< Jeremiah 32 >

1 This is the Lord's message that came to Jeremiah in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah's reign, which was the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign.
Ma e wach mane obirone Jeremia koa kuom Jehova Nyasaye e higa mar apar mar Zedekia ruodh Juda, ma ne en higa mar apar gaboro mar Nebukadneza.
2 This was when the army of the king of Babylon was besieging Jerusalem. Jeremiah the prophet was imprisoned in the guard's courtyard, part of the king of Judah's palace.
Jolwenj ruodh Babulon ne monjo Jerusalem, kendo Jeremia janabi ne otwe e agola moriti e kar dak mar ruodh Juda.
3 Zedekiah king of Judah had put him in prison, telling him: “Why do you have to prophesy like this? You say the Lord is saying, ‘Look, I'm going to hand over this city to the king of Babylon, and he will capture it.
Koro Zedekia ruodh Juda nokete e twech kanyo, kawacho niya, “Angʼo momiyo ikoro wach kamano? Ka iwacho ni, ‘Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye owacho: Achiegni chiwo dala maduongʼni ne ruodh Babulon, kendo enoloye.
4 Zedekiah king of Judah won't escape from the Babylonians. He will be captured and taken to the king of Babylon to speak with him personally and see him face to face.
Zedekia ruodh Juda ok notony e lwet jo-Babulon to enochiwe ne ruodh Babulon, kendo enowuo kode wangʼ gi wangʼ mi enonene gi wengene owuon.
5 He will take Zedekiah to Babylon, where he'll remain until I deal with him, declares the Lord. You won't be successful if you fight against the Babylonians.’”
Noter Zedekia Babulon, kama enosikie nyaka atimne gima adwaro, Jehova Nyasaye owacho. Ka ukedo gi jo-Babulon, to ok unulogi.’”
6 Jeremiah answered, “The Lord gave me a message, saying:
Jeremia nowacho niya, “Wach Jehova Nyasaye nobirona:
7 Your cousin Hanamel, son of Shallum, is coming to tell you, ‘Why don't you buy my field in Anathoth because you have the right to redeem it and buy it?’
Hanamel wuod Shalum ma wuod owadgi wuonu nobi iri kendo nowach ni, ‘Ngʼiew lopa man Anathoth, nikech kaka watna machiegni koda en ratiro mari kendo tiji mondo ingʼiewe.’
8 Just as the Lord had said, my cousin Hanamel arrived to see me in the guard's courtyard and asked me, ‘Please buy my field in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin because you have the right of family ownership to redeem it. You should buy it for yourself.’” This convinced me that this was a message from the Lord.
“Eka, mana kaka Jehova Nyasaye nosewacho, omera Hanamel nobiro ira e agola mar jarito kendo owacho ni, ‘Ngʼiew puotha man Anathoth kama Benjamin orito. Nikech en ratiro mari mondo ingʼiewe kendo ikawe, ngʼiewe ne in owuon.’ “Ne angʼeyo ni ma ne en wach Jehova Nyasaye;
9 So I bought the field in Anathoth from my cousin Hanamel. I weighed out seventeen shekels of silver to pay him.
omiyo ne angʼiewo puodho man Anathoth kuom wuod owadgi wuonwa Hanamel kendo apimone shekel apar gabiriyo mar fedha.
10 I signed the deed and sealed it, had it witnessed, and weighed out the silver using the scales.
Ne aketo seyi kendo agoyo amuri, ka joneno obedo, kendo apimo fedha e ratil.
11 Then I took the deed of sale, both the sealed original containing the terms and conditions, and the unsealed copy,
Ne akawo barup ngʼiepo, mano mogoye amuri momwon motingʼo singruok kod chike mag ngʼiewo lowo, to gi mano ma ok omuon
12 and handed them to Baruch son of Neriah, son of Mahseiah. I did this in the presence of my cousin Hanamel, the witnesses who had signed the deed of sale, and all the people of Judah who were sitting there in the guard's courtyard.
kendo ne achiwo baruwani ne Baruk wuod Neria, wuod Maseya, e nyim omera Hanamel kod joneno mane ogo seyi e barup winjruok kod jo-Yahudi mane obet e agola mar jarito.
13 I gave Baruch these instructions in front of them,
“E nyimgi ne amiyo Baruk puonjgi:
14 “This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Put these deeds of sale, the sealed original and the open copy, in a clay jar so they can be kept safe for a long time.
‘Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye Maratego, ma Nyasach Israel, wacho: Kaw barupegi, mago momwon kod ma ok omuon, kendo iketgi e agulu mar lowo mondo omi gibed amingʼa.
15 For this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: The time will come when once again houses, fields, and vineyards will be bought in this country.”
Nimar ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye Maratego, ma Nyasach Israel, wacho: Udi, puothe kod puothe mzabibu bende ibiro chak ngʼiew e pinyni.’
16 After I had given the deed of sale to Baruch son of Neriah, I prayed to the Lord:
“Bangʼ kane asechiwo barup ngʼiepo ne Baruk wuod Neria, ne alamo Jehova Nyasaye kama:
17 “Ah, Lord God! You created the heavens and the earth by your great strength and power. Nothing is too hard for you!
“Yaye, Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto, isechweyo polo gi piny kuom tekoni maduongʼ kod badi malach. Onge gima tekni.
18 You give your trustworthy love to thousands, but you punish the sins of the fathers the consequences affect their children too., Great and powerful God whose name is the Lord Almighty,
Inyiso herani ne ji alufu to ikelo kum mar wuone ni nyithindgi. Yaye Nyasaye maduongʼ kendo maratego, ma nyinge en Jehova Nyasaye Maratego,
19 you are the one who is supremely wise and who does incredible things. You watch what everyone does, and you reward them according to the way they live and what their actions deserve.
chenro magi dongo kendo timbegi lich. Wengeni oyawore ne yore duto mag ji; imiyo ngʼato mich kaluwore gi kite, kendo mowinjore gi timbene.
20 You carried out signs and miracles in Egypt, and you still do so today, both here in Israel and among all people everywhere. As a result you gained a great reputation, and this is still true today.
Ne itimo ranyisi kod honni e piny Misri kendo isiko kodgi nyaka kawuono, ei Israel kendo e dier ji duto, kendo pod in ngʼat marahuma nyaka chil kawuono.
21 You led your people Israel out of Egypt with signs and miracles, with your great power and strength that terrified people.
Ne igolo jogi Israel oa Misri gi ranyisi kod honni, gi lweti maratego kod badi moyarore kod bwok malich.
22 You gave them this land that you had promised to give their forefathers, a land flowing with milk and honey.
Ne imiyogi pinyni mane isesingone kweregi, piny mopongʼ gi chak kod mor kich.
23 They came and took it over, but they didn't do what you said or follow your laws. They didn't do everything you ordered them to do, which is why you've brought all this disaster down on them.
Negibiro kendo gikawo pinyno, to ne ok gilwori kata luwo chikeni; ne ok gitimo gik mane ichikogi mondo gitim. Omiyo ne ikelo kuomgi masichegi duto.
24 Look at the siege ramps piled up against the city to capture it! Through war and famine and disease, the city will be taken by the Babylonians who are attacking it. You can see that everything you said would happen has happened.
“Ne kaka oger pidhe madongo but dala maduongʼ mondo gimonje kendo gikawe. Nikech ligangla, kech kod masiche, dala maduongʼ nochiwne jo-Babulon ma monje. Gima ne iwacho osetimore kaka koro inene.
25 Yet, Lord God, you have told me, ‘Buy yourself the field with silver in front of witnesses, even though the city has been handed over to the Babylonians!’”
To kata obedo ni dala maduongʼ enochiw ne jo-Babulon, in, yaye Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto, wachona ni, ‘Ngʼiew puodhoni gi fedha kendo ngʼiepone mondo obed gi joneno.’”
26 Then Lord gave Jeremiah this message:
Eka wach Jehova Nyasaye nobiro ne Jeremia:
27 Look! I am the Lord, the God of everyone. Is anything too hard for me to do?
“An Jehova Nyasaye, Nyasach ogendini duto. Bende nitiere gima tekna?
28 So this is what the Lord says: Listen! I'm going to hand over this city to the king of Babylon and the Babylonians, and they will capture it.
Emomiyo, ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye wacho: Achiegni chiwo dala maduongʼni ne jo-Babulon kendo ne Nebukadneza ruodh Babulon, ma biro monje kendo kawe.
29 The Babylonians who are attacking the city are going to come and set fire to it. They will burn it down, including the houses belonging to the people who made me angry by burning incense to Baal on their rooftops, and by pouring out drink offerings in worship of other gods.
Jo-Babulon mamonjo dala maduongʼni nodonji kendo ginimok kuome mach; giniwangʼe pep, kaachiel gi udi kamane ji owangʼoe iya kuom wangʼo ubani ewi tedni ne Baal kendo kuom chiwo misango miolo piny ne nyiseche manono.
30 From their earliest days all the people of Israel and of Judah have ever done has been evil in my sight. In fact all they've even done is to make me angry through their actions, declares the Lord.
“Jo-Israel gi jo-Juda pok otimo gimoro makmana timbe mamono e nyim wangʼa chakre tin-gi; adiera, jo-Israel pok otimo gimoro makmana chwanya gi gik ma lwetgi oloso, Jehova Nyasaye wacho.
31 This city has been such a source of anger and frustration from the time it was built right up till now. So I'm going to get rid of it,
Kochakore odiechiengʼ mane ogere nyaka sani, dala maduongʼni osemedo wangʼo iya kendo miya mirima ma chuna ni nyaka agole e nyim wangʼa.
32 because of all the evil things the people of Israel and Judah did that made me angry—their kings, and officials, their priests and prophets, all of those living in Judah and Jerusalem, everyone
Jo-Israel gi jo-Juda osechwanya gi timbegi duto mamono magisetimo, gin ruodhi mag-gi kod jotelo, jodolo kod jonabi mag-gi, joma chwo mag Juda kod Jerusalem.
33 They have turned their backs on me. They wouldn't even look at me. Even though I kept on trying to teach them, they refused to listen or accept instruction.
Negilokona ngʼegi ma ok wengegi; kata obedo ni apuonjogi kendo amedo puonjogi, ne ok ginyal chiko itgi kata luwo puonjna.
34 They have put their disgusting idols in my Temple, making it unclean.
Negiketo nyisechegi manono e ot ma Nyinga nitiere kendo ginjawe.
35 They have built pagan shrines to Baal in the Valley of Hinnom so they could sacrifice their sons and daughters by burning them in the fire. This is something I never commanded. I never even thought of such a thing—doing something so awful and making the people of Judah guilty of sin.
Negigero kuonde motingʼore gi malo ne Baal e Holo mar Ben Hinom mondo gitim misango gi yawuotgi kod nyigi ne Molek, kata kamano ne ok amiyogi chik mar timo kamano, kata mano ne onge e pacha niginyalo timo gima mono kamano kendo gimi Juda tim richo.
36 Now about this city. You are correctly saying, “It's going be handed over to the king of Babylon through war and famine and disease.” However, this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says:
“Iwuoyo kuom dala maduongʼni ni, ‘Gi ligangla, kech kod masiche enochiwe ne ruodh Babulon.’ To ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye, Nyasach Israel, wacho:
37 I promise to gather my people from all the lands where I exiled them because they made me so very angry. I will bring them back here and they will live in safety.
Adiera anachokgi duto gia e pinje duto kamane ariembogie gi ich wangʼ kod mirimba mager; anadwog-gi kae kendo awegi gidag gi kwe.
38 They will be my people, and I will be their God.
Ginibed joga, kendo anabed Nyasachgi.
39 I will make sure they think the same way and act in harmony, so that they will always honor me so all will be good for them and their descendants.
Anami gibed gi chuny achiel kod tim achiel, mondo omi giluora manokel negiber kod nyithindgi manobi bangʼ-gi.
40 I will make an everlasting agreement with them: I'm never going to stop doing them good and I will help them to respect me so that they won't ever abandon me.
Analos singruok manyaka chiengʼ kodgi: Ok anawe timonegi maber, kendo anamigi giluora, mondo omi kik gilokre giweya.
41 I will be delighted to treat them well, and I will commit myself with the whole of my being to helping them to grow as a nation in this land.
Anabed gi mor kuom timonegi maber kendo adiera anaketgi e pinyni gi chunya duto kod parona duto.
42 This is what the Lord says: Just as certainly as I have brought this whole disaster down on my people, so I'm going to give to them all the good things I have promised.
“Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye wacho: Kaka asekelo masiche malich kama ne jogi, omiyo koro anamigi mwandu mane asingonegi.
43 Fields will once again be bought in this country that you're describing, saying, “It's been completely destroyed—no people or animals are left. It's been handed over to the Babylonians.”
Ka puothe mangʼeny osengʼiew e pinyni ma uwacho ni, ‘En kama ninono, maonge ji kata le, nimar osechiwe ne jo-Babulon.’
44 People will buy fields with silver again, deeds will be signed, sealed, and witnessed. This will happen here in the land of Benjamin, in the areas surrounding Jerusalem, and in all the towns of Judah—including the towns of the hill country, the foothills, and the Negev—because I will bring the people back from exile, declares the Lord.
Puothe nongʼiew gi fedha, kendo barupe lowo nogoye sei kendo nogosingo kendo nobedgi joneno e gwengʼ Benjamin, e mier molworo Jerusalem, e mier mag Juda kendo e mier manie piny mantiere got matin, mar tiend gode ma yo podho chiengʼ kendo e Negev, nikech anadwog-gi ka gia e twech, Jehova Nyasaye wacho.”

< Jeremiah 32 >