< Jeremiah 51 >

1 This is what the Lord says: Look! I'm going to stir up a destructive wind against Babylon and against the people of Babylonia.
Hæc dicit Dominus: Ecce ego suscitabo super Babylonem et super habitatores ejus, qui cor suum levaverunt contra me, quasi ventum pestilentem:
2 I will send foreign soldiers to attack Babylon to winnow her and turn her country into a wasteland—they will attack her from all directions when her time of trouble comes.
et mittam in Babylonem ventilatores, et ventilabunt eam et demolientur terram ejus, quoniam venerunt super eam undique in die afflictionis ejus.
3 The archer doesn't need to use his bow; the infantryman doesn't need to put on his armor. Don't spare her young soldiers; set apart her whole army for destruction!
Non tendat qui tendit arcum suum, et non ascendat loricatus: nolite parcere juvenibus ejus; interficite omnem militiam ejus.
4 They will fall down wounded in her streets, killed in the country of Babylonia.
Et cadent interfecti in terra Chaldæorum, et vulnerati in regionibus ejus.
5 Israel and Judah have not been deserted by their God, the Lord Almighty, even though they sinned against the Holy One of Israel everywhere in their country.
Quoniam non fuit viduatus Israël et Juda a Deo suo, Domino exercituum, terra autem eorum repleta est delicto a Sancto Israël.
6 Escape from Babylon! Run for your lives! Don't get caught up in her punishment and die, for this is the time when the Lord pays her back for her sins.
Fugite de medio Babylonis, et salvet unusquisque animam suam: nolite tacere super iniquitatem ejus, quoniam tempus ultionis est a Domino: vicissitudinem ipse retribuet ei.
7 Once Babylon was a golden cup the Lord held in his hand. She made the whole earth drunk. The nations drank her wine which is why they went mad.
Calix aureus Babylon in manu Domini, inebrians omnem terram: de vino ejus biberunt gentes, et ideo commotæ sunt.
8 Now, all of a sudden, Babylon has fallen. She has been smashed to pieces. Weep for her; get her some treatment for her pain. Maybe she can be healed.
Subito cecidit Babylon, et contrita est. Ululate super eam: tollite resinam ad dolorem ejus, si forte sanetur.
9 “We tried to heal her, but she couldn't be helped. So give up on her! All of us should go home to where we came from. The news of her punishment has reached everywhere, all the way to heaven.
Curavimus Babylonem, et non est sanata: derelinquamus eam, et eamus unusquisque in terram suam: quoniam pervenit usque ad cælos judicium ejus, et elevatum est usque ad nubes.
10 The Lord has encouraged and supported us. Come on, let's tell people here in Jerusalem what the Lord has done for us!”
Protulit Dominus justitias nostras: venite, et narremus in Sion opus Domini Dei nostri.
11 Sharpen the arrows! Pick up the shields! The Lord has encouraged the kings of the Medes, because his plan is directed at the destruction of Babylon. The Lord is paying them back for what happened to his Temple.
Acuite sagittas, implete pharetras: suscitavit Dominus spiritum regum Medorum: et contra Babylonem mens ejus est ut perdat eam, quoniam ultio Domini est, ultio templi sui.
12 Raise the signal flag to attack the walls of Babylon; strengthen the guard; have the watchmen take their places; get the ambush ready. The Lord planned and carried out his threats against the people of Babylon.
Super muros Babylonis levate signum, augete custodiam, levate custodes, præparate insidias: quia cogitavit Dominus, et fecit quæcumque locutus est contra habitatores Babylonis.
13 You people who live beside by many waters, and have so much wealth, this is the time of your end—your life will be cut short.
Quæ habitas super aquas multas, locuples in thesauris: venit finis tuus, pedalis præcisionis tuæ.
14 The Lord Almighty vowed by his own life, saying, I'm going to make sure to fill you with so many enemy soldiers they'll be like locusts. They will shout as they celebrate their victory over you.
Juravit Dominus exercituum per animam suam: Quoniam replebo te hominibus quasi brucho, et super te celeuma cantabitur.
15 It was God who made the earth by his power. He created the world by his wisdom and by his understanding he put the heavens in place.
Qui fecit terram in fortitudine sua, præparavit orbem in sapientia sua, et prudentia sua extendit cælos.
16 The waters of the heavens rain down with a roar at his command. He makes the clouds to rise all over the earth. He makes lightning to accompany rain, and sends the wind from his storehouses.
Dante eo vocem, multiplicantur aquæ in cælo: qui levat nubes ab extremo terræ, fulgura in pluviam fecit, et produxit ventum de thesauris suis.
17 Everyone is stupid; they don't know anything. Every metalworker is embarrassed by the idols they make. For their images made of molten metal are fraudulent—they're not alive!
Stultus factus est omnis homo a scientia; confusus est omnis conflator in sculptili: quia mendax est conflatio eorum, nec est spiritus in eis.
18 They are useless, an object to be laughed at. They will be destroyed at the time of their punishment.
Vana sunt opera, et risu digna: in tempore visitationis suæ peribunt.
19 The God of Jacob is not like these idols, for he is the creator of everything, including his own people that are special to him. The Lord Almighty is his name.
Non sicut hæc, pars Jacob, quia qui fecit omnia ipse est: et Israël sceptrum hæreditatis ejus: Dominus exercituum nomen ejus.
20 You are my war club, the weapon I use in battle. I use you to destroy nations; I use you to destroy kingdoms.
Collidis tu mihi vasa belli: et ego collidam in te gentes, et disperdam in te regna:
21 I use you to destroy horses and their riders; I use you to destroy chariots and their drivers.
et collidam in te equum et equitem ejus: et collidam in te currum et ascensorem ejus:
22 I use you to destroy men and women; I use you to destroy old men and youths; I use you to destroy young men and girls.
et collidam in te virum et mulierem: et collidam in te senem et puerum: et collidam in te juvenem et virginem:
23 I use you to destroy shepherds and their flocks; I use you to destroy farmers and their cattle; I use you to destroy rulers and state officials.
et collidam in te pastorem et gregem ejus: et collidam in te agricolam et jugales ejus: et collidam in te duces et magistratus:
24 Right in front of you I'm going to pay back Babylon and everyone who live in Babylonia for all the evil they did to Jerusalem, declares the Lord.
et reddam Babyloni, et cunctis habitatoribus Chaldææ, omne malum suum quod fecerunt in Sion, in oculis vestris, ait Dominus.
25 Watch out, because I am against you, you destructive monster who devastates the whole world, declares the Lord. I will reach out to attack you; I will roll you down the cliffs; I will turn you into a mountain of ash.
Ecce ego ad te, mons pestifer, ait Dominus, qui corrumpis universam terram: et extendam manum meam super te, et evolvam te de petris, et dabo te in montem combustionis:
26 Nobody will be even able to find themselves a cornerstone or a foundation stone among your ruins, because you will be so utterly destroyed, declares the Lord.
et non tollent de te lapidem in angulum, et lapidem in fundamenta: sed perditus in æternum eris, ait Dominus.
27 Raise a signal flag in the country! Blow the trumpet call to war among the nations! Get the nations ready to attack her; Summon the kingdoms to march against her: Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz. Choose a commander to lead the armies to attack her; send into battle cavalry like a swarm of locusts.
Levate signum in terra, clangite buccina in gentibus, sanctificate super eam gentes, annuntiate contra illam regibus Ararat, Menni, et Ascenez: numerate contra eam Taphsar, adducite equum quasi bruchum aculeatum.
28 Have the armies of the nations prepare for battle against her. This applies to the kings of the Medes, their leaders and all their officers, and every country they rule.
Sanctificate contra eam gentes, reges Mediæ, duces ejus, et universos magistratus ejus, cunctamque terram potestatis ejus.
29 The earth quakes and trembles because the Lord is determined to carry out what he threatened against Babylon—to turn Babylonia into a wasteland where no one lives.
Et commovebitur terra et conturbabitur, quia evigilabit contra Babylonem cogitatio Domini, ut ponat terram Babylonis desertam et inhabitabilem.
30 Babylon's defenders have given up fighting—they're just sitting in their fortresses. They're worn out; they've become like frightened women. Babylon's houses are burning; the bars securing her gates have been smashed.
Cessaverunt fortes Babylonis a prælio; habitaverunt in præsidiis: devoratum est robur eorum, et facti sunt quasi mulieres: incensa sunt tabernacula ejus, contriti sunt vectes ejus.
31 A runner hands his message over to another to carry; one messenger follows another messenger, all of them alerting the king of Babylon to the news that his city has been completely conquered,
Currens obviam currenti veniet, et nuntius obvius nuntianti, ut annuntiet regi Babylonis quia capta est civitas ejus a summo usque ad summum.
32 the river crossings have been captured, the marshlands set on fire and his soldiers are panicking.
Et vada præoccupata sunt, et paludes incensæ sunt igni, et viri bellatores conturbati sunt.
33 This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: The people of Babylon are like a threshing floor when the grain is trampled out. Her time of harvest will come very soon.
Quia hæc dicit Dominus exercituum, Deus Israël: Filia Babylonis quasi area, tempus trituræ ejus: adhuc modicum, et veniet tempus messionis ejus.
34 Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon chewed me up and sucked me dry, making me as empty as a jar with nothing in it. He swallowed me down as if he were some monster, filling himself with the tastiest parts of me and throwing the rest away.
Comedit me, devoravit me Nabuchodonosor rex Babylonis: reddidit me quasi vas inane, absorbuit me quasi draco, replevit ventrem suum teneritudine mea, et ejecit me.
35 “Babylon must bear the responsibility for the violent attacks on us,” say the inhabitants of Zion. “The people of Babylonia must bear the responsibility for the blood shed in my city,” says Jerusalem.
Iniquitas adversum me et caro mea super Babylonem, dicit habitatio Sion: et sanguis meus super habitatores Chaldææ, dicit Jerusalem.
36 This is what the Lord says: Watch as I present your case for you and make your enemies pay for what they did to you. I'm going to dry up her river and her springs.
Propterea hæc dicit Dominus: Ecce ego judicabo causam tuam, et ulciscar ultionem tuam: et desertum faciam mare ejus, et siccabo venam ejus.
37 Babylon will be turned into a pile of rubble, a home for jackals, a place that horrifies people, a place they jeer at, a place where no one lives.
Et erit Babylon in tumulos, habitatio draconum, stupor et sibilus, eo quod non sit habitator.
38 The Babylonians will roar together like powerful lions and growl like lion cubs.
Simul ut leones rugient; excutient comas veluti catuli leonum.
39 But while their passions are aroused, I will serve them a banquet and get them drunk. They'll celebrate so much that they'll pass out and won't ever wake up, declares the Lord.
In calore eorum ponam potus eorum, et inebriabo eos ut sopiantur, et dormiant somnum sempiternum, et non consurgant, dicit Dominus.
40 I will take them down like lambs to be slaughtered, like rams and goats.
Deducam eos quasi agnos ad victimam, et quasi arietes cum hædis.
41 How could it be? Babylon has fallen! The most famous city in the world has been conquered! What a horrible sight Babylon has become to everyone watching!
Quomodo capta est Sesach, et comprehensa est inclyta universæ terræ! quomodo facta est in stuporem Babylon inter gentes!
42 It's as if the sea has flooded over Babylon, covering her in crashing waves.
Ascendit super Babylonem mare: multitudine fluctuum ejus operta est.
43 The towns of Babylonia are in ruins, turned into a dry desert wasteland where no one lives—no one even passes by.
Factæ sunt civitates ejus in stuporem, terra inhabitabilis et deserta, terra in qua nullus habitet, nec transeat per eam filius hominis.
44 I will punish Bel in Babylon. I will force him to spit out what he swallowed. People of other nations won't run to worship him anymore. Even Babylon's wall has fallen.
Et visitabo super Bel in Babylone, et ejiciam quod absorbuerat de ore ejus: et non confluent ad eum ultra gentes, siquidem et murus Babylonis corruet.
45 My people, come out of her! Each one of you, save yourselves from the Lord's furious anger.
Egredimini de medio ejus, populus meus, ut salvet unusquisque animam suam ab ira furoris Domini,
46 Don't lose courage, and don't be afraid when you hear different rumors going around the country. There'll be one rumor one year, and another one the next, talking about violent revolution, of one ruler fighting against another.
et ne forte mollescat cor vestrum, et timeatis auditum qui audietur in terra: et veniet in anno auditio, et post hunc annum auditio, et iniquitas in terra, et dominator super dominatorem.
47 Look, the time is coming when I will punish Babylon's idols. The whole country will be humiliated; it will be full of the dead bodies of those who have been killed.
Propterea ecce dies veniunt, et visitabo super sculptilia Babylonis, et omnis terra ejus confundetur, et universi interfecti ejus cadent in medio ejus.
48 Then everyone in heaven and on earth will celebrate with shouts of joy at what's happened to Babylon, because the destroyers from the north will come and attack her, declares the Lord.
Et laudabunt super Babylonem cæli et terra, et omnia quæ in eis sunt: quia ab aquilone venient ei prædones, ait Dominus.
49 Babylon has to fall because of the Israelites and people of other nations she killed.
Et quomodo fecit Babylon, ut caderent occisi in Israël, sic de Babylone cadent occisi in universa terra.
50 Those of you who have managed to escape being killed, leave now! Don't delay! Remember the Lord in this far away place; think about Jerusalem.
Qui fugistis gladium, venite, nolite stare: recordamini procul Domini, et Jerusalem ascendat super cor vestrum.
51 “We are embarrassed because we've been mocked, and we held our heads in shame because foreigners went into the holy places of the Lord's Temple,”
Confusi sumus, quoniam audivimus opprobrium: operuit ignominia facies nostras, quia venerunt alieni super sanctificationem domus Domini.
52 So keep watching, declares the Lord, because the time is coming when I will punish her for worshiping idols, and the sound of wounded people moaning will be heard throughout the country.
Propterea ecce dies veniunt, ait Dominus, et visitabo super sculptilia ejus, et in omni terra ejus mugiet vulneratus.
53 Even if Babylon could climb up into the sky to strengthen her high fortresses, those I send to attack her will destroy her, declares the Lord.
Si ascenderit Babylon in cælum, et firmaverit in excelso robur suum, a me venient vastatores ejus, ait Dominus.
54 A cry comes from Babylon; the noise of terrible destruction comes from the country of Babylonia.
Vox clamoris de Babylone, et contritio magna de terra Chaldæorum:
55 For the Lord is going to destroy Babylon; he will put an end to her boastful talk. The waves of attacking army will roar like the crashing sea; the noise of their shouts will echo all around.
quoniam vastavit Dominus Babylonem, et perdidit ex ea vocem magnam: et sonabunt fluctus eorum quasi aquæ multæ; dedit sonitum vox eorum:
56 A destroyer is coming to attack Babylon. Her soldiers will be taken prisoner, and their bows will be smashed, for the Lord is a God who punishes fairly; he will definitely pay them back.
quia venit super eam, id est super Babylonem, prædo, et apprehensi sunt fortes ejus, et emarcuit arcus eorum, quia fortis ultor Dominus reddens retribuet.
57 I will make her leaders and wise men drunk, along with her commanders, officers, and soldiers. Then they will pass out, and won't ever wake up, declares the King, whose name is the Lord Almighty.
Et inebriabo principes ejus, et sapientes ejus, et duces ejus, et magistratus ejus, et fortes ejus: et dormient somnum sempiternum, et non expergiscentur, ait Rex (Dominus exercituum nomen ejus).
58 This is what the Lord Almighty says: Babylon's massive walls will be knocked down to the ground and her high gates burned. All that the people worked for will be for nothing; other nations who came to help will wear themselves out, only to see what they've done go up in flames.
Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum: Murus Babylonis ille latissimus suffossione suffodietur, et portæ ejus excelsæ igni comburentur, et labores populorum ad nihilum, et gentium in ignem erunt, et disperibunt.
59 This is the message that Jeremiah the prophet gave to Seraiah son of Neriah, son of Mahseiah, when he accompanied King Zedekiah of Judah to Babylon in the fourth year of Zedekiah's reign. Seraiah was the king's personal assistant.
Verbum quod præcepit Jeremias propheta Saraiæ filio Neriæ filii Maasiæ, cum pergeret cum Sedecia rege in Babylonem, in anno quarto regni ejus: Saraias autem erat princeps prophetiæ.
60 Jeremiah had written on a scroll a description of all the disasters that would come to Babylon—all these words written here about Babylon.
Et scripsit Jeremias omne malum quod venturum erat super Babylonem, in libro uno: omnia verba hæc quæ scripta sunt contra Babylonem.
61 Jeremiah told Seraiah, “When you arrive in Babylon, make sure you read out loud everything written here,
Et dixit Jeremias ad Saraiam: Cum veneris in Babylonem, et videris, et legeris omnia verba hæc,
62 and announce, ‘Lord, you have promised to destroy this place so that none will be left—no people or animals. In fact it will be deserted forever.’
dices: Domine, tu locutus es contra locum istum, ut disperderes eum, ne sit qui in eo habitet, ab homine usque ad pecus, et ut sit perpetua solitudo.
63 After you finish reading this scroll out loud, tie a stone to it and throw it into the Euphrates.
Cumque compleveris legere librum istum, ligabis ad eum lapidem, et projicies illum in medium Euphraten,
64 Then say, ‘This is how Babylon will sink and won't ever rise again, because of the disaster I'm bringing down on her. Her people will grow tired.’” This is the end of Jeremiah's messages.
et dices: Sic submergetur Babylon, et non consurget a facie afflictionis quam ego adduco super eam, et dissolvetur. Hucusque verba Jeremiæ.

< Jeremiah 51 >