< Jeremiah 7 >

1 This is the Lord's message that came to Jeremiah from the Lord:
Verbum quod factum est ad Jeremiam a Domino, dicens:
2 Go and stand in the entrance to the Lord's Temple, and deliver this message: Listen to what Lord has to say, all of you from Judah who are coming in through these gates to worship the Lord.
Sta in porta domus Domini, et prædica ibi verbum istud, et dic: Audite verbum Domini, omnis Juda, qui ingredimini per portas has ut adoretis Dominum.
3 This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel says: Change your ways and do what's right, and I'll let you go on living here.
Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum, Deus Israël: Bonas facite vias vestras, et studia vestra, et habitabo vobiscum in loco isto.
4 Don't believe in those who try and deceive you by repeating, “The Temple of the Lord is here, the Temple of the Lord is here, the Temple of the Lord is here.”
Nolite confidere in verbis mendacii, dicentes: Templum Domini, templum Domini, templum Domini est!
5 If you sincerely change your ways and do what's right, if you treat each other fairly,
Quoniam si bene direxeritis vias vestras, et studia vestra; si feceritis judicium inter virum et proximum ejus;
6 if you stop mistreating foreigners and orphans and widows, and if you stop murdering innocent people and stop hurting yourselves by worshiping,
advenæ, et pupillo, et viduæ non feceritis calumniam, nec sanguinem innocentem effuderitis in loco hoc, et post deos alienos non ambulaveritis in malum vobismetipsis:
7 then I'll let you go on living here in the country that I gave to your forefathers forever and ever.
habitabo vobiscum in loco isto, in terra quam dedi patribus vestris a sæculo et usque in sæculum.
8 But look at you! You go on believing in these deceptions, these worthless words.
Ecce vos confiditis vobis in sermonibus mendacii, qui non proderunt vobis:
9 Are you really going to continue stealing, murdering, committing adultery, and lying, burning incense to Baal, and worshiping other gods that you know nothing about,
furari, occidere, adulterari, jurare mendaciter, libare Baalim, et ire post deos alienos quos ignoratis:
10 and then come and stand before me in my own Temple and say, “We're safe, so we can continue doing all these offensive things”?
et venistis, et stetistis coram me in domo hac, in qua invocatum est nomen meum, et dixistis: Liberati sumus, eo quod fecerimus omnes abominationes istas.
11 Do you see this house, my own Temple, as a den of thieves? Well, that's what it looks like to me too, declares the Lord.
Numquid ergo spelunca latronum facta est domus ista, in qua invocatum est nomen meum in oculis vestris? Ego, ego sum: ego vidi, dicit Dominus.
12 So why don't you go to Shiloh where I first made myself a place for me to live with you, and see what I did to it because of the evil my people Israel did?
Ite ad locum meum in Silo, ubi habitavit nomen meum a principio, et videte quæ fecerim ei propter malitiam populi mei Israël.
13 I've warned you time and again about all these things you've done but you've refused to listen, declares the Lord. I've called out to you but you didn't want to answer me.
Et nunc, quia fecistis omnia opera hæc, dicit Dominus, et locutus sum ad vos mane consurgens, et loquens, et non audistis: et vocavi vos, et non respondistis:
14 So now I'm going to do to my Temple, what I did to Shiloh. This is the Temple your put your faith in, the place I gave to you and your forefathers.
faciam domui huic, in qua invocatum est nomen meum, et in qua vos habetis fiduciam, et loco quem dedi vobis et patribus vestris, sicut feci Silo:
15 I will throw you out of my presence, just as I expelled all your Israelite relatives, all the descendants of Ephraim.
et projiciam vos a facie mea sicut projeci omnes fratres vestros, universum semen Ephraim.
16 You, Jeremiah, are not to pray for these people. Don't cry out to me in prayer for them, don't plead with me on their behalf, because I won't listen to you.
Tu ergo, noli orare pro populo hoc, nec assumas pro eis laudem et orationem: et non obsistas mihi, quia non exaudiam te.
17 Can't you see how they're behaving in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem?
Nonne vides quid isti faciunt in civitatibus Juda, et in plateis Jerusalem?
18 The children collect the firewood, the fathers light the fire, and the women knead the dough to make cakes for the Queen of Heaven, and they pour out drink offerings to other gods to make me angry and hurt.
Filii colligunt ligna, et patres succendunt ignem, et mulieres conspergunt adipem, ut faciant placentas reginæ cæli, et libent diis alienis, et me ad iracundiam provocent.
19 But is it really me they're hurting? declares the Lord. Aren't they really hurting themselves and bringing shame on themselves?
Numquid me ad iracundiam provocant? dicit Dominus; nonne semetipsos in confusionem vultus sui?
20 So this is what the Lord God says: Watch! My furious anger and will be poured out on this country, on people and animals, on the orchards and the crops in the field. It will burn and nobody will be able to put it out.
Ideo hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce furor meus et indignatio mea conflatur super locum istum, super viros, et super jumenta, et super lignum regionis, et super fruges terræ: et succendetur, et non extinguetur.
21 This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: You can add your burnt offerings to your other sacrifices and eat all the meat yourselves!
Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum, Deus Israël: Holocautomata vestra addite victimis vestris, et comedite carnes:
22 When I led your forefathers out of Egypt I didn't just give them instructions about burnt offerings and sacrifices,
quia non sum locutus cum patribus vestris, et non præcepi eis, in die qua eduxi eos de terra Ægypti, de verbo holocautomatum et victimarum:
23 This is the commandment I gave them: Obey me, and I will be your God, and you will be my people. Follow everything I have commanded you to do, so that all will go well for you.
sed hoc verbum præcepi eis, dicens: Audite vocem meam, et ero vobis Deus, et vos eritis mihi populus: et ambulate in omni via quam mandavi vobis, ut bene sit vobis.
24 But they refused to listen or pay attention. Instead they followed the desires of their own stubborn and evil thinking, so they ended up going backward and not forward.
Et non audierunt, nec inclinaverunt aurem suam: sed abierunt in voluntatibus et in pravitate cordis sui mali: factique sunt retrorsum, et non in ante,
25 From the time your forefathers left Egypt until now, I have sent you time after time my servants the prophets.
a die qua egressi sunt patres eorum de terra Ægypti usque ad diem hanc. Et misi ad vos omnes servos meos prophetas per diem, consurgens diluculo, et mittens:
26 But you refused to listen or pay them attention. Instead, you became more stubborn and rebellious than your forefathers!
et non audierunt me, nec inclinaverunt aurem suam: sed induraverunt cervicem suam, et pejus operati sunt quam patres eorum.
27 When you tell them all this, they won't listen to you. When you call out to them, they won't answer.
Et loqueris ad eos omnia verba hæc, et non audient te: et vocabis eos, et non respondebunt tibi.
28 So you have to tell them, “This is the nation that refused to listen to what the Lord their God said, and would not accept the Lord's discipline. Truth has died out; people don't even talk about it.
Et dices ad eos: Hæc est gens quæ non audivit vocem Domini Dei sui, nec recepit disciplinam; periit fides, et ablata est de ore eorum.
29 Cut off your hair and throw it away. Sing a song of mourning on the bare hills, for the Lord has rejected and abandoned the generation who made him angry.”
Tonde capillum tuum, et projice, et sume in directum planctum: quia projecit Dominus et reliquit generationem furoris sui;
30 For the people of Judah have done what is evil in my sight, declares the Lord. They have placed their offensive idols in my own Temple, making it unclean.
quia fecerunt filii Juda malum in oculis meis, dicit Dominus. Posuerunt offendicula sua in domo in qua invocatum est nomen meum, ut polluerent eam:
31 They have built pagan shrines at Topheth in the Valley of Hinnom so they could sacrifice their sons and daughters by burning them in the fire. This is something I never commanded. I never even thought of such a thing!
et ædificaverunt excelsa Topheth, quæ est in valle filii Ennom, ut incenderent filios suos et filias suas igni, quæ non præcepi, nec cogitavi in corde meo.
32 So watch out! The time is coming, declares the Lord, when instead of Topheth and the Valley of Hinnom this place will be called the Valley of Killing. People will bury their dead in Topheth until it's full.
Ideo ecce dies venient, dicit Dominus, et non dicetur amplius Topheth, et vallis filii Ennom, sed vallis interfectionis: et sepelient in Topheth, eo quod non sit locus.
33 The dead bodies of these people will be food for birds of prey and wild animals, and there won't be anyone to scare them away.
Et erit morticinum populi hujus in cibos volucribus cæli et bestiis terræ, et non erit qui abigat.
34 I will put a stop to the cheerful sounds of celebration and the happy voices of the bride and bridegroom from the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem, for the country will be turned into a wasteland.
Et quiescere faciam de urbibus Juda, et de plateis Jerusalem, vocem gaudii et vocem lætitiæ, vocem sponsi et vocem sponsæ: in desolationem enim erit terra.

< Jeremiah 7 >