< Jeremiah 49 >

1 This is what the Lord says about the Ammonites: Don't the Israelites have any children? Don't they have heirs to inherit their property? So why has Milcom taken over the territory belonging to the tribe of Gad? Why are his people living in their towns?
to/for son: descendant/people Ammon thus to say LORD son: child nothing to/for Israel if: surely yes to possess: possess nothing to/for him why? to possess: take Milcom [obj] Gad and people his in/on/with city his to dwell
2 Watch out! The time is coming, declares the Lord, when I will signal the attack on the Ammonite town of Rabbah. It will be turned into a pile of ruins, and its villages will be burned down. Then the Israelites will drive out the people who took over their land, says the Lord.
to/for so behold day to come (in): come utterance LORD and to hear: hear to(wards) Rabbah son: descendant/people Ammon shout battle and to be to/for mound devastation and daughter: village her in/on/with fire to kindle and to possess: take Israel [obj] to possess: take him to say LORD
3 Weep, people of Heshbon, for the town of Ai has been destroyed. Cry for help, people of Rabbah! Put on clothes made of sackcloth and start mourning; run to and fro inside your city walls, because your god Milcom will go into exile along with his priests and leaders.
to wail Heshbon for to ruin Ai to cry daughter Rabbah to gird sackcloth to mourn and to rove in/on/with wall for Milcom in/on/with captivity to go: went priest his and ruler his together
4 Why do you boast that your valleys are so productive, you unfaithful people? You trust in your wealth, saying, “Who would dare attack us?”
what? to boast: boast in/on/with valley to flow: flowing valley your [the] daughter [the] backsliding [the] to trust in/on/with treasure her who? to come (in): come to(wards) me
5 Watch out! I'm going to bring the surrounding nations to terrorize you, declares the Lord God Almighty. You will all be driven out and scattered, and no one will be able to gather you refugees together again.
look! I to come (in): bring upon you dread utterance Lord YHWH/God Hosts from all around you and to banish man: anyone to/for face: before his and nothing to gather to/for to wander
6 However, later on I will bring you Ammonites back from exile, declares the Lord.
and after so to return: rescue [obj] captivity son: descendant/people Ammon utterance LORD
7 This is what the Lord Almighty says about Edom: Aren't there any wise people left in Teman? Isn't there any good advice from those with insight? Has their wisdom rotted away?
to/for Edom thus to say LORD Hosts nothing still wisdom in/on/with Teman to perish counsel from to understand to overrun wisdom their
8 Turn and run away! Find somewhere to hide, people of Dedan, because I'm bringing disaster down on you descendants of Esau when I punish you.
to flee to turn be deep to/for to dwell to dwell Dedan for calamity Esau to come (in): bring upon him time to reckon: punish him
9 If people harvesting grapes came to you, they'd leave some behind, wouldn't they? If thieves came during the night, they'd only steal what they wanted, wouldn't they?
if to gather/restrain/fortify to come (in): come to/for you not to remain gleaning if thief in/on/with night to ruin sufficiency their
10 But I'm going to strip the whole country of bare, leaving its people with nowhere to hide. All of Esau's descendants will be destroyed, along with their relatives and friends—they will all be gone.
for I to strip [obj] Esau to reveal: uncover [obj] hiding his and to hide not be able to ruin seed: children his and brother: male-sibling his and neighboring his and nothing he
11 However, you can leave your orphans to me because I will protect them. Have your widows put their trust in me.
to leave: forsake [emph?] orphan your I to live and widow your upon me to trust
12 This is what the Lord says: If those who were not required to drink from the cup of judgment had to do so, how could you not be punished yourselves? You won't go unpunished, because you have to drink it too.
for thus to say LORD behold which nothing justice their to/for to drink [the] cup to drink to drink and you(m. s.) he/she/it to clear to clear not to clear for to drink to drink
13 I made myself a solemn promise, declares the Lord, that the town of Bozrah will become a place that horrifies people, a complete humiliation, a pile of ruins, and a name that's used as a curse word. All its surrounding towns will also be left in ruins forever.
for in/on/with me to swear utterance LORD for to/for horror: appalled to/for reproach to/for desolation and to/for curse to be Bozrah and all city her to be to/for desolation forever: enduring
14 I received this message from the Lord. He has sent a messenger to the nations: Get yourselves ready to attack Edom! Prepare for battle!
tidings to hear: hear from with LORD and envoy in/on/with nation to send: depart to gather and to come (in): come upon her and to arise: rise to/for battle
15 Watch as I will make you insignificant compared to other nations—everyone will look down on you.
for behold small to give: make you in/on/with nation to despise in/on/with man
16 The fear you once created in others, and your pride in yourselves, has fooled you into overconfidence, you people living on the rocky mountain tops. Though you make your homes high out of reach like an eagle's nest, I will tear you down, even from there, declares the Lord.
terror your to deceive [obj] you arrogance heart your to dwell in/on/with cleft [the] crag to capture height hill for to exult like/as eagle nest your from there to go down you utterance LORD
17 People will be horrified at what's happened to Edom. Everyone passing by will be shocked, and will sneer at all its damage.
and to be Edom to/for horror: appalled all to pass upon her be desolate: appalled and to whistle upon all wound her
18 Just as Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, along with their neighboring towns, says the Lord, nobody will live there—they will become uninhabited.
like/as overthrow Sodom and Gomorrah and neighboring her to say LORD not to dwell there man: anyone and not to sojourn in/on/with her son: descendant/people man
19 Watch out! I'm going to come like a lion from the tangled undergrowth beside the Jordan to attack the animals grazing the green pasture. In fact I'm going to chase the Edomites from their land very quickly. Who will I choose to conquer them? Who is like me? Who can challenge me? Which leader could oppose me?
behold like/as lion to ascend: rise from pride [the] Jordan to(wards) pasture strong for to disturb to run: run him from upon her and who? to choose to(wards) her to reckon: overseer for who? like me and who? to appoint me and who? this to pasture which to stand: stand to/for face: before my
20 So listen to what the Lord has planned to do to Edom and the people of Teman: Their children will be dragged away like lambs from the flock, and because of them their pasture will become a wasteland.
to/for so to hear: hear counsel LORD which to advise to(wards) Edom and plot his which to devise: devise to(wards) to dwell Teman if not to drag them little [the] flock if: surely yes not be desolate: appalled upon them pasture their
21 When they fall, the sound they make will make the earth shake; their cries will be heard all the way to the Red Sea.
from voice: sound to fall: kill they to shake [the] land: country/planet cry in/on/with sea Red (Sea) to hear: hear voice: sound her
22 Watch as an enemy like an eagle flies high, then swoops down, spreading its wings as it attacks Bozrah. At that time Edom's warriors will be as scared as a woman in labor.
behold like/as eagle to ascend: rise and to fly and to spread wing his upon Bozrah and to be heart mighty man Edom in/on/with day [the] he/she/it like/as heart woman to distress
23 A prophecy about Damascus: The towns of Hamath and Arpad are disturbed, because they've received bad news. They are fearful, restless like the sea. Nothing can calm their worries.
to/for Damascus be ashamed Hamath and Arpad for tidings bad: harmful to hear: hear to melt in/on/with sea anxiety to quiet not be able
24 The people of Damascus are demoralized—they turn and run away in panic, overcome by pain and anguish like a woman in labor.
to slacken Damascus to turn to/for to flee and panic to strengthen: hold distress and pain to grasp her like/as to beget
25 Why isn't the city that is praised deserted, the city that made me happy?
how? not to leave: forsake city (praise *Q(K)*) town rejoicing my
26 For on that day its young men will die in its streets, all its defenders will be killed, declares the Lord of Hosts.
to/for so to fall: kill youth her in/on/with street/plaza her and all human [the] battle to silence: silent in/on/with day [the] he/she/it utterance LORD Hosts
27 I'm going to set fire to the walls of Damascus; that will burn down the fortresses of Ben-hadad.
and to kindle fire in/on/with wall Damascus and to eat citadel: fortress Ben-hadad Ben-hadad
28 A prophecy about the land of Kedar and the kingdoms of Hazor that were attacked by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. This is what the Lord says: Go and attack Kedar; destroy the people of the east!
to/for Kedar and to/for kingdom Hazor which to smite (Nebuchadnezzar *Q(K)*) king Babylon thus to say LORD to arise: rise to ascend: rise to(wards) Kedar and to ruin [obj] son: descendant/people front: east
29 Take their tents and their flocks! Carry off their tent curtains and all their possessions! Take their camels for yourselves. Shout out to them: “Terror is everywhere!”
tent their and flock their to take: take curtain their and all article/utensil their and camel their to lift: bear to/for them and to call: call out upon them terror from around: side
30 Run! Get away as far as you can! Find somewhere to hide, people of Hazor, declares the Lord. For Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon has made plans to attack and destroy you.
to flee to wander much be deep to/for to dwell to dwell Hazor utterance LORD for to advise upon you Nebuchadnezzar king Babylon counsel and to devise: devise (upon you *Q(K)*) plot
31 Go and attack that self-satisfied nation that thinks it's safe, declares the Lord. They don't have any barred gates and have no allies.
to arise: rise to ascend: rise to(wards) nation at ease to dwell to/for security utterance LORD not door and not bar to/for him isolation to dwell
32 Their camels and large herds will be plunder for you. I will scatter them everywhere, these desert people who trim their hair on the sides of their heads. I will bring disaster down on them from all directions, declares the Lord.
and to be camel their to/for plunder and crowd livestock their to/for spoil and to scatter them to/for all spirit: breath to cut side and from all side: beside his to come (in): bring [obj] calamity their utterance LORD
33 Hazor will become a place where jackals live, a place abandoned forever. No one will live there; it will become uninhabited.
and to be Hazor to/for habitation jackal devastation till forever: enduring not to dwell there man: anyone and not to sojourn in/on/with her son: descendant/people man
34 This is the Lord's message that came to Jeremiah the prophet about Elam. This was at the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah.
which to be word LORD to(wards) Jeremiah [the] prophet to(wards) Elam in/on/with first: beginning royalty Zedekiah king Judah to/for to say
35 This is what the Lord Almighty says: Look! I'm going to smash the bows of the Elamites, the weapon they rely on for their power.
thus to say LORD Hosts look! I to break [obj] bow Elam first: best might their
36 I will bring winds from all directions to attack Elam, and I will scatter them in all directions. There won't be a nation that doesn't have some of Elam's exiles.
and to come (in): bring to(wards) Elam four spirit: breath from four end [the] heaven and to scatter them to/for all [the] spirit: breath [the] these and not to be [the] nation which not to come (in): come there to banish (Elam *Q(K)*)
37 I will smash the Elamites in front of their enemies, before those who want to kill them. In my furious anger I will bring disaster down on them, declares the Lord. I will chase them down with the sword until I have destroyed them.
and to to be dismayed [obj] Elam (to/for face: before *LAB(h)*) enemy their and to/for face: before to seek soul: life their and to come (in): bring upon them distress: harm [obj] burning anger face: anger my utterance LORD and to send: depart after them [obj] [the] sword till to end: destroy I [obj] them
38 I will set up my throne in Elam, and destroy its king and officials, declares the Lord.
and to set: make throne my in/on/with Elam and to perish from there king and ruler utterance LORD
39 However, later on I will bring the Elamites back from exile, declares the Lord.
and to be in/on/with end [the] day (to return: rescue *Q(K)*) [obj] (captivity *Q(k)*) Elam utterance LORD

< Jeremiah 49 >