< Jeremiah 25 >

1 This is the message that came to Jeremiah in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, son of Josiah, king of Judah, which was the first year of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. It concerned all the people of Judah.
Verbum, quod factum est ad Ieremiam de omni populo Iuda in anno quarto Ioakim filii Iosiæ regis Iuda, (ipse est annus primus Nabuchodonosor regis Babylonis.)
2 So the prophet Jeremiah went and spoke to all the people of Judah and all of the people living in Jerusalem, telling them:
Quod locutus est Ieremias propheta ad omnem populum Iuda, et ad universos habitatores Ierusalem, dicens:
3 From the thirteenth year of the reign of Josiah, son of Amon, king of Judah until now, twenty-three years in total, messages from the Lord have come to me, and I have told you what he said time and again, but you have not listened.
A tertiodecimo anno Iosiæ filii Amon regis Iuda usque ad diem hanc; iste tertius et vigesimus annus, factum est verbum Domini ad me, et locutus sum ad vos de nocte consurgens, et loquens, et non audistis.
4 Even though the Lord has sent all his servants the prophets to you time and again, you don't bother to listen or pay any attention.
Et misit Dominus ad vos omnes servos suos prophetas, consurgens diluculo, mittensque et non audistis, neque inclinastis aures vestras ut audiretis
5 The consistent message has been: Give up your evil ways and the evil things you're doing so you can live in the country that the Lord has given to you and your forefathers forever.
cum diceret: Revertimini unusquisque a via sua mala, et a pessimis cogitationibus vestris: et habitabitis in terra, quam dedit Dominus vobis, et patribus vestris a sæculo et usque in sæculum.
6 Don't follow other gods and worship them, and don't anger me by making idols. Then I won't do anything to hurt you.
Et nolite ire post deos alienos ut serviatis eis, adoretisque eos: neque me ad iracundiam provocetis in operibus manuum vestrarum, et non affligam vos.
7 But you've hurt yourselves by not listening to me, declares the Lord, because you angered me by making idols.
Et non audistis me, dicit Dominus, ut me ad iracundiam provocaretis in operibus manuum vestrarum in malum vestrum.
8 So this is what the Lord Almighty says: Because you have not obeyed what I told you,
Propterea hæc dicit Dominus exercituum: Pro eo quod non audistis verba mea:
9 watch as I summon all the people of the north, declares the Lord. I'm going to send for my servant Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, to attack this country and the people who live here, and all the surrounding nations. I will set them apart for destruction. I'm going to totally destroy you, and people will be horrified at what's happened to you and will mock you.
ecce ego mittam, et assumam universas cognationes Aquilonis, ait Dominus, et Nabuchodonosor regem Babylonis servum meum: et adducam eos super terram istam, et super habitatores eius, et super omnes nationes, quæ in circuitu illius sunt: et interficiam eos, et ponam eos in stuporem et in sibilum, et in solitudines sempiternas.
10 I will also put a stop to the cheerful sounds of celebration and the happy voices of the bride and bridegroom. No noise will come from millstones being used; no lamps will be lit.
Perdamque ex eis vocem gaudii et vocem lætitiæ, vocem sponsi, et vocem sponsæ, vocem molæ, et lumen lucernæ.
11 This whole country will become an empty wasteland, and Judah and these other nations will serve the king of Babylon for seventy years.
Et erit universa terra hæc in solitudinem, et in stuporem: et servient omnes gentes istæ regi Babylonis septuaginta annis.
12 However, when these seventy years are over, I'm going to punish the king of Babylon and that nation, the country of Babylonia, for their sin, declares the Lord. I will completely destroy them.
Cumque impleti fuerint septuaginta anni, visitabo super regem Babylonis, et super gentem illam, dicit Dominus, iniquitatem eorum, et super terram Chaldæorum: et ponam illam in solitudines sempiternas.
13 I will bring down on that country everything I threatened to do, everything that's written in this book which Jeremiah prophesied against all the different nations.
Et adducam super terram illam, omnia verba mea, quæ locutus sum contra eam, omne quod scriptum est in libro isto, quæcumque prophetavit Ieremias adversum omnes gentes:
14 Many nations and powerful kings will make slaves of them, the Babylonians, and I will pay them back for the evil they've done.
Quia servierunt eis cum essent gentes multæ, et reges magni: et reddam eis secundum opera eorum, et secundum facta manuum suarum.
15 This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, told me: Take this cup I'm handing to you. It contains the wine of my anger. You are to make all the nations I send you to drink from it.
Quia sic dicit Dominus exercituum Deus Israel: Sume calicem vini furoris huius de manu mea: et propinabis de illo cunctis gentibus, ad quas ego mittam te.
16 They will drink and stumble around and go mad because of the war brought by the armies I'm sending to attack them.
Et bibent, et turbabuntur, et insanient a facie gladii, quem ego mittam inter eos.
17 I took the cup the Lord handed to me and made all the nations he sent me to drink from it:
Et accepi calicem de manu Domini, et propinavi cunctis gentibus, ad quas misit me Dominus:
18 To Jerusalem and the towns of Judah, its kings and officials, destroying them so that people were horrified at what happened to them and mocked them and cursed them (and they are still like this today);
Ierusalem, et civitatibus Iuda, et regibus eius, et principibus eius: ut darem eos in solitudinem, et in stuporem, et in sibilum, et in maledictionem, sicut est dies ista:
19 to Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and his officials, leaders, all his people
Pharaoni regi Ægypti, et servis eius, et principibus eius, et omni populo eius,
20 and all the foreigners living there; to all the kings of the country of Uz; to all the kings of the Philistines: Ashkelon, Gaza, Ekron, and what's left of Ashdod;
et universis generaliter: cunctis regibus terræ Ausitidis, et cunctis regibus terræ Philisthiim, et Ascaloni, et Gazæ, et Accaron, et reliquiis Azoti,
21 to Edom, Moab, and the Ammonites;
et Idumææ, et Moab, et filiis Ammon:
22 to all the kings of Tyre and Sidon; to the kings of the Mediterranean sea coast;
Et cunctis regibus Tyri, et universis regibus Sidonis: et regibus terræ insularum, qui sunt trans mare.
23 to Dedan, Tema, Buz, and all those who trim their hair on the sides of their heads;
Et Dedan, et Thema, et Buz, et universis qui attonsi sunt in comam.
24 to all the kings of Arabia; and to all the kings of the different tribes living in the desert;
Et cunctis regibus Arabiæ, et cunctis regibus Occidentis, qui habitant in deserto.
25 to all the kings of Zimri, Elam, and Media;
Et cunctis regibus Zambri, et cunctis regibus Elam, et cunctis regibus Medorum:
26 to all the kings of the north; in fact to all the kingdoms on earth whether close or far away, one after another. After all of them, the king of Babylon will drink it too.
cunctis quoque regibus Aquilonis de prope et de longe, unicuique contra fratrem suum: et omnibus regnis terræ, quæ super faciem eius sunt: et rex Sesach bibet post eos.
27 Tell them this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Drink, make yourselves drunk, and vomit. Because of the war you'll be killed, falling down never to get up again.
Et dices ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum Deus Israel: Bibite, et inebriamini, et vomite: et cadite, neque surgatis a facie gladii, quem ego mittam inter vos.
28 If they should refuse to take the cup and drink from it, tell them that this is what the Lord Almighty says: You can't avoid drinking it—you have to!
Cumque noluerint accipere calicem de manu tua ut bibant, dices ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum: Bibentes bibetis:
29 Can't you see that I'm about to bring disaster down on my own city, so do you really think you wouldn't be punished as well? You won't go unpunished, for I am bringing war to everyone on earth, declares the Lord Almighty.
quia ecce in civitate, in qua invocatum est nomen meum, ego incipiam affligere, et vos quasi innocentes et immunes eritis? Non eritis immunes: gladium enim ego voco super omnes habitatores terræ, dicit Dominus exercituum.
30 Give this whole message as a prophecy against them. Tell them: The Lord will thunder from high above. He will thunder loudly from the holy place where he lives. He will give a great roar against the sheepfolds. He will give a loud shout like people treading the grapes, frightening everyone who lives on earth.
Et tu prophetabis ad eos omnia verba hæc, et dices ad illos: Dominus de excelso rugiet, et de habitaculo sancto suo dabit vocem suam: rugiens rugiet super decorem suum: celeuma quasi calcantium concinetur adversus omnes habitatores terræ.
31 The sound will reach everywhere on the earth because the Lord is accusing the nations. He is judging everyone, executing the wicked, declares the Lord.
Pervenit sonitus usque ad extrema terræ: quia iudicium Domino cum gentibus: iudicatur ipse cum omni carne, impios tradidi gladio, dicit Dominus.
32 This is what the Lord Almighty says: Watch out! Disaster is falling on one nation after another; an immense storm is building up in the far distance.
Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum: Ecce afflictio egredietur de gente in gentem: et turbo magnus egredietur a summitatibus terræ.
33 Those killed by the Lord at that time will cover the earth from one end to the other. No one will mourn them, or collect them, or bury them. They will be like piles of manure lying on the ground.
Et erunt interfecti Domini in die illa a summo terræ usque ad summum eius: non plangentur, et non colligentur, neque sepelientur: in sterquilinium super faciem terræ iacebunt.
34 Cry out and weep, you shepherds! Roll around on the ground mourning, you leaders of the flock. The time for you to be killed has come; you will fall, smashed like the finest pottery.
Ululate pastores, et clamate: et aspergite vos cinere optimates gregis: quia completi sunt dies vestri ut interficiamini: et dissipationes vestræ, et cadetis quasi vasa pretiosa.
35 The shepherds won't be able to run away; the leaders of the flock won't escape.
Et peribit fuga a pastoribus, et salvatio ab optimatibus gregis.
36 Listen to the cries of the shepherds, the weeping of the leaders of the flock, for the Lord is destroying their pasturelands.
Vox clamoris pastorum, et ululatus optimatum gregis: quia vastavit Dominus pascua eorum.
37 The peaceful sheepfolds have been ruined because of the Lord's fierce anger.
Et conticuerunt arva pacis a facie iræ furoris Domini.
38 The Lord has left his den like a lion, because their country has been devastated by the invading armies, and because of the Lord's fierce anger.
Dereliquit quasi leo umbraculum suum, quia facta est terra eorum in desolationem a facie iræ columbæ, et a facie iræ furoris Domini.

< Jeremiah 25 >