< Jeremiah 30 >

1 This is the message that came to Jeremiah from the Lord:
He ol he BOEIPA taeng lamloh Jeremiah taengla ha pawk tih a thui.
2 This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: Write down in a book everything I've told you.
Israel Pathen BOEIPA loh he ni a thui. “Nang taengah kan thui ol boeih te namah ham cabu dongah daek laeh.
3 Look, the time is coming, declares the Lord, when I will bring back my people Israel and Judah from captivity, declares the Lord. I will bring them back to the country I gave to their forefathers, and they will own it again.
BOEIPA kah olphong khohnin ha pawk coeng ke. BOEIPA loh, “Ka pilnam thongtla Israel neh Judah te ka mael puei ni. A napa rhoek taengah ka paek diklai la amih te ka mael puei vetih ka pang sak ni.
4 This what the Lord said about Israel and Judah.
He ol he BOEIPA loh Israel kawng neh Judah kawng ni a thui.
5 This is what the Lord says: Hear the cries of panic, cries of fear, not peace.
Thuennah ol neh birhihnah n'yaak uh vaengah ngaimongnah pawt khaw BOEIPA loh a thui tangkhuet pai.
6 Think about it! Can men give birth? No. So why do I see every man holding his stomach with his hands like a woman in labor. Why is every face white as a sheet?
tongpa he a ca a thaang atah dawt uh lamtah so uh laeh. Balae tih hlang boeih kah a pumpu dongah caom bangla a kut ka hmuh tih a maelhmai boklep la boeih a om uh?
7 What a terrible day it will be—a day like never before! This is the time of trouble for Jacob's descendants, but they will be rescued from it.
Anunae, te khohnin tanglue aih, te bang te a om noek moenih. Jakob ham citcai tue om cakhaw a khui lamloh daem ni.
8 On that day, declares the Lord Almighty, I will break the yoke from their necks and tear off their chains. Foreigners won't make them slaves anymore.
Te khohnin ah caempuei BOEIPA kah olphong om bitni. Na rhawn dong lamkah a hnamkun te ka bawt vetih na kuelrhui te ka pat sak ni. Anih te kholong loh thohtat sak voel mahpawh.
9 They will serve the Lord their God, and their king, David's descendant whom I will give them.
A Pathen BOEIPA taengah tho a thueng uh vetih, a manghai David te amih ham ka thoh pah ni.
10 As far as you're concerned, my servant Jacob, don't be afraid, declares the Lord, Israel, don't be discouraged. I promise to save you from your distant places of exile, your descendants from the countries where they're being held captive. The descendants of Jacob will go home to a quiet and comfortable life, free from any threats.
Ka sal Jakob nang te rhih ngawn boeh. He tah BOEIPA kah olphong ni. Israel aw rhihyawp boeh, kai loh nang te khohla lamkah neh na tiingan te a tamna khohmuen lamloh ka khang ngawn coeng ne. Jakob ha mael vaengah mong vetih, rhalthal vetih, lakueng mahpawh.
11 I am with you and I will save you, declares the Lord. Even though I'm going to completely destroy all the nations where I scattered you, I won't completely destroy you. However, I will discipline you as you deserve, and you can be sure I won't leave you unpunished.
Nang khang ham nang taengah ka om. He tah BOEIPA kah olphong ni. Namtom boeih kah a khawknah te ka khueh coeng. Te ah te nang kan taek kan yak cakhaw nang te a khawknah la kan saii mahpawh. Tedae tiktamnah neh nang kan thuituen vetih nang te kam hmil rhoe kam hmil mahpawh.
12 This is what the Lord says: You have a wound that cannot be healed, you have a terrible injury.
BOEIPA loh he ni a thui. Na pocinah te rhawp coeng tih na hmasoe khaw nue coeng.
13 There's no one to take care of your case, no cure for your sores, no healing for you.
Na dumlai dongah lai aka tloek khaw tal tih, na hma dongah a saibawnnah si khaw nang hamla tal coeng.
14 All your lovers have forgotten about you; they don't bother looking for you anymore, because I have beaten you as if I were your enemy, the discipline of a cruel person, because of how wicked you are, because of your many sins.
Na lungnah boeih loh nang boeih n'hnilh uh tih nang te n'toem uh moenih. Thunkha kah hmasoe neh nang kang ngawn. Nang kathaesainah khaw khawk tih na tholhnah he a tahoeng coeng dongah thuituennah khaw muenying muenyang la om.
15 Why are you crying over your wound? You pain can't be cured. I did this to you because of how wicked you are, because of your many sins.
Nang kathaesainah khaw khawk tih na tholhnah loh a tahoeng dongah he balae tih na pocinah neh na nganboh neh aka rhawp te na pang? Te rhoek te nang ham ni ka saii.
16 Even so, everyone who destroys you will be destroyed. All your enemies, every last one, will be sent into exile. Those who plundered you will be plundered, and all who robbed you will be robbed.
Te dongah nang aka yoop boeih te a yoop vetih na rhal boeih tah tamna la boeih cet ni. Nang aka reth te maehbuem la om vetih nang aka poelyoe boeih te maeh la ka khueh ni.
17 But I will give you back your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord, because people say you've been abandoned and that no one cares about you, Zion.
Tedae nang te hoeihnah dongah kam pongpa sak vetih na hmasoe lamloh nang kang hoeih sak ni. He tah BOEIPA kah olphong ni. Zion te a toem pawt dongah nang te a heh la n'khue uh.
18 This is what the Lord says: I will bring Jacob's descendants back to their homes and have mercy on their families. The city will be rebuilt on top of its ruins, and the palace once again stand where it should.
BOEIPA loh he ni a thui. Jakob dap kah thongtla te ka balkhong sak vetih a tolhmuen te ka haidam ni. A imrhong dongah khopuei a thoh vetih a tiktamnah ah impuei pai ni.
19 People will be singing songs of thanks, the sounds of celebration. I will increase their number—they will not become less. I will honor them—they will not be treated as insignificant.
Uemonah neh luemnah ol te amih lamloh ha thoeng ni. Amih te ka ping sak vetih muei uh mahpawh. Amih te ka thangpom vetih muei uh mahpawh.
20 Their children will be looked after like they used to be. I will make their nation strong again, and punish anyone who attacks them.
A ca rhoek he hlamat kah bangla om vetih a hlangboel loh ka mikhmuh ah cikngae ni. Te vaengah anih aka nen boeih te ka cawh ni.
21 Their leader will be from their own country, their ruler will be chosen from among them. I will invite him to come close to me, and he will do so, for would anyone dare to approach me without being asked? declares the Lord.
Amah lamloh aka khuet te om vetih amah khui lamloh anih aka taemrhai te thoeng ni. Anih te ka yoek vetih kai taengla ha mop ni. Kai taengla mop ham a lungbuei te u long nim rhi a khang eh he? He tah BOEIPA kah olphong ni.
22 You will be my people, and I will be your God.
Kai taengah pilnam la na om uh vetih kai khaw nangmih taengah Pathen la ka om ni.
23 Watch out! The Lord has sent out a furious storm, a tornado swirling around the heads of the wicked.
BOEIPA kah hlipuei tah kosi hlipuei la ha pawk vetih halang lu aka soh te a kilkul thil ni he.
24 The Lord's anger won't fade until he's finished doing everything he wants. Only then will you really understand.
A lungbuei kah thuepnah a saii hlan tih a thoh hlan atah BOEIPA kah thintoek thinsa te mael mahpawh. Te te hmailong khohnin ah na yakming uh bitni.

< Jeremiah 30 >