< Jeremiah 15 >

1 The Lord told me: Even if Moses and Samuel were standing before me pleading with me on behalf of these people, I wouldn't feel sorry for them. Send them away from me. Have them leave.
BOEIPA loh kai taengah, “Moses neh Samuel pataeng ka mikhmuh ah pai cakhaw pilnam taengah he ka hinglu a om moenih. Ka mikhmuh lamloh tueih lamtah coe uh saeh.
2 If they ask you, “Where shall we go?” tell them that this is what the Lord says: Those to be killed by the plague, to the plague; those to be killed by the sword, to the sword; those to be killed by famine, to famine; and those to be killed in captivity, to captivity.
Tedae nang taengah, “Melam ka coe uh eh?” a ti uh atah amih te thui pah. He tah BOEIPA long ni a thui. Dueknah dongkah ham rhoek te dueknah dongla, cunghang dongkah ham rhoek te cunghang dongla, khokha dongkah ham rhoek te khokha dongla, tamna ham rhoek te tamna la om ni.
3 I will put four kinds of destroyers in charge of them, declares the Lord: swords to kill, dogs to drag their bodies away, and the birds of prey and wild animals to eat them and destroy them.
BOEIPA kah olphong hui tah pali om tih, cunghang neh ngawn ham, ui loh a koeng ham, vaan kah vaa neh diklai rhamsa loh a ngaeh ham neh thup ham te amih ka cawh thil ni.
4 I will make all the kingdoms of the world horrified by them, because of the evil things Manasseh, son of Hezekiah, king of Judah did in Jerusalem.
Judah manghai Hezekiah capa Manasseh loh Jerusalem kah a saii kong ah amih te diklai ram boeih ah tonganah neh ngaihuetnah la ka khueh ni.
5 Who will be sorry for you, Jerusalem? Who will mourn for you? Who will stop to ask you how you are?
Jerusalem nang soah, unim lungma aka ti vetih, nang hamla unim aka rhaehba ve? Nang kah sadingnah bih ham, unim aka nong ve?
6 You have deserted me, declares the Lord. You have turned your back on me. So I will take action against you and destroy you; I am tired of showing you mercy.
Kai he nan phap uh tih a hnuk la na pongpa uh akhaw BOEIPA kah olphong om. Te dongah ka kut he nang soah ka thueng ni. Kohlawt khaw ka ngak coeng dongah nang kan thup ni.
7 I will scatter you with a winnowing fork from every town in the country. I will destroy my people and take away their children because they refuse to give up their evil ways.
Amih te khohmuen vongka ah rha neh ka yah ni. Ka pilnam he a longpuei lamloh ha bal uh pawt te cakol la ka milh sak ni.
8 There will be more widows than the sand of the sea. I will bring a destroyer at noon and mothers will lose their young sons. They will suddenly experience agony and shock.
A taengkah nuhmai te tuitunli kah laivin lakah ka tahoeng sak ni. A manu taengah khothun kah aka rhoelrhak tongpang ka khuen pah ni. Khopuei kah lungmitnah te a soah buengrhuet ka cuhu sak ni.
9 A mother of seven children will collapse; she will gasp for breath. Her sun will set while it's still daytime; she will be ashamed and humiliated. I will let the enemies kill the rest of them, declares the Lord.
Parhih aka cun khaw tahah vetih a hil awt ni. Khothaih pueng ah a khomik te tla rhoe tla vetih yahpoh neh ngam ni. Cunghang lamloh a meet te a thunkha kah mikhmuh ah ka paek ni.
10 How sad I am, my mother, that you gave birth to me! I'm a victim of argument and conflict wherever I go in the country. I have never lent anyone anything, or borrowed anything, but still everyone curses me.
Anunae kai aih he. A nu nang loh, kai he khohmuen tom neh tuituknah kah hlang neh olpungkacan kah hlang lam nim nan cun. Ka pu pawt tih kai taengah pu pawt dae a pum la kai n'tap uh.
11 But the Lord told me: Don't worry, I'm going to take away your problems so you can do good. I will make your enemies plead with you whenever they're in trouble or suffering.
BOEIPA loh, “Nang he kan hlah rhoe kan hlah tang mahpawt nim? A then ham tah yoethae tue vaengah, thunkha neh citcai tue vaengah nang te kan doo tang mahpawt nim?
12 Can anyone break iron, iron from the north, or bronze?
Tlangpuei lamkah thi loh thi neh rhohum a khaem thai a?
13 I will give away your wealth and valuable possessions for free. They will become plunder for your enemies because of all the sins you committed throughout your country.
Na khorhi tom kah na tholhnah cungkuem dongah mah na khuehtawn neh na thakvoh khaw maeh la ka mop vetih a phu om mahpawh.
14 Then I will have your enemies make you their slaves in an unfamiliar country, because I will so angry it will be like lighting a fire that will burn you up.
Ming pawt khohmuen kah na thunkha te kam paan sak ni. Ka thintoek hmai neh nangmih kan hlae vetih na ung uh ni.
15 You know what's happening to me, Lord. Please remember me and look after me. Punish my persecutors! Please be patient—don't let me die! You know I put up with criticism because I want to honor you.
BOEIPA namah loh na ming. Kai m'poek lamtah kai he n'hip mai. Kai aka hloem rhoek soah kai yueng la phulo nawn. Na thintoek a ueh pawt dongah nim kai nan loh. Nang ham kokhahnah ka phueih he poek.
16 When I received your messages, I ate them up! What you said made me really happy—I was delighted. I belong to you, Lord God Almighty!
Na ol a hmuh uh coeng dongah te ni ka caak. Na ol tah na ol la a om dongah kai ham omngaihnah neh ka thinko kohoenah la poeh. Kai taengah caempuei Pathen BOEIPA namah ming ni a khue.
17 I didn't join in with a bunch of jokers as they had fun. I stayed by myself because you have called me, and you have filled me with outrage.
Aka luem tih ka sundaep rhoek kah baecenol dongah ka nuen moenih. Kai he kosi nan hah sak dongah na kut dong bueng ah ni ka ngol.
18 Why doesn't my pain ever stop? Why is my wound incurable? Why can't it be healed? You've really become like a seasonal stream to me, an unreliable source of water.
Balae tih ka thakkhoeihnah om yoeyah a? Ka hmasoe neh aka rhawp loh hoeih ham a aal. Cak uh pawt tih tui hong bangla kai taengah na om khaw na om ve.
19 So this is what the Lord says: If you come back to me, I will take you back and you will serve me again. If what you talk about are worthwhile subjects and not nonsense, you will be my spokesman, Jeremiah. They must be the ones who follow you; you must not follow them.
Te dongah BOEIPA loh he ni a thui. Na mael tih nang taengla ka mael daengah ni ka mikhmuh ah na pai eh. Carhut lakah a phu aka tlo ha thoeng atah kamah ka bangla na om ni. Amih te nang taengla ha mael cakhaw nang te amih taengla na mael mahpawh.
20 Then I will make you a wall to these people, a strong wall of bronze. They will fight against you but they won't defeat you. I am with you to save you and rescue you, declares the Lord.
Nang tah pilnam taengah he rhohum vongtung neh a cakrhuet la kang khueh ni. Nang m'vathoh thil cakhaw nang te n'noeng uh mahpawh. Nang khang ham neh nang huul hamla nang taengah ka om.
21 I will liberate you from the power of the wicked, and free you from clutches of the cruel.
Te dongah boethae kah kutrham lamloh nang kang huul vetih hlanghaeng kah kutpha lamloh nang kan tlan ni.

< Jeremiah 15 >