< Jeremiah 6 >

1 Run and hide, descendants of Benjamin, get out of Jerusalem! Blow the trumpet in Tekoa; light a signal fire in Beth-haccherem, for disaster and terrible destruction is arriving from the north.
“Ku gudu neman mafaka, mutanen Benyamin! Ku gudu daga Urushalima! Ku busa ƙaho a Tekowa! Ku ba da alama a Bet-Hakkerem! Gama masifa tana zuwa daga arewa, mummunar hallaka ce kuwa.
2 Even though she is pretty and delightful, I will destroy the Daughter of Zion.
Zan hallaka Diyar Sihiyona, kyakkyawa da kuma mai laulayi.
3 “Shepherds” and their “flocks” will come to attack her; they will set up their tents all around her, each one looking after his own.
Makiyaya da garkunansu za su taso mata; za su kafa tentunansu kewaye da ita, kowanne yana lura da sashensa.”
4 They get ready for battle against her, saying, “Come on, we'll attack at noon! Oh no, the day is almost over, the evening shadows are growing long.
“Mu shirya don yaƙi da ita! Ku tashi, bari mu fāɗa mata da tsakar rana! Amma, kaito, rana tana fāɗuwa, inuwar yamma kuwa sai ƙaran tsawo take.
5 Come on, we'll attack at night instead and destroy her fortresses!”
Saboda haka ku tashi, bari mu fāɗa mata da dare mu rurrushe kagaranta!”
6 This is what the Lord Almighty says: Cut down the trees and make a siege ramp to use against Jerusalem. This city needs to be punished because it's full of people mistreating one another.
Ga abin da Ubangiji Maɗaukaki yana cewa, “Ku sassare itatuwan ku tula ƙasa kewaye da Urushalima. Dole a hukunta wannan birni; saboda ya cika da zalunci.
7 Like a spring gushing out water, so she pours out her evil. The sounds of violence and abuse echo inside her. I see people sick and wounded everywhere.
Kamar yadda rijiya takan ba da ruwarta, haka birnin yake da muguntarsa. Ana jin labarin rikici da hallaka a cikinsa; ciwonsa da mikinsa kullum suna a gabana.
8 I'm warning you, people of Jerusalem, I'm going to give up on you in disgust. I will destroy you and leave your country uninhabited.
Ki ji gargaɗi, ya Urushalima, ko kuwa in juya daga gare ki in mai da ƙasarki kufai don kada wani ya zauna a cikinta.”
9 This is what the Lord Almighty says: Even those left in Israel will be taken, just as grapes left on a vine are taken by the one harvesting the grapes who checks the branches again.
Ga abin da Ubangiji Maɗaukaki yana cewa, “Bari su yi kalan raguwar Isra’ila a yi kalan sarai yadda ake yi wa inabi; ka sāke miƙa hannunka a kan rassan, kamar mai tattara inabi.”
10 Who can I give this warning to? Who's going to listen to me? Can't you see that they refuse to listen? They can't hear what I'm saying. See how offensive the Lord's message is to them. They don't like it at all.
Ga wa zan yi magana in kuma gargaɗar? Wa zai saurare ni? Kunnuwansu sun toshe don kada su ji. Maganar Ubangiji ta zama abin zargi a gare su; ba sa jin daɗinta.
11 But as for me, I'm full of the Lord's anger; I have a hard time keeping it in. The Lord replies, Pour it out on children in the street, and on groups of young people, because both husband and wife are going to be captured—it's everyone, and it doesn't matter how old they are.
Amma ina cike da fushin Ubangiji, kuma ba na iya kannewa. “Ka kwararo shi a kan yara a titi da kuma a kan samarin da suka tattaru; za a kama miji da mata a cikinsa, tsofaffi da suka tsufa tukub.
12 Their houses will be given to others, their fields and wives too, because I'm going to punish everyone living in this country, declares the Lord.
Za a ba da gidajensu ga waɗansu, tare da gonakinsu da matansu, sa’ad da na miƙa hannuna gāba da waɗanda suke zama a ƙasar,” in ji Ubangiji.
13 Everyone cheats because they're greedy, poor and rich alike. Even prophets and priests—they are all dishonest liars!
“Daga ƙarami zuwa babba, dukansu masu haɗama ne don riba; har da annabawa da firistoci, dukansu suna aikata rashin gaskiya.
14 They give my wounded people first aid, but they don't really care about them. They tell them, “Don't worry! We have peace!” even as war approaches.
Sukan ɗaura mikin mutanena sai ka ce mikin ba shi da matsala. Suna cewa, ‘Lafiya, Lafiya,’ alhali kuwa ba lafiya.
15 Were they ashamed of the disgusting things they did? No, they weren't ashamed at all, they couldn't even blush. So they will fall just like the others, when I punish them; they will drop down dead, says the Lord.
Suna jin kunyar halinsu na banƙyama? A’a, ba sa jin kunya sam; ba su ma san yadda za su soke kai ba. Saboda haka za su fāɗi tare da fāɗaɗɗu; za a hamɓarar da su sa’ad da na hukunta su,” in ji Ubangiji.
16 This is what the Lord says: Go and stand where the roads divide, and look. Find out which are the old paths. Ask, “What's the right way?” Then follow it and you'll be content. But you refused, saying, “We won't go that way!”
Ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa, “Ku tsaya kan hanyoyi, ku duba; ku nemi hanyoyin dā, ku tambaya inda hanyar mai kyau take, ku yi tafiya a kanta, za ku kuwa sami hutu wa rayukanku. Amma kun ce, ‘Ba za mu bi ta ba.’
17 I put watchmen in charge of you and told you, make sure you listen for the trumpet call warning you of danger. But you answered, “We won't listen!”
Na naɗa muku masu tsaro a kanku na kuma ce, ‘Ku saurari karan ƙaho!’ Amma kuka ce, ‘Ba za mu saurara ba.’
18 So now you other nations can listen and find out what's going to happen to them.
Saboda haka ku, ya al’ummai; ku lura Ya shaidu, abin da zai faru da su.
19 Earth, you listen too! I am bringing disaster down on this people, the end result of what they themselves planned. It's because they paid no attention to what I said, and rejected my instructions.
Ki ji, ya duniya. Zan kawo masifa a kan waɗannan mutane, sakayyar ƙulle-ƙullensu, domin ba su saurari maganata ba suka kuma ƙi dokata.
20 What's the point of offering me frankincense from Sheba or sweet calamus from a far-away land? I don't accept your burnt offerings; I'm not pleased with your sacrifices.
Babu riba a kawo mini turare daga Sheba ko rake mai zaƙi daga ƙasa mai nisa? Ba zan karɓi hadayunku na ƙonawa ba; ba na jin daɗin sadakokinku.”
21 So this is what the Lord says: I'm going to put blocks in front of these people to trip them up. Fathers and sons will fall down dead, friends and neighbors too.
Saboda haka ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa, “Zan sa abin tuntuɓe gaban mutanena. Mahaifi da’ya’yansa maza za su yi tuntuɓe a kan juna; maƙwabci da abokansa za su hallaka.”
22 This is what the Lord says: Look! An army is invading from the north; a powerful nation is getting ready to attack all the way from the ends of the earth.
Ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa, “Duba, sojoji suna zuwa daga ƙasar arewa; babbar al’umma ce ta yunƙuro daga iyakokin duniya.
23 They pick up their bows and spears. They are cruel and show no mercy. Their war-cries are like the sea roaring, and they ride horses lined up ready to attack you, Daughter of Zion.
Suna riƙe da baka da māshi; mugaye ne kuma marasa tausayi. Motsinsu kamar ƙugin teku ne yayinda suke hawan dawakansu; suna zuwa a jere kamar wanda ya yi shirin yaƙi don su fāɗa miki, ya Diyar Sihiyona.”
24 The people reply, “We've heard the news, and our hands are limp with shock! We're overcome with agony, suffering pain like a woman in labor.
Mun ji labari a kansu, hannuwanmu kuwa suka yi laƙwas. Azaba ta kama mu, zafi kamar na mace mai naƙuda.
25 Don't go to the field! Don't walk down the road! The enemy is armed with swords! Terror is everywhere!”
Kada ku fita zuwa gonaki ko ku yi tafiya a hanyoyi, gama abokin gāba yana da takobi, kuma akwai razana ko’ina.
26 Oh my people, put on sackcloth and roll around in ashes. Mourn and cry bitterly like you would for an only son, because the destroyer will come down on you suddenly.
Ya mutanena, ku sanya tufafin makoki ku yi birgima a toka; ku yi kuka mai zafi irin wanda akan yi wa ɗa tilo, gama nan da nan mai hallakarwa zai auko mana.
27 Jeremiah, I have made you a tester of metals so you can test my people as if they were metal, so you can know what they're made of and how they act.
“Na maishe ka mai jarrabawar ƙarfe mutanena ne kuwa ƙarfen, don ka lura ka kuma gwada hanyoyinsu.
28 They're all stubborn rebels going around talking slander. They are hard as bronze and iron; they are all corrupt.
Su duka masu taurinkai ne,’yan tawaye, suna yawo suna baza jita-jita. Su tagulla ne da ƙarfe; dukansu lalatattu ne.
29 The bellows in the refiner's furnace blow powerfully, burning away the lead. But this refining is pointless, because the wicked are not purified.
Mazuga yana zuga da ƙarfi don yă ƙone dalma da wuta, amma tacewa yana tafiya a banza; ba a fitar da mugaye.
30 They are identified as impure silver to be rejected, because the Lord has rejected them.
Ana ce da su azurfar da aka ƙi, gama Ubangiji ya ƙi su.”

< Jeremiah 6 >