< Jeremiah 17 >
1 The sin of Judah is inscribed with an iron stylus, engraved with an adamant point, on their minds and on corners of their altars where they worship.
»Judov greh je zapisan z železnim peresom in z diamantno konico. Ta je vrezan na ploščo njihovega srca in na rogove njihovih oltarjev,
2 Even their children remember to worship at their pagan altars and Asherah poles, set up by the green trees and on the high hills,
medtem ko se njihovi otroci spominjajo njihovih oltarjev in njihovih ašer pri zelenih drevesih na visokih hribih.
3 on my mountain in the fields. I will hand over your wealth and all your valuable possessions as plunder, because of the sin committed on your pagan high places inside your country.
Oh moja gora na polju, tvoje imetje in vse tvoje zaklade bom izročil v plen in tvoje visoke kraje zaradi greha, po vseh tvojih mejah.
4 You will have to give up the land I gave you. I will have your enemies make you their slaves in an unfamiliar country for you made my anger blaze, and it will burn forever.
Ti pa, celo ti sam, boš odpravljen od svoje dediščine, ki sem ti jo dal in povzročil ti bom, da služiš svojim sovražnikom v deželi, ki je ne poznaš, kajti zanetili ste ogenj v moji jezi, ki bo gorel na veke.«
5 This is what the Lord says: Cursed are those who put their confidence in human beings, who trust in human strength and give up relying on the Lord.
Tako govori Gospod: »Preklet bodi človek, ki zaupa v moža in postavlja osebo [za] svoj laket in katerega srce odhaja od Gospoda.
6 They will be like a shrub alone in the desert that isn't even aware when good things happen. It just goes on living in the dry desert, in a salt flat that's uninhabited.
Kajti podoben bo brinu v puščavi in ne bo videl, ko prihaja dobro, temveč bo naselil izsušene kraje v divjini, v slani in nenaseljeni deželi.
7 Blessed are those who trust in the Lord, who put their confidence in him.
Blagoslovljen je človek, ki zaupa v Gospoda in čigar upanje je v Gospodu.
8 They are like trees planted by water, sending out roots toward the stream. They don't panic when it gets hot; their leaves are always green. They don't worry during a time of drought—they go on producing fruit.
Kajti on bo kakor drevo, posajeno ob vodah in ki razširja svoje korenine ob reki in ne bo videlo, ko prihaja vročina, temveč bo njegovo listje zeleno; v sušnem letu ne bo zaskrbljeno niti ne bo prenehalo rojevati sadu.
9 The mind is more deceptive than anything else—it's incurably sick! Who can possibly understand it?
Srce je varljivo nad vsemi stvarmi in obupno zlobno. Kdo ga lahko spozna?
10 But I, the Lord, see what people are thinking. I examine their minds, so I can reward them depending on their attitudes and the way they behave.
Jaz, Gospod, preiskujem srce, jaz preizkušam notranjost, celó da vsakemu človeku dam glede na njegove poti in glede na sad njegovih dejanj.
11 Like a partridge hatching eggs it didn't lay is someone who makes a fortune by cheating others. Their riches will fly away at midday, and in the end they'll look like a fool.
Kakor jerebica sedi na jajcih, ki jih ni znesla, tako tisti, ki pridobiva bogastva, pa ne po pravici, jih bo zapustil v sredi svojih dni in ob svojem koncu bo bedak.«
12 Our Temple is a throne of glory, raised up high from the beginning.
Veličasten visok prestol od začetka je prostor našega svetišča.
13 Lord, you are Israel's hope, anyone who deserts you will be disgraced. Anyone who turns their back on you will vanish like names written in the dust, for they have abandoned the Lord, the source of living water.
Oh Gospod, Izraelovo upanje, vsi, ki te zapustijo, bodo osramočeni in tisti, ki odidejo od mene, bodo zapisani v zemljo, ker so zapustili Gospoda, studenec živih vodá.
14 Please heal me, Lord, and I'll be healed; save me, and I'll be saved, for you are the one I praise.
Ozdravi me, oh Gospod in jaz bom ozdravljen, reši me in jaz bom rešen, kajti ti si moja hvala.
15 See how they keep on saying to me, “Where is the disaster that the Lord's predicted? Is it ever going to happen?”
Glej, pravijo mi: »Kje je beseda od Gospoda? Naj ta sedaj pride.«
16 But I haven't been in a hurry to give up being your shepherd. I haven't wanted the time of trouble to come. You know that whatever I said was said in front of you.
Kar se mene tiče, nisem hitel pred tem, da bi bil pastir, da ti sledim. Niti si nisem želel dneva, polnega gorja; ti veš. To, kar je prišlo iz mojih ustnic, je bilo pred teboj pravilno.
17 Please don't be the one who terrifies me! You are my protection in the time of trouble.
Ne bodi mi strahota. Ti si moje upanje v dnevu zla.
18 Bring shame on my persecutors, but not on me. Terrify them, but not me, Let them experience the time of trouble, and smash them to pieces.
Naj bodo zbegani [tisti], ki me preganjajo, toda jaz naj ne bom zbegan. Naj bodo zaprepadeni, toda jaz naj ne bom zaprepaden. Nanje privedi dan zla in jih uniči z dvojnim uničenjem.
19 This is what the Lord told me: Go and stand at the main gate of the city, the one used by kings of Judah, and do the same at all the other gates of Jerusalem.
Tako mi je rekel Gospod: »Pojdi in stoj v velikih vratih otrok ljudstva, pri katerih Judovi kralji vstopajo in pri katerih gredo ven in v vseh jeruzalemskih velikih vratih
20 Tell them, Listen to the Lord's message, kings of Judah, and all you people of Judah and Jerusalem who come in through these gates.
in jim reci: ›Poslušajte Gospodovo besedo, vi Judovi kralji in ves Juda in vsi prebivalci Jeruzalema, ki vstopate pri teh velikih vratih.
21 This is what the Lord says: Pay attention, if you value your lives! Don't carry a load on the Sabbath day, and don't bring it through the gates of Jerusalem.
Tako govori Gospod: ›Pazite nase in na šabatni dan ne prenašajte nobenega bremena niti tega ne prinašajte noter pri jeruzalemskih velikih vratih.
22 Don't carry a load out of your houses, and don't do any work on the Sabbath day. Keep the Sabbath day holy, just as I ordered your forefathers.
Niti ne prinašajte bremena iz svojih hiš na šabatni dan niti ne počnite nobenega dela, temveč posvečujte šabatni dan, kakor sem zapovedal vašim očetom.
23 However, they refused to listen or pay attention. Instead they were stubborn and refused to obey or accept instruction.
Toda niso ubogali niti niso nagnili svojega ušesa, temveč so otrdili svoj vrat, da ne bi niti slišali niti prejeli poučevanja.
24 Listen carefully to me, says the Lord, and don't bring any load through the gates of this city on the Sabbath day, and keep the Sabbath day holy, and don't do any work on it.
In zgodilo se bo, če mi boste marljivo prisluhnili, ‹ govori Gospod, ›da ne prinašate nobenega bremena skozi velika vrata tega mesta na šabatni dan, temveč posvečujete šabatni dan, da v tem [dnevu] ne delate nobenega dela,
25 Then kings and princes will enter through the gates of this city. They will sit on the throne of David. They will ride in chariots and on horses with their officials, accompanied by the people of Judah and those living in Jerusalem, and this city will be inhabited forever.
potem bodo tam, v velika vrata tega mesta, vstopali kralji in princi, sedeč na Davidovem prestolu, jahajoč na bojnih vozovih in konjih, oni in njihovi princi, Judovi možje in prebivalci Jeruzalema; in to mesto bo ostalo na veke.
26 People will come from the towns of Judah and everywhere around Jerusalem, from the land of Benjamin, and from the lowlands the hill country, and the Negev. They will bring burnt offerings and sacrifices, grain offerings and frankincense, and thank offerings to the Lord's Temple.
Prišli bodo iz Judovih mest in iz krajev okoli Jeruzalema in iz Benjaminove dežele in ravnine in z gora in iz juga, prinašajoč žgalne daritve, klavne daritve, jedilne daritve in kadilo ter prinašajoč daritve hvale v Gospodovo hišo.
27 But if you refuse to listen to me and keep the Sabbath day holy by not carrying a load while entering the gates of Jerusalem on the Sabbath day, then I will set its gates alight with a fire that can't be put out, and it will burn down Jerusalem's fortresses.
Toda če mi ne boste prisluhnili, da posvečujete šabatni dan in da ne nosite bremena, celo ko vstopate pri jeruzalemskih velikih vratih na šabatni dan, potem bom zanetil ogenj v njegovih velikih vratih in ta bo požrl jeruzalemske palače in ne bo pogašen.‹«