< Jeremiah 11 >

1 This is the Lord's message that came to Jeremiah:
Ko te kupu i pa mai ki a Heremaia he mea na Ihowa; i ki ia,
2 Listen to the terms of this agreement, and then repeat them to the people of Judah and Jerusalem.
Whakarongo koutou ki nga kupu o tenei kawenata, korero hoki ki nga tangata o Hura ratou ko te hunga e noho ana i Hiruharama;
3 Tell them this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: You are cursed if you don't obey the terms of this agreement.
Mea atu ki a ratou, Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, a te Atua o Iharaira, Ka kanga te tangata e kore e whakarongo ki nga kupu o tenei kawenata,
4 I made this agreement with your forefathers when I led them out of Egypt, out of the iron-making furnace, saying, “Obey me, and do everything I order you to do, and you will be my people, and I will be your God.”
I whakahaua nei e ahau ki o koutou matua i te ra i kawea mai ai ratou e ahau i te whenua o Ihipa, i roto i te oumu rino; i ahau i ki ra, Whakarongo ki toku reo, mahia hoki aua mea, kia rite ki nga mea katoa i whakahaua e ahau ki a koutou; a ka wa iho koutou hei iwi maku, ko ahau hoki hei Atua mo koutou:
5 I did this to fulfill what I promised to your forefathers—to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as it still is today. Amen, Lord, I answered.
Kia whakamana ai e ahau te oati i oatitia e ahau ki o koutou matua, kia hoatu ki a ratou he whenua e rerengia ana e te waiu, e te honi, penei me tenei ra. Katahi ka whakahoki ahau, ka mea, Koia ano tena, e Ihowa.
6 Then the Lord told me, Go and publicly announce this whole message in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, saying: Pay attention the terms of this agreement and do what they say.
Na ka ki mai a Ihowa ki ahau, Karangatia enei kupu katoa ki nga pa o Hura, ki nga ara ano o Hiruharama, mea atu, Whakarongo ki nga kupu o tenei kawenata, mahia hoki.
7 From the time I led your forefathers out of Egypt until now, I seriously warned them time and again, saying, “Do what I tell you!”
I tino whakatupato hoki ahau i o koutou matua i te ra i kawea mai ai ratou e ahau i te whenua o Ihipa, a taea noatia tenei ra, maranga wawe ana ahau, whakatupato ana; mea ana, Whakarongo ki toku reo.
8 But they refused to obey, they wouldn't listen. Instead each of them followed their own stubborn and evil thinking. I had ordered them to follow the agreement, but they didn't do so. So I brought down on them all the curses contained in the agreement.
Heoi kihai ratou i rongo, kihai i tahuri o ratou taringa; otiia haere ana ratou, ia tangata, ia tangata, i runga i nga tikanga pakeke a tona ngakau kino: mo reira ka takina e ahau ki a ratou nga kupu katoa o tenei kawenata i whakahaua nei e ahau kia mahia, a kihai nei i mahia e ratou.
9 The Lord told me, There is a rebellion happening among the people of Judah and those living in Jerusalem.
I mea ano a Ihowa ki ahau, Kua kitea te he e whakatakotoria ana e nga tangata o Hura, e te hunga e noho ana i Hiruharama.
10 They have gone back to the sins of their forefathers who refused to obey what I said. They have gone to worship other gods. The people of Israel and Judah have broken the agreement I made with their forefathers.
Kua hokia e ratou nga he o o ratou matua o mua, kihai nei i pai ki te whakarongo ki aku kupu, haere ana ratou ki te whai i nga atua ke, mahi ana ki a ratou: kua whakataka e te whare o Iharaira ratou ko te whare o Hura taku kawenata i whakaritea e ahau ki o ratou matua.
11 So this is what the Lord says: I'm going to bring upon them a disaster they won't be able to escape. They will cry out to me for help, but I won't listen to them.
Mo reira ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, Tenei te takina nei e ahau ki a ratou, he he; e kore ano ratou e mawhiti; ka karanga ano ratou ki ahau, otiia e kore ahau e rongo ki a ratou.
12 Then the people in the towns of Judah and Jerusalem will go and call out for help to the gods they've been burning incense to, but these gods won't be able to do anything to save them in their time of trouble.
A ka haere nga pa o Hura me nga tangata o Hiruharama, ka karanga ki nga atua e tahu whakakakara nei ratou ki a ratou: hore rawa ia a ratou whakaora mo ratou i te wa e raru ai.
13 You certainly have as many gods as you have towns, Judah! You have built shameful altars, altars to burn incense to Baal. You have as many altars as the streets of Jerusalem.
I rite hoki ou atua, e Hura, ki ou pa te maha; me nga aata i hanga e koutou ma taua mea whakama, rite tonu ki nga ara o Hiruharama te maha, ara nga aata tahu whakakakara ki a Paara.
14 Jeremiah, don't pray for these people. Don't cry for help or offer a prayer on their behalf, because I won't be listening when they cry out to me in the time of their trouble.
Heoi kaua e inoi mo tenei iwi; kei ara hoki tetahi tangi, tetahi kupu wawao mo ratou; no te mea e kore ahau e rongo i te wa e karanga ai ratou ki ahau, ina raru ratou.
15 What right do the people I love have to be in my Temple when they've done so many evil things? Do you think the meat of sacrifices will save you? When disaster strikes will you be happy?
Ko te aha ma taku wahine aroha i roto i toku whare, kua mahi he nei hoki ia, he tini nga hoa, a kua kore te kikokiko tapu i a koe? i tau mahinga i te kino, na, kei te whakamanamana koe.
16 At one time the Lord said you were a healthy olive tree, full of leaves and bearing beautiful fruit. But with a great noise he will set fire to it, destroying its branches.
I huaina e Ihowa tou ingoa, Ko te oriwa matomato, ataahua, hua papai: nui atu te reo ngangau i tahuna ai e ia te ahi mona, kua whatiwhatiia ona manga.
17 I, the Lord Almighty, was the one who planted you, but I have announced you will be destroyed because of the evil that the people of Israel and Judah have committed, making me angry by burning incense to Baal.
Kua korerotia nei hoki e Ihowa o nga mano, e tou kaiwhakato, he he mou, hei utu mo te kino o te whare o Iharaira raua ko te whare o Hura, i mahia nei e ratou hei he mo ratou, hei whakapatari i ahau, i a ratou ka tahu whakakakara nei ki a Paara.
18 The Lord told me about it, so I knew. Then he showed me what they were actually doing.
I meinga ano ahau e Ihowa kia mohio ki taua mea, a mohio ana ahau: i whakakitea mai ano e koe ki ahau a ratou mahi.
19 I was like a trusting little lamb being led away to be slaughtered. I didn't know that they had been plotting against me. They said, “Let's destroy the tree along with everything it produces. Let's kill him so no one will even remember his name.”
Ko ahau ia i rite ki te reme, e arahina ana kia patua; kihai i mohio, e hanga whakaaro ana ratou moku, e mea ana, Kia kore i a tatou te rakau me ona kua, kia tapahia atu ia i runga i te whenua o te hunga ora, kia kore ai he maharatanga ki tona i ngoa.
20 I appeal to you, Lord Almighty, you who judge rightly and examine peoples thoughts and feelings, let me see how you punish them, because I've left my case in your hands.
Tena, e Ihowa o nga mano, kei runga nei hoki i te tika tau whakawa, e whakamatau ana koe i nga whatumanawa, i te ngakau, kia kite ahau i tau rapunga utu i a ratou: kua whakakitea atu nei hoki e ahau taku totohe ki a koe.
21 So this is what the Lord says about the people of Anathoth who are trying to kill you, telling you, “Don't prophesy in the name of the Lord, or we'll kill you.”
Heoi ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa mo nga tangata o Anatoto e whai nei kia whakamatea koe, e mea nei, Kaua e poropiti i runga i te ingoa o Ihowa, kei mate koe i to matou ringa:
22 This is the reply of the Lord Almighty: I will punish them. Their young men will killed by the sword, their sons and daughters will be killed by famine.
Mo reira ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa o nga mano, Tenei ahau te whiu nei i a ratou: ka mate nga taitamariki i te hoari; ko a ratou tama, ko a ratou tamahine, ka mate i te hemokai.
23 There won't be anyone left because I will bring disaster on the people of Anathoth at the time when they're punished.
E kore ratou e whai morehu; no te mea ka kawea e ahau he kino ki nga tangata o Anatoto, ara ko te tau e whiua ai ratou.

< Jeremiah 11 >