< Jeremiah 5 >

1 Go everywhere through the streets of Jerusalem. Look and pay attention! Search all through her city squares to see if you can find even just one person who does what's right, anyone who is faithful, and I'll forgive the city.
“Jegharịa nʼokporoụzọ niile dị na Jerusalem, legharịa anya, ma mara, chọkwanụ gburugburu nʼama ya niile. Ma unu ọ ga-achọpụta otu onye, bụ onye na-eme ihe ziri ezi, na onye na-achọ eziokwu. M ga-agbagharakwa obodo a
2 They may make promises in my name, but they're not sincere.
Ọ bụ ezie, na ha na-asị, ‘Dịka Onyenwe anyị na-adị ndụ,’ ma ha ka na-aṅụ iyi nʼokwu ụgha.”
3 Lord, aren't you always looking for faithfulness? You beat them, but they didn't care. You just about destroyed them, but they refused to accept your discipline. They were stubborn, hard as rock, and they wouldn't repent.
Onyenwe anyị, anya gị abụọ ọ bụghị eziokwu ka ọ na-achọ? Ị tiela ha ihe, ma o metụghị ha nʼahụ. I gwepịara ha, ma ha ekweghị a nabata ịdọ aka na ntị. Ha emeela ka ihu ha sie ike karịa nkume, ha ajụla ịchịgharị.
4 Then I said to myself, “These people are only the poor—they're just fools who don't know any better. They certainly don't know what the Lord wants, God's right way of living.
Mgbe ahụ, a sịrị, “Ndị a bụ naanị ndị ogbenye na ndị na-enweghị uche, ha amaghị ihe ọbụla gbasara ụzọ Onyenwe anyị, na iwu nke Chineke ha.
5 Let me go to and talk to the ones in charge. They would surely know what the Lord wants, God's right way of living.” But they had all broken off the yoke as well, and ripped off the chains.
Aga m ejekwuru ndị ndu, gwa ha okwu sị, nʼezie ha maara ihe gbasara ụzọ Onyenwe anyị, marakwa iwu niile nke Chineke ha.” Ma ha onwe ha nʼotu obi agbajiela ịyagba ahụ, tijiekwa agbụ niile.
6 As a result a lion from the forest will attack them; a wolf from the desert will rip them apart. A leopard will lie in wait for them near their towns, ready to tear to pieces anyone who goes outside. For they keep on rebelling, and turn away from me so often.
Ya mere, aga m eme ka ọdụm si nʼoke ọhịa bịa lụso ha ọgụ; nkịta ọhịa bi nʼọzara ga-ebibi ha. Otu a kwa, agụ ga-abịa makpuru nso nso obodo ha ịdọkasị onye ọbụla si nʼime obodo ahụ na-apụta. Ihe ndị a ga-emezu nʼihi na nnupu isi ha adịla ukwuu, na nʼihi na ndaghachi azụ ha site na iso ụzọ m adịla ukwuu.
7 Why should I forgive you? Your children have abandoned me and believe in gods that are not gods. I gave them everything they need, yet they went and committed adultery, gathering together at prostitutes' houses.
“Nʼihi gịnị ka m ga-eji gbaghara unu? Lee na ụmụ unu ahapụla m, na-agbaso, ma na-eji chi ndị na-abụghị chi na-aṅụ iyi. Ọ bụ m gbooro ha mkpa ha, ma ha nọgidere na-akwa iko. Ha jikwa ụlọ ndị akwụna mere ebe ha na-ezukọ.
8 They're like virile stallions wanting sex, each of them neighing with lust after his neighbor's wife.
Ha rijuru afọ, gbaa abụba dị ka oke ịnyịnya. Onye ọbụla nʼime ha kwa na-esigharị imi na-akpọku nwunye na-abụghị nke ya.
9 Shouldn't I punish them for all this? declares the Lord. Shouldn't I retaliate for what this nation has done?
Ma Onyenwe anyị na-ajụ ajụjụ sị, m ga-ahapụ ịta ha ahụhụ nʼihi ihe ndị a niile? M ga-ahapụ ịbọtara mkpụrụobi m ọbọ megide mba dị otu a?”
10 Go through her vineyards and damage them, but don't destroy them completely. Rip off her branches, because they don't belong to the Lord.
“Baanụ nʼime ubi vaịnị ha a gbara ogige kposaa ihe dị nʼime ya, ma unu emebila ya kpamkpam. Gbajisienụ alaka ya nʼihi na o nweghị oge ndị a ji bụrụ ndị nke Onyenwe anyị.
11 The people of Israel and Judah have completely betrayed me, declares the Lord.
Onyenwe anyị ekwuola ya sị, Lee, ụlọ Izrel na ụlọ Juda egosila na ha abụghị ndị e kwesiri ịtụkwasị obi.” Otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwupụtara.
12 They have lied about the Lord, saying, “He won't do anything. Nothing bad will happen to us. We won't have war or famine.
Ha ekwuola okwu ụgha megide Onyenwe anyị. E, ha ekwuola sị, “O nweghị ihe Ọ ga-eme! Ihe ọjọọ ọbụla agaghị adakwasị anyị; mbibi nke ụnwụ na mma agha na-eweta agaghị erute anyị nso.
13 The prophets are just like the wind. The Lord doesn't speak through them. What they predict can happen to them!”
Ndị amụma ndị a niile dịka ikuku, nke okwu nwere isi na-adịghị nʼime ha. Ya mere, ka ihe ahụ niile ha buru nʼamụma bịakwasị ha.”
14 So this is the reply from the Lord God Almighty: Because of what you've said, I will make my words like a fire in your mouth and you people like the wood it burns up.
Nʼihi ihe ndị a niile, ihe ndị a ka Onyenwe anyị Chineke Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile kwuru, “Nʼihi na okwu ndị a esitela nʼọnụ ndị a pụta, aga m eme ka okwu m, nke si gị nʼọnụ na-apụta, ghọọ ọkụ. Aga m emekwa ka ndị a ghọọ nkụ ọkụ ahụ ga-erepịa.
15 Look! I am bringing a nation from far away to attack you, people of Israel, declares the Lord. It's a powerful nation that has existed for a long time; it's a nation whose language you don't know, and when they speak you can't understand them.
Unu bụ ndị Izrel,” otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri, “Aga m eme ka otu mba si nʼebe dị anya bịa megide unu. Ọ bụ mba na-adị site na mgbe ochie, mba dị ike, nke unu na-adịghị anụ asụsụ ha, ndị unu na-adịghị aghọta okwu ha.
16 Their arrows bring death; they are all strong warriors.
Akpa àkụ ha dịka ili ghere oghe; ha niile bụkwa ndị dike nʼagha.
17 They will consume your harvest and your food; they will destroy your sons and your daughters; they will eat your flocks and your herds; they will feed on your vines and your fig trees. They will attack and will destroy the fortified towns that you have so much confidence in.
Ha ga-eripịa ihe niile unu wetara nʼubi, ya na nri niile unu nwere. Ha ga-ebibi ụmụ unu ndị nwoke na ndị nwanyị. Ha ga-ebibi igwe ewu na atụrụ unu, na igwe ehi unu. Ha ga-ebibikwa osisi vaịnị na osisi fiig unu. Ọ bụ mma agha ha ka ha ga-eji bibie obodo unu niile e wusiri ike, bụ obodo ndị ahụ niile unu na-atụkwasị uche.
18 But even at that time I won't completely destroy you, declares the Lord.
“Ma ọ bụladị na nʼụbọchị ndị ahụ,” otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwupụtara, “Agaghị m ebibicha unu kpamkpam.
19 When people ask you Jeremiah, “Why did the Lord our God do all these things to us?” you are to tell them, “In the same way you have abandoned me and served foreign gods here in your country, so you will serve foreigners in a country that isn't your own.”
Ọ ga-erukwa, mgbe ndị mmadụ ga-ajụ ajụjụ sị, ‘Gịnị mere Onyenwe anyị Chineke anyị ji mee anyị ihe dị otu a?’ Unu ga-agwa ha sị, ‘Dịka unu si gbakụta ya azụ malite ife chi ndị mba ọzọ nʼala nke aka unu, otu a ka unu ga-esi kpọọ isiala nye ndị mba ọzọ nʼala na-abụghị nke unu.’
20 Announce this to the people of Jacob and Judah:
“Kwupụta ihe a ka ụlọ Jekọb nụrụ ya, kwusaa ya na Juda.
21 Listen to this, you foolish, stupid people, who have eyes but don't see, who have ears but don't hear.
Nụrụnụ ihe ndị a, unu ndị nzuzu na ndị na-enweghị uche, unu ndị nwere anya nke na-adịghị ahụ ụzọ, na unu ndị nwere ntị nke na-adịghị anụ ihe.
22 Aren't you afraid of what I can do? declares the Lord. Don't you think you should tremble in my presence? I am the one who set up the shore as the sea's boundary, an everlasting limit that it can't cross. The waves crash against it, but they can't defeat it. They roar, but they can't cross the barrier.
Otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwupụtara, na-ajụ sị, o kwesighị ka unu tụọ m egwu?” “O kwesighị ka unu maa jijiji nʼihu m? Emeela m ka uzuzu bụrụ oke osimiri nwere. Ọ bụkwa ụkpụrụ ebighị ebi nke ọ na-enweghị ike ịgafe. Ebili mmiri nwere ike magharịa, ma nke a apụghị ime ka osimiri si nʼọnọdụ ya wezuga onwe ya. Osimiri nwere ike bigbọọ, ma ọ pụghị ịgafe oke ahụ.
23 But you people have a stubborn and rebellious attitude. You have left me and gone your own way.
Ma ndị a nwere obi nke na-enupu isi, na obi nke na-adịghị ekwe ekwe. Ha atụgharịala wezuga onwe ha.
24 You didn't think to say, “We should appreciate the Lord our God, who sends the autumn and spring rains at the right time, who makes sure we can have a harvest every year.”
Ha adịghị asị onwe ha, ‘Ka anyị tụọ egwu Onyenwe anyị Chineke anyị, onye na-enye anyị mmiri ozuzo nʼoge ya, ọ bụkwa ya na-eme ka anyị na-ewebata ihe ubi anyị nʼoge ya.’
25 Your wrong actions have taken these benefits from you; your sins have deprived you of my blessings.
Ajọ omume unu emeela ka ihe ndị a hapụ irute unu aka. Mmehie unu anapụla unu ihe ọma gaara abụ nke unu.
26 For there are wicked men among my people. They're like bird-trappers, secretly watching and waiting to catch people in their snare.
“E nwere ndị ajọ mmadụ nʼetiti ndị m, ndị na-edo onwe ha dịka ndị mmadụ na-esiri nnụnụ ọnya, dịka ndị na-esi ọnya ka ha nwude mmadụ.
27 Their homes are full of their ill-gotten gains, like cages full of birds. That's why they've become powerful and rich.
Dịka nkata a kpara nke nnụnụ jupụtara nʼime ya, ụlọ ndị dị otu a jupụtara nʼaghụghọ. Nʼihi nke a, ha ghọrọ ndị ọgaranya na ndị dị ike,
28 They've grown fat and smooth, and have become experts in evil. They deny justice to orphans, and they don't defend the rights of those in need.
ha amaala abụba, anụ ahụ ha na-akwọkwa mụrụmụrụ. Ajọ ọrụ ha enweghị nsọtụ; ha adịghị achọkwa ikpe ziri ezi. Ha adịghị ekwuchite ọnụ onye na-enweghị nna; ha adịghị ekwuchitekwa ọnụ ndị ogbenye ime ka ha nweta ihe ruuru ha.
29 Shouldn't I punish them for all this? declares the Lord. Shouldn't I retaliate for what this nation has done?
M ga-ahapụ ịta ha ahụhụ nʼihi ihe ndị a niile?” ka Onyenwe anyị kwupụtara, na-ajụ. “M ga-ahapụ ịbọrọ onwe m ọbọ megide mba dị otu a?
30 Something horrible, something terrible has happened here in this country.
“Ihe ọjọọ nke jọbigara njọ oke emeela nʼala a.
31 The prophets give false prophecies; the priests rule as they please. My people love it like this, but what will you do when it all falls apart?
Lee, ndị amụma na-ebu naanị amụma ụgha, ndị nchụaja na-achịkwa ndị m site nʼọchịchị nke nʼaka ike, ma lee, ndị m hụrụ ndụ dị otu a nʼanya. Gịnịkwa ka unu ga-eme nʼoge ikpeazụ.”

< Jeremiah 5 >