< Jeremiah 44 >

1 This is the message that came to Jeremiah regarding all the people of Judah living in Egypt—in Migdol, Tahpanhes, and Memphis—and in Upper Egypt.
Ko te kupu i puta mai ki a Heremaia mo nga Hurai katoa e noho ana i te whenua o Ihipa, e noho ana i Mikitoro, i Tahapanehe, i Nopo, i te whenua hoki o Patoro; i mea ia,
2 This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: You saw the complete disaster that I brought down on Jerusalem and all the towns of Judah. You can see how today they're ruined and abandoned
Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa o nga mano, a te Atua o Iharaira: Kua kite koutou i te kino katoa i takina mai nei e ahau ki runga ki Hiruharama, ki nga pa katoa hoki o Hura; na, i tenei ra he ururua ratou, kahore hoki he tangata e noho ana i reira;
3 because of the evil they did. They made me angry by burning incense and serving other gods that they hadn't ever known, and you and your forefathers hadn't known either.
Mo ta ratou kino i mahia e ratou hei whakapataritari i ahau, i to ratou haerenga ki te tahu whakakakara, a ki te mahi ki nga atua ke, kihai nei ratou i mohio, ratou, koutou ranei, o koutou matua ranei.
4 I sent you all my servants the prophets time and again to warn you: “Don't do these offensive things that I hate.”
He ahakoa ra, i unga atu e ahau aku pononga katoa, nga poropiti, ki a koutou, maranga wawe ana ahau ki te unga i a ratou; i mea ahau, Kaua ra e mahia tenei mea whakarihariha e kino nei ahau.
5 But you refused to listen or to pay attention. You didn't stop their wickedness or burning incense in worship of other gods.
Otiia kihai ratou i rongo, kihai hoki i tahuri mai o ratou taringa, kihai i hoki mai i to ratou kino, ara i te tahu whakakakara ki nga atua ke.
6 That's why my furious anger poured out and set fire to the towns of Judah and burned in the streets of Jerusalem, making them the abandoned ruins they still are today.
Koia i ringihia atu ai toku weriweri, toku riri, ngiha tonu ki nga pa o Hura, ki nga ara hoki o Hiruharama; na he ururua ratou, he tuhea, koia ano tenei inaianei.
7 So this is what the Lord God Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Why are you hurting yourselves so badly by removing from Judah every man, woman, child, infant, so you don't have anyone left?
Mo reira ko te kupu tenei inaianei a Ihowa, a te Atua o nga mano, a te Atua o Iharaira; He aha koutou i mahi ai i tenei kino nui mo o koutou wairua, ka hatepe atu i a koutou, i nga tane, i nga wahine, i te kohungahunga, i te mea ngote u, i roto i a Hura, a kore iho he toenga o koutou e mahue?
8 Why are you making me angry by what you do, burning incense to other gods in Egypt where you have come to live? Because if this you will be destroyed, and will you will become a curse word, an expression of condemnation among all the nations on earth.
I a koutou i whakapataritari na i ahau ki nga mahi a o koutou ringa, i a koutou ka tahu whakakakara nei ki nga atua ke i te whenua o Ihipa, kua haere atu na koutou ki reira noho ai, e hatepea atu ai koutou, e waiho ai koutou hei kanga, hei ingoa kino i roto i nga iwi katoa o te whenua.
9 Have you forgotten the evil of your forefathers and the evil of the kings of Judah and the evil of their wives, as well as your own evil and the evil your wives, all practiced in the country of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem?
Kua wareware ranei koutou ki te kino o o koutou matua, ki te kino o nga kingi o Hura, ki te kino hoki o a ratou wahine, ki o koutou na kino, ki te kino hoki o a koutou wahine i mahia nei e ratou ki te whenua o Hura, ki nga ara hoki o Hiruharama?
10 Even up to now you haven't shown any remorse or reverence. You haven't followed my rules and regulations I gave you and your forefathers.
Taea noatia tenei ra kahore ano ratou i whakaiti i a ratou, kahore ano i wehi, kahore i haere i runga i taku ture, i runga i aku tikanga i hoatu e ahau ki to koutou aroaro, ki te aroaro hoki o o koutou matua.
11 So this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: I am determined to bring disaster and to wipe out everyone from Judah.
Mo reira ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa o nga mano, a te Atua o Iharaira: Nana, ka anga ke atu toku mata i a koutou mo te kino, he hatepe i a Hura katoa.
12 I'm going to destroy you who are left who decided to go to Egypt to live there. You will die there, killed by the sword or by famine. Whoever you are, from the least to the most important, you're going to die by sword or by famine; and you will become a curse word, something horrible, an insult, an expression of condemnation.
Na ka mau ahau ki nga morehu o Hura, kua maro nei o ratou mata ki te haere ki te whenua o Ihipa, ki reira noho ai, a ka poto ratou katoa; ka hinga ratou ki te whenua o Ihipa; ka pau ratou i te hoari, i te hemokai; ka mate ratou, mai i te iti ki te rahi, i te hoari, i te hemokai: a ka waiho ratou hei kanga, hei miharotanga, hei kohukohutanga, hei ingoa kino.
13 I'm going to punish you who live in Egypt like I punished Jerusalem, by war and famine and disease.
No te mea ka whiua e ahau te hunga e noho ana i te whenua o Ihipa, ka rite ki taku whiunga i Hiruharama ki te hoari, ki te hemokai, ki te mate uruta:
14 Nobody who is left from Judah who has gone to live in Egypt will escape or survive to return to the country of Judah. You long to go back and live there, but nobody will return except a few stragglers.
Na ka kore tetahi o nga morehu o Hura i haere nei ki te whenua o Ihipa noho ai e mawhiti, e toe, hei hoki ki te whenua o Hura, ki te wahi e hiahia nei ratou kia hoki ki reira noho ai: na e kore tetahi e hoki ko te hunga anake e mawhiti atu.
15 All the men who knew that their wives were burning incense to other gods, and all the women who were there, a great crowd of people, those living in Egypt and Upper Egypt all told Jeremiah,
Na katahi nga tangata katoa i mohio kua tahu whakakakara a ratou wahine ki nga atua ke, nga wahine katoa hoki e tu mai ana, he nui te huihui, me te iwi katoa hoki e noho ana i te whenua o Ihipa, i Patoro, ka whakahoki ki a Heremaia, ka mea,
16 “Even though you say this message is from the Lord, we're not going to listen to you”
Na, mo te kupu kua korerotia nei e koe ki a matou i runga i te ingoa o Ihowa, e kore matou e rongo ki a koe.
17 In fact we're going to do everything we said we would. We'll burn incense to the Queen of Heaven and offer drink offerings to worship her as we did before, just like our fathers, our kings, and our officials who did the same things in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. Back then we had plenty of food and we were well off and nothing bad happened to us.
Engari ka tino mahi matou i nga mea katoa i puaki i o matou mangai, ka tahu whakakakara ki te kuini o te rangi, ka riringi ano i nga ringihanga ki a ia, ka pera me ta matou, me ta o matou matua, me ta o matou kingi, me ta o matou rangatira i nga pa o Hura, i nga ara o Hiruharama: i makona hoki matou i reira i te kai, i pai hoki matou, a kihai i kite i te he.
18 But ever since we stopped burning incense to the Queen of Heaven and pouring out drink offerings to worship her, we've lost everything and have been dying as a result of war and famine.
Otiia no te mutunga o ta matou tahu whakakakara ki te kuini o te rangi, o ta matou ringihanga i nga ringihanga ki a ia, kua kore nga mea katoa, i a matou, a poto iho matou i te hoari, i te hemokai.
19 “On top of that,” the women added, “when we burned incense to the Queen of Heaven and poured out drink offerings to worship her, did we do this without our husbands knowing about it, that we baked cakes stamped with her image and poured out drink offerings to worship her?”
A, i a matou i tahu whakakakara ai ki te kuini o te rangi, i riringi ai hoki i nga ringihanga ki a ia, e ngaro ana ranei a matou tane i a matou e hanga ana i nga keke nana, hei karakia ki a ia; i a matou hoki i riringi ai i nga ringihanga mana?
20 Jeremiah replied to all the people, both men and women, who were responding to him,
Katahi a Heremaia ka korero ki te iwi katoa, ki nga tane, ki nga wahine, ki te iwi katoa ano nana taua kupu whakautu ki a ia, ka mea,
21 “About that incense you burned to other gods in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, as well as your fathers, your kings, your officials, and the ordinary people—don't you think the Lord wouldn't remember and think about it?
Ko te whakakakara i tahuna ra e koutou ki nga pa o Hura, ki nga ara hoki o Hiruharama, e koutou, e o koutou matua, e o koutou kingi, e o koutou rangatira, e te iwi hoki o te whenua, kihai ianei ena mea i maharatia e Ihowa, kihai ianei i puta ake ki tona ngakau?
22 The Lord couldn't take it anymore—the evil things you did and your disgusting acts—so your country was turned into an uninhabited wasteland, a place of horror and a curse word to others, as it still is today.
A te ahei a Ihowa te whakamanawanui tonu i te kino o a koutou hanga, i nga mea whakarihariha i mahia e koutou; heoi kua ururua to koutou whenua, kua waiho hei miharotanga, hei kohukohutanga, te ai te tangata hei noho, koia ano tenei inaianei.
23 As you can see today, the disaster you've experienced happened because you burned incense to other gods and sinned against the Lord, refusing to listen to the Lord or to follow his instructions, his rules, and his regulations.”
No te mea kua tahu koutou i te whakakakara, kua hara hoki ki a Ihowa, a kihai i rongo ki te reo o Ihowa, kihai hoki i haere i runga i tana ture, i runga i ana tikanga, i runga i ana whakaatu; mo reira i tutaki ai tenei he ki a koutou, koia ano t enei inaianei.
24 Then Jeremiah told everyone, including all the women, “Listen to the Lord's message, all you people from Judah living here in Egypt.
I mea atu ano a Heremaia ki te iwi katoa, ki nga wahine katoa hoki, Whakarongo ki te kupu a Ihowa, e Hura katoa i te whenua o Ihipa nei:
25 This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: You and your wives, you've said what you're going to do, and you've done what you said! You said, ‘We're going to keep our promise to burn incense to the Queen of Heaven and to pour out drink offerings to worship her.’ So go ahead! Do what you've said! Keep your promises!
Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa o nga mano, a te Atua o Iharaira; e ki ana ia: Ko koutou, me a koutou wahine, kua korero o koutou mangai, kua rite ano i o koutou ringa te kupu, Ka mahia marietia e matou a matou kupu taurangi i korerotia e matou, kia ta hu whakakakara ki te kuini o te rangi, kia riringi i nga ringihanga ki a ia: tena whakaungia a koutou kupu taurangi, mahia hoki a koutou kupu taurangi.
26 But even so, listen to what the Lord says, all you people from Judah living here in Egypt: I guarantee by all that I am, says the Lord, that none of you living in the Egypt will ever use my name or swear, ‘As the Lord God lives.’
Mo reira whakarongo ki te kupu a Ihowa, e Hura katoa e noho nei i te whenua o Ihipa: Nana, kua oatitia e ahau toku ingoa nui, e ai ta Ihowa, e kore toku ingoa e whakahuatia a muri ake nei e te mangai o tetahi tangata o Hura i te whenua katoa o I hipa, e kore e kiia, E ora ana te Ariki, a Ihowa.
27 I will take care of them in the bad sense, and not in the good sense. All the people from Judah who are in Egypt will die by sword or famine, until they are wiped out.
Nana, kei te tirotiro ahau i a ratou mo te kino, ehara i te mea hei pai: a, ko nga tangata katoa o Hura i te whenua o Ihipa, ka poto i te hoari, i te hemokai hoki, a moti noa ratou.
28 Those who manage to avoid being killed by the sword will go back to Judah from Egypt. But there will only be a few of them, and then all who were left from Judah and went to live in Egypt will know who's telling the truth—me or them!
A, ko nga morehu i te hoari, ka hoki atu i te whenua o Ihipa ki te whenua o Hura, he hunga torutoru; a ka mohio nga morehu katoa o Hura i haere nei ki te whenua o Ihipa noho ai, ko ta wai kupu e tu, ko taku ranei, ko ta ratou ranei.
29 This is your sign to prove that I'm going to punish you here, declares the Lord, so that you'll know for certain that my threats against you will really happen.
A ko te tohu tenei ki a koutou, e ai ta Ihowa, ka whiua koutou e ahau ki tenei wahi, kia mohio ai koutou ka mau tonu aku kupu ki te kino mo koutou.
30 This is what the Lord says: Look! I'm going to hand over Pharaoh Hophra king of Egypt to his enemies who are trying to kill him, in the same way that I handed over Zedekiah king of Judah to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, his enemy who was trying to kill him.”
Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, Nana, ka hoatu e ahau a Parao Hopara kingi o Ihipa ki te ringa o ona hoariri, ki te ringa hoki o te hunga e whai ana kia whakamatea ia; ka rite ano ki taku hoatutanga i a Terekia kingi o Hura ki te ringa o Nepukareha ki ngi o Papurona, o tona hoariri i whai nei kia whakamatea ia.

< Jeremiah 44 >