< Jeremiah 4 >

1 Israel, if you want to come back, then come back to me, declares the Lord. If you get rid of these disgusting idols I see, and don't wander away,
Ki te mea ka hoki mai koe e Iharaira, e ai ta Ihowa, hoki mai ki ahau; ki te whakarerea ano e koe au mea whakarihariha i toku aroaro, e kore koe e riro ke;
2 and if when you make your vows, you do so only to me, sincerely, truly, and honestly, then the nations will be blessed by me, and they will praise me.
Ka oati ano koe, Kei te ora a Ihowa i runga i te pono, i te whakawa ai, ki te tika, mana hoki nga iwi ka whakapai ai ki a ratou ano, ka whakamanamana ano ratou ki a ia.
3 This is what the Lord is saying to the people of Judah and Jerusalem: Plow your unplowed ground, and don't sow among the thorns.
Ko te kupu hoki tenei a Ihowa ki nga tangata o Hura, a ki Hiruharama, Ngakia ta koutou patohe: kaua hoki e whakato ki roto ki nga tataramoa.
4 Dedicate yourselves to the Lord; be totally committed to him, people of Judah and Jerusalem. Otherwise, my anger will blaze like fire, burning so hard that no one can put it out because of the evil you've done.
Kotia hoki koutou, hei mea ki a Ihowa, whakarerea hoki nga kiri matamata o o koutou ngakau, e nga tangata o Hura, e te hunga ano e noho ana i Hiruharama; kei puta toku riri ano he ahi, kei mura, a kahore e tineia, mo te kino hoki o a koutou mahi.
5 Announce this warning throughout Judah and Jerusalem! Tell them: Blow the trumpet everywhere in the country! Shout out, “Hurry! Let's run to the fortified towns for protection!”
Karangatia i roto i a Hura, kia rongo a Hiruharama, mea atu, Whakatangihia te tetere ki te whenua: karanga, mea atu, Whakamine mai, tatou ka haere ki nga pa taiepa.
6 Raise the danger flag; go to Zion! Find somewhere safe! Don't hesitate! I'm bringing enemies from the north who will cause terrible destruction.
Whakaarahia te kara ki te ritenga o Hiona, putere atu koutou, kaua e tu; no te mea ka kawea mai e ahau he kino i te raki, he whatianga nui.
7 A lion has left his hiding place; a destroyer of nations has started out. He has left his den to come and turn your country into a wasteland. Your towns will be demolished, and no one will live there.
Kei te haere mai he raiona i tona urupuia rakau, kei te ara ano he kaiwhakangaro mo nga tauiwi; kei te ara ia, kua puta mai ia i tona wahi; hei whakangaro i tou whenua, hei mea i ou pa kia ururua, kahore he tangata hei noho.
8 Wear clothes made of sackcloth, weep and wail, crying out, “The Lord's furious anger against us hasn't stopped.”
Mo konei whitikiria he kakahu taratara ki a koutou, e tangi, aue; no te mea kahore te muranga o to Ihowa riri e tahuri atu i a tatou.
9 When that happens declares the Lord, the king and officials will lose heart, the priests will be devastated, and the prophets will be shocked.
I taua ra, e ai ta Ihowa, ka pirau te ngakau o te kingi, me te ngakau o nga rangatira; a ka miharo nga tohunga, a ko nga poropiti ketekete kau ana.
10 Then I said, “Oh, Lord God, you have completely fooled the people of Jerusalem by telling them, ‘You will have peace,’ while holding a sword to our throats.”
Ano ra ko ahau, Aue, e te Ariki, e Ihowa, kua pohehe rawa i a koe tenei iwi, a Hiruharama ano, i te kupu nei, Ka mau te rongo ki a koutou. Tena ia, kua pa te hoari ki te wairua.
11 At that time the people of Jerusalem will be told, “A burning wind from the bare hills of the desert is blowing toward the Jerusalem, but not to blow away the chaff or the dust.
I taua wa ka korerotia ki tenei iwi, ki Hiruharama ano, He hau wera no nga wahi tiketike i te koraha e tika mai ana ki te tamahine a taku iwi, ehara i te mea hei powhiriwhiri, hei tahi ranei;
12 No, this wind is too strong for that, and it comes from me. Now I'm also going to tell them how I will punish them.”
He hau totopu no aua wahi ka tae mai ki ahau. Akuanei ahau whakapuaki ai i te whakawa mo ratou.
13 Look, he's rushing in like stormclouds; his chariots are like a whirlwind. His horses fly faster than eagles. “What a disaster! We're ruined!”
Nana, ko tona haerenga mai ka rite ki nga kapua, rite tonu ano ona hariata ki te tukauati; he tere rawa ona hoiho i te ekara. Aue, te mate mo tatou! kei te pahuatia hoki tatou.
14 Clean the evil from your heart, Jerusalem, so that you can be saved. How long will you hold onto your evil thoughts?
Horoia atu te kino o tou ngakau, e Hiruharama, kia ora ai koe. Kia pehea te roa o te noho o ou whakaaro kino i roto i a koe?
15 News is shouted out from Dan, announcing disaster from the hills of Ephraim.
No te mea e whakaatu mai ana he reo i Rana, e mea ana hoki i te kino kia rangona I maunga Eparaima.
16 “Let the nations know! Look what's happening! Announce this to Jerusalem: An army is coming to besiege you from a distant country; shouting war-cries against the towns of Judah.
Korero ki nga iwi; nana, kia rangona te he mo Hiruharama, kei te haere mai he kaitiaki i te whenua tawhiti, ka puaki to ratou reo mo nga pa o Hura.
17 They encircle her like men guarding a field, because she has rebelled against me, declares the Lord.
Ko ta ratou ki a ia rite tonu ki ta nga kaitiaki o te mara i tetahi taha, i tetahi taha, mona i tutu ki ahau, e ai ta Ihowa.
18 You've brought this on yourself by your own attitudes and actions. This is your punishment, and it's so painful, it's like being stabbed in the heart!”
Na tou ara, na au mahi, enei i pa ai ki a koe; nou tenei he; he kawa hoki, kua pa hoki ki tou ngakau.
19 “I'm in agony, absolute agony! My heart is breaking! It's beating wildly in my chest! My heart pounds within me; I can't keep quiet because I've heard the trumpet, the signal for battle.
Oku whekau, oku whekau! mamae pu a roto o toku ngakau, oho ana toku ngakau i roto i ahau; e kore ahau e whakarongo puku; kua rongo hoki koe, e toku wairua, ki te tangi o te tetere, ki te hamama o te whawhai.
20 News of one disaster after another comes flooding in, for the whole country is in ruins. My own home is destroyed in a moment, and everything inside.
He ngaromanga hono iho ki te ngaromanga te karangatia nei; kua pahuatia katoatia hoki te whenua; kitea rawatia ake kua pahuatia oku teneti, mea kau iho ko oku kakahu arai.
21 How long do I have to see the flags of war and hear the trumpets of battle?”
Kia pehea ake te roa oku ka titiro nei ki te kara, ka rongo nei ki te tangi o te tetere?
22 “My people are stupid; they don't know me. They are foolish children who just don't understand. They're experts at doing evil, but they don't know how to do good.”
He wairangi hoki taku iwi, kahore e mohio ki ahau: he tamariki kuware, kahore o ratou matauranga; e mohio ana ratou ki te mahi kino, ki te mahi pai ia kahore he matauranga.
23 I looked at the earth, and it was formless and empty; I looked to the heavens, and its light was gone.
I titiro ahau ki te whenua, na, kahore he ahua, e takoto kau ana, ki nga rangi ano, na, kahore o reira marama.
24 I looked at the mountains, and saw that they were shaking; all the hills were swaying to and fro.
I titiro ahau ki nga maunga, na, e ngaueue ana, a ko nga pukepuke katoa e nekeneke haere ana.
25 I looked, and nobody was left; all the birds had flown away.
I titiro ahau, a kahore he tangata, a ko nga manu katoa o te rangi kua rere atu.
26 I looked, and the productive fields were a desert. All the towns were demolished because of the Lord's furious anger.
I titiro ahau, na, he koraha kau te mara momona, kua pakura ona pa katoa i te aroaro o Ihowa, i te muranga o tona riri.
27 This is what the Lord says: “The whole country will be devastated, but I won't do so completely.
Ko te kupu hoki tenei a Ihowa, Ka ururua katoa te whenua, otiia e kore e whakapaua rawatia e ahau.
28 The earth will mourn and the heavens above will go dark. I have spoken; this is what I have ordered. I'm not going to stop or change my mind.”
Mo konei ka tangi te whenua, ka mangu ano te rangi i runga: no te mea kua korero nei ahau, kua takoto toku whakaaro, a kahore ano i puta ke taku, e kore hoki ahau e tahuri atu i tena.
29 People from every town: run away when they hear the enemy horsemen and archers coming. They hide in the forest and among the rocks. All the towns are abandoned; no one lives in them.
Ka whati katoa te pa i te ngangau o nga hoia eke hoiho, o nga kaikopere; ka haere ratou ki roto ki nga urupuia rakau, ka piki ki nga kamaka: ka mahue katoa nga pa, kahore hoki tetahi tangata e noho ki roto.
30 You, Jerusalem, now desolate, what are you going to do? Even though you dress in scarlet clothes, and put on gold jewelry, and paint your eyes with make-up, all your dressing-up is pointless! Your lovers hate you; they want to kill you!
A, ko koe, kia oti koe te pahua, ka pehea koe? Ahakoa kakahu noa koe i te ngangana, ahakoa whakapaipai noa koe i a koe ki nga whakapaipai koura, ahakoa haehae noa koe i ou kanohi, mea rawa ki te pukepoto, maumau mea noa koe i a koe kia ataahua; ka whakahawea ki a koe te hunga i aroha ki a koe, ka whai kia mate koe.
31 I hear the cries like a woman in labor, the agonizing moans of a woman giving birth to her first child. These are the cries of the Daughter of Zion gasping for air, holding out her hands, saying, “Please help me, I'm being murdered!”
Kua rongo hoki ahau i te reo, me te mea no te wahine e whanau ana, he mamae, me te mea ko tana matamua e puta ana, ko te reo o te tamahine a Hiona e whakahotuhotu ana, whewhera tonu ona ringa, me te karenga, Aue te mate i ahua! kua hemo hoki tok u wairua i mua i nga kaiwhakamate.

< Jeremiah 4 >