< Jeremiah 7 >

1 This is the Lord's message that came to Jeremiah from the Lord:
Beseda, ki je prišla Jeremiju od Gospoda, rekoč:
2 Go and stand in the entrance to the Lord's Temple, and deliver this message: Listen to what Lord has to say, all of you from Judah who are coming in through these gates to worship the Lord.
»Stopi v velika vrata Gospodove hiše in razglasi to besedo in reci: ›Poslušajte Gospodovo besedo, vsi vi iz Juda, ki vstopate pri teh velikih vratih, da obožujete Gospoda.
3 This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel says: Change your ways and do what's right, and I'll let you go on living here.
Tako govori Gospod nad bojevniki, Izraelov Bog: ›Poboljšajte svoje poti in svoja dejanja in jaz vam bom povzročil, da prebivate na tem kraju.
4 Don't believe in those who try and deceive you by repeating, “The Temple of the Lord is here, the Temple of the Lord is here, the Temple of the Lord is here.”
Ne zaupajte v lažnive besede, rekoč: › Gospodov tempelj, ‹ › Gospodov tempelj, ‹ › Gospodov tempelj so ti.‹
5 If you sincerely change your ways and do what's right, if you treat each other fairly,
Kajti če temeljito poboljšate svoje poti in svoja dejanja, če temeljito izvršite sodbo med človekom in njegovim sosedom,
6 if you stop mistreating foreigners and orphans and widows, and if you stop murdering innocent people and stop hurting yourselves by worshiping,
če ne zatirate tujca, sirote, vdove, in na tem kraju ne prelivate nedolžne krvi niti v svojo škodo ne hodite za drugimi bogovi,
7 then I'll let you go on living here in the country that I gave to your forefathers forever and ever.
potem vam bom povzročil, da prebivate na tem kraju, v deželi, ki sem jo dal vašim očetom na veke vekov.
8 But look at you! You go on believing in these deceptions, these worthless words.
Glejte, zaupate v lažnive besede, ki ne morejo koristiti.
9 Are you really going to continue stealing, murdering, committing adultery, and lying, burning incense to Baal, and worshiping other gods that you know nothing about,
Ali boste kradli, morili, počeli zakonolomstvo, krivo prisegali, zažigali kadilo Báalu in hodili za drugimi bogovi, ki jih ne poznate
10 and then come and stand before me in my own Temple and say, “We're safe, so we can continue doing all these offensive things”?
in prišli ter stali pred menoj v tej hiši, ki je imenovana z mojim imenom in rekli: »Rešeni smo, da bi počeli vse te ogabnosti?
11 Do you see this house, my own Temple, as a den of thieves? Well, that's what it looks like to me too, declares the Lord.
Ali je ta hiša, ki je imenovana z mojim imenom, v vaših očeh postala brlog roparjev? Glejte, celo jaz sem to videl, « govori Gospod.
12 So why don't you go to Shiloh where I first made myself a place for me to live with you, and see what I did to it because of the evil my people Israel did?
»Toda pojdite sedaj k mojemu kraju, ki je bil v Šilu, kjer sem najprej postavil svoje ime in poglejte, kaj sem mu storil zaradi zlobnosti svojega ljudstva Izraela.
13 I've warned you time and again about all these things you've done but you've refused to listen, declares the Lord. I've called out to you but you didn't want to answer me.
In sedaj, ker ste storili vsa ta dejanja, « govori Gospod »in sem vam govoril, vas zgodaj vzdigoval in govoril, toda niste slišali; in vas klical, toda niste odgovorili;
14 So now I'm going to do to my Temple, what I did to Shiloh. This is the Temple your put your faith in, the place I gave to you and your forefathers.
zato bom tej hiši, ki je imenovana z mojim imenom, v katerega zaupate in kraju, ki sem ga dal vam in vašim očetom, storil kakor sem storil Šilu.
15 I will throw you out of my presence, just as I expelled all your Israelite relatives, all the descendants of Ephraim.
Zavrgel vas bom iz svojega pogleda, kakor sem zavrgel vse vaše brate, celó celotno Efrájimovo seme.
16 You, Jeremiah, are not to pray for these people. Don't cry out to me in prayer for them, don't plead with me on their behalf, because I won't listen to you.
Zato ne moli za to ljudstvo, niti ne povzdiguj klica, niti molitve zanje, niti ne posreduj k meni, kajti jaz te ne bom poslušal.
17 Can't you see how they're behaving in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem?
Mar ne vidiš, kaj počno v Judovih mestih in na ulicah [prestolnice] Jeruzalem?
18 The children collect the firewood, the fathers light the fire, and the women knead the dough to make cakes for the Queen of Heaven, and they pour out drink offerings to other gods to make me angry and hurt.
Otroci nabirajo les, očetje netijo ogenj in ženske gnetejo svoje testo, da naredijo kolače kraljici neba in da izlivajo pitne daritve k drugim bogovom, da bi me lahko dražili k jezi.
19 But is it really me they're hurting? declares the Lord. Aren't they really hurting themselves and bringing shame on themselves?
Mar me dražijo do jeze?« govori Gospod: » Mar ne dražijo sami sebe, do zmešnjave njihovih lastnih obrazov?«
20 So this is what the Lord God says: Watch! My furious anger and will be poured out on this country, on people and animals, on the orchards and the crops in the field. It will burn and nobody will be able to put it out.
Zato tako govori Gospod Bog: »Glej, moja jeza in moja razjarjenost bo izlita na tem kraju, na človeka, na žival, na drevesa polja in na sad tal; ta bo gorela in ne bo pogašena.«
21 This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: You can add your burnt offerings to your other sacrifices and eat all the meat yourselves!
Tako govori Gospod nad bojevniki, Izraelov Bog: »Položite svoje žgalne daritve k svojim klavnim daritvam in jejte meso.
22 When I led your forefathers out of Egypt I didn't just give them instructions about burnt offerings and sacrifices,
Kajti nisem govoril vašim očetom niti jim nisem zapovedal na dan, ko sem jih privedel iz egiptovske dežele, glede žgalnih daritev ali klavnih daritev,
23 This is the commandment I gave them: Obey me, and I will be your God, and you will be my people. Follow everything I have commanded you to do, so that all will go well for you.
toda ukazal sem jim to stvar, rekoč: ›Ubogajte moj glas in jaz bom vaš Bog in vi boste moje ljudstvo; hodite po vseh poteh, ki sem vam jih zapovedal, da vam bo lahko dobro.‹
24 But they refused to listen or pay attention. Instead they followed the desires of their own stubborn and evil thinking, so they ended up going backward and not forward.
Toda niso prisluhnili niti nagnili svojega ušesa, temveč so hodili po nasvetih in po zamislih svojega zlega srca in odšli nazaj in ne naprej.
25 From the time your forefathers left Egypt until now, I have sent you time after time my servants the prophets.
Od dneva, ko so vaši očetje izšli iz egiptovske dežele, do tega dne, sem vam celo pošiljal vse svoje služabnike preroke, dnevno sem jih zgodaj vzdigoval in pošiljal.
26 But you refused to listen or pay them attention. Instead, you became more stubborn and rebellious than your forefathers!
Vendar mi niso prisluhnili niti nagnili svojega ušesa, temveč so otrdili svoj vrat. Ravnali so huje kakor njihovi očetje.
27 When you tell them all this, they won't listen to you. When you call out to them, they won't answer.
Zato jim boš govoril vse te besede, toda ne bodo ti prisluhnili. Tudi klical boš k njim, toda ne bodo ti odgovorili.
28 So you have to tell them, “This is the nation that refused to listen to what the Lord their God said, and would not accept the Lord's discipline. Truth has died out; people don't even talk about it.
Toda rekel jim boš: ›To je narod, ki ne uboga glasu Gospoda, svojega Boga niti ne prejema grajanja. Resnica je izginila in je iztrebljena iz njihovih ust.‹«
29 Cut off your hair and throw it away. Sing a song of mourning on the bare hills, for the Lord has rejected and abandoned the generation who made him angry.”
Ostriži svoje lase, oh [prestolnica] Jeruzalem in jih odvrzi proč in povzemi žalostinko na visokih krajih, kajti Gospod je zavrnil in zapustil rod svojega besa.
30 For the people of Judah have done what is evil in my sight, declares the Lord. They have placed their offensive idols in my own Temple, making it unclean.
Kajti Judovi otroci so storili zlo v mojem pogledu, « govori Gospod. »Svoje ogabnosti so postavili v hiši, ki se imenuje z mojim imenom, da jo oskrunijo.
31 They have built pagan shrines at Topheth in the Valley of Hinnom so they could sacrifice their sons and daughters by burning them in the fire. This is something I never commanded. I never even thought of such a thing!
Zgradili so visoke kraje Tofeta, ki je v dolini sina Hinómovega, da svoje sinove in svoje hčere sežigajo v ognju, kar jim nisem zapovedal niti ni prišlo v moje srce.
32 So watch out! The time is coming, declares the Lord, when instead of Topheth and the Valley of Hinnom this place will be called the Valley of Killing. People will bury their dead in Topheth until it's full.
Zato, glej, prihajajo dnevi, « govori Gospod, »da ta ne bo več imenovan Tofet niti dolina sina Hinómovega, temveč dolina klanja, kajti v Tofetu bodo pokopavali, dokler tam ne bo več prostora.
33 The dead bodies of these people will be food for birds of prey and wild animals, and there won't be anyone to scare them away.
Trupla tega ljudstva bodo meso za perjad neba in zemeljske zveri in nihče jih ne bo podil proč.
34 I will put a stop to the cheerful sounds of celebration and the happy voices of the bride and bridegroom from the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem, for the country will be turned into a wasteland.
Potem bom povzročil, da od Judovih mest in od ulic [prestolnice] Jeruzalem preneha glas smeha, glas veselja, glas ženina in glas neveste, kajti dežela bo zapuščena.

< Jeremiah 7 >