< Jeremiah 14 >

1 This is a message from the Lord that came to Jeremiah regarding the drought:
Iri ndiro shoko raJehovha kuna Jeremia pamusoro pokusanaya kwemvura:
2 Judah is in mourning; her towns are wasting away. Her people are weeping for the land, and a cry for help comes from Jerusalem.
“Judha anochema, maguta ake apera simba; vanoungudza nokuda kwenyika, uye kuchema kwokwira kuchibva kuJerusarema.
3 Rich people send their servants to get water. They go to the cisterns, but don't find any water. They return with empty jars, disappointed and ashamed, covering their heads.
Vanokudzwa vanotuma varanda vavo kundochera mvura; vanoenda kumatsime, asi vanoshayiwa mvura. Vanodzoka nezvirongo zvavo zvisina mvura; vaora mwoyo uye vasisina tariro, vanofukidza misoro yavo.
4 The ground has dried up because there hasn't been any rain in the land. The farmers are ashamed; they cover their heads.
Nyika yaparuka nokuti munyika hamuchina mvura; varimi vaora mwoyo uye vanofukidza misoro yavo.
5 Even the deer abandons her newborn fawn because there's no grass.
Kunyange nehadzi yenondo iri musango inosiya mhuru yayo ichangoberekwa nokuti hakuchina bundo.
6 Wild donkeys stand on the bare hills, panting like jackals. Their eyesight fails because they have nothing to eat.
Mbizi dzinomira pazvikomo zvisina miti, uye dzinofemedzeka semakava; meso adzo haachaona zvakanaka nokuda kwokushaya mafuro.”
7 Even though our sins give evidence against us, Lord, please do something for us because of your good nature. Yes, we have rebelled against you so often; we have sinned against you.
Kunyange zvivi zvedu zvichipupura zvakaipa, imi Jehovha, onai zvamungaita nokuda kwezita renyu. Nokuti kudzokera kwedu shure kukuru; takakutadzirai.
8 You are the hope of Israel, our Savior in times of trouble. Why do you act like a foreigner in our country, like a traveler who only stays a night?
Imi Tariro yaIsraeri, Muponesi wavo panguva yokutambudzika, maitireiko somutorwa munyika, somufambi anongovata usiku humwe chete?
9 Why do you act like someone caught unawares, like a powerful warrior who can't help? You are here among us, Lord, and we are known as your people. Please don't give up on us!
Maitireiko somunhu ashamisika somurwi ashaya simba rokuponesa? Muri pakati pedu, imi Jehovha, uye takatumidzwa zita renyu; regai kutisiya!
10 This is what the Lord says about his people: They really love to wander away from me—they don't even try to stop themselves. So the Lord refuses to accept them. Now he'll remember their guilty actions and punish them for their sins.
Zvanzi naJehovha pamusoro pavanhu ava, “Vanofarira kungofamba-famba; havadzori tsoka dzavo. Saka Jehovha haavagamuchiri; zvino acharangarira zvakaipa zvavo uye achavaranga nokuda kwezvivi zvavo.”
11 The Lord told me, Don't pray for the welfare of this people.
Ipapo Jehovha akati kwandiri, “Rega kunyengeterera kugara zvakanaka kwavanhu ava.
12 Even if they fast, I won't listen to their cry. Even though they offer burnt offerings and grain offerings, I won't accept them. On the contrary I will wipe them out by sword and famine and plague.
Kunyange vakatsanya, handinganzwi kuchema kwavo; kunyange vakapa zvipiriso zvinopiswa nezvipiriso zvezviyo, handingazvigamuchiri. Asi ndichavaparadza nomunondo, nenzara uye nedenda.”
13 “Oh Lord God!” I answered, “Look what prophets are telling them, claiming to be speaking for you: ‘You won't see war or suffer from famine, but I will give you peace that lasts here in this place.’”
Asi ndakati, “Haiwa Ishe Jehovha, vaprofita vanogara vachivataurira kuti, ‘Hamungaoni munondo kana kufa nenzara. Zvirokwazvo ndichakupai rugare rusingaperi panzvimbo ino.’”
14 The prophets are prophesying lies in my name, replied the Lord. I didn't send them or choose them or speak to them. It's a lying vision, an empty prediction, a deluded, deceitful product of their own minds that they are prophesying to you.
Ipapo Jehovha akati kwandiri, “Vaprofita vanoprofita nhema muzita rangu. Ini handina kuvatuma kana kuvagadza kana kutaura kwavari. Vanokuprofitirai zviratidzo zvenhema, nezvakavukwa, nezvifananidzo nokurasika kwendangariro dzavo.
15 So this is what the Lord says about such prophets who prophesy in my name: I didn't send them, but even so they say, “This country won't suffer war or famine.” These same prophets will die from war or famine!
Naizvozvo zvanzi naJehovha pamusoro pavaprofita vanoprofita muzita rangu: Handina kuvatuma, asi ivo vanoti, ‘Hakungavi nomunondo kana nzara ichawira nyika ino.’ Vaprofita vacho ivavo, vachaparara nomunondo nenzara.
16 The bodies of the people they prophesied to will be thrown into the streets of Jerusalem because of famine and war. There won't be anyone to bury them or their wives, their sons or their daughters. I will pour out their own evil on them.
Uye vanhu vavaiprofitira vacharasirwa munzira dzeJerusarema nokuda kwenzara nomunondo. Hakuna munhu achavaviga ivo, kana vakadzi vavo, kana vanakomana vavo, kana vanasikana vavo. Ndichadururira pamusoro pavo njodzi yakafanira.
17 This is what you are to tell them: Tears flow from my eyes without stopping day or night, because my people have been crushed by a heavy blow, a really serious wound.
“Taura shoko iri kwavari, uti, “‘Meso angu ngaayerere misodzi usiku namasikati asingaregi; nokuti mhandara mwanasikana wangu, vanhu vangu, vakuvadzwa vanga rakaipa, iko kurohwa kukuru.
18 If I go out to the countryside, I see those killed by the sword; if I go into the city, I see those dying by famine. Both prophets and priests wander around the country—they don't know what they're doing.
Kana ndikaenda mukati menyika, ndinoona vaya vakaurayiwa nomunondo; kana ndikaenda muguta, ndinoona vakaparadzwa nenzara. Vose, muprofita nomuprista vakaenda kunyika yavasingazivi.’”
19 Have you really rejected Judah? Do you hate Zion so much? Why have you wounded us so badly that we can't be healed? We hoped for peace, but instead nothing good has come; we hoped for a time of healing, but instead there was only sudden terror.
Ko, maramba Judha zvachose here? Munozvidza Zioni here? Sei makatirwadzisa zvokuti tirege kuporeswa? Takatarisira rugare asi hakuna chakanaka chakauya, takatarisira nguva yokuporeswa asi panongova nokuvhundutswa bedzi.
20 Lord, we admit our wickedness, the guilt of our forefathers as well as our own sins against you.
Haiwa Jehovha, tinobvuma zvakaipa zvedu, uye nemhosva yamadzibaba edu; zvirokwazvo takakutadzirai.
21 Because of your own reputation please don't hate us; don't bring dishonor on your glorious throne. Please remember your agreement with us; don't break it.
Nokuda kwezita renyu, musatizvidza; regai kushora chigaro chenyu chinobwinya. Rangarirai henyu sungano yenyu nesu mugorega kuiputsa.
22 Can the false gods of the other nations bring rain? Can the skies themselves send showers? No, it's you, Lord our God. So we put our hope in you, because only you can do all this.
Ko, pazvifananidzo zvisina maturo zvendudzi, chiripo chinganayisa mvura here? Ko, matenga, anonayisa mvura oga here? Kwete, ndimi, iyemi Jehovha Mwari wedu. Naizvozvo tariro yedu iri mamuri, nokuti ndimi moga munoita izvi zvose.

< Jeremiah 14 >