare katoa ano o Iharaira, he mea kokotikore te ngakau.

< Jeremiah 9 >