< Jeremiah 10 >

1 Listen to the message the Lord is sending to you, people of Israel.
Muwulire ekigambo Katonda ky’abagamba, mmwe ennyumba ya Isirayiri.
2 This is what the Lord says: Don't adopt the practices of other nations. Don't be terrified as they are by signs in the heavens that they interpret as predicting disaster.
Bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama nti, “Temugobereranga makubo g’amawanga oba okweraliikirira obubonero obw’oku ku ggulu, kubanga amawanga ge byeraliikirira.
3 The religious beliefs of the peoples are pointless. They chop down a tree in the forest and a craftsman carves the wood with a tool to make an idol.
Kubanga empisa ez’amawanga tezigasa; batema omuti mu kibira, omubazzi n’aguyooyoota n’ebyuma bye.
4 They decorate it with silver and gold, and nail it down with a hammer so it won't fall over.
Bagunyiriza ne ffeeza ne zaabu, bagukomerera n’enninga n’ennyondo guleme okunyeenyanyeenya.
5 Just like a scarecrow in a field of cucumbers, their idols can't speak. They have to be carried around because they can't walk. You don't have to be afraid of them because they can't hurt you—and they can't do you any good either.
Bakatonda bafaanana nga ssemufu mu nnimiro y’ebibala, era tebasobola kwogera kubanga basitulwa busitulwa tebasobola kutambula. Tobatya, tebayinza kukukola kabi konna, wadde okukola akalungi n’akamu.”
6 There's no one like you, Lord! You are so great! You are incredibly powerful!
Tewali ali nga ggwe, Ayi Mukama Katonda. Oli mukulu, era erinnya lyo ly’amaanyi nnyo.
7 Everyone should respect you, King of the nations. This is how you should be treated. There's no one like you among all the wise men of every nation and kingdom.
Ani ataakutye, Ayi Kabaka w’amawanga? Kubanga kino kye kikugwanira. Kubanga mu bagezigezi bonna bannaggwanga ne mu bwakabaka bwabwe bwonna tewali ali nga ggwe.
8 Yet these “wise men” are completely foolish and stupid, because they think they can be taught by useless idols made of wood!
Bonna tebalina magezi basirusiru, abo abayigira ku bakatonda ababajje mu miti.
9 Sheets of hammered silver are shipped in from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz, to be used by craftsmen and metalworkers. These idols are dressed in clothes of blue and purple made by experts.
Ffeeza eyaweesebwa ey’empewere eggyibwa e Talusiisi, ne zaabu eva e Yufazi, ffundi n’omuweesi wa zaabu bye bakoze byambazibwa engoye eza kaniki ne z’effulungu. Gino gyonna mirimu gy’abasajja abakalabakalaba.
10 But the Lord is the only true God. He is the living God and eternal King. The earth shakes when he is angry; the nations can't withstand his fury.
Naye Mukama ye Katonda ddala, ye Katonda omulamu, era Kabaka ow’emirembe gyonna. Bw’asunguwala, ensi ekankana, amawanga tegasobola kugumira busungu bwe.
11 This is what you are to tell the nations: “These gods, who didn't make either the heavens or the earth, will be wiped out from this earth and from under these heavens.”
“Bw’oti bw’oba obagamba nti, ‘Bakatonda abataakola ggulu na nsi ba kuzikirira bave ku nsi ne wansi w’eggulu.’”
12 It was God who made the earth by his power. He created the world by his wisdom and by his understanding he put the heavens in place.
Mukama yakola ensi n’amaanyi ge, n’atonda ebitonde byonna n’amagezi ge, era okutegeera kwe, kwe kwayanjuluza eggulu.
13 The waters of the heavens rain down with a roar at his command. He makes the clouds to rise all over the earth. He makes lightning to accompany rain, and sends the wind from his storehouses.
Bw’afulumya eddoboozi lye, amazzi agali mu bire gawuluguma, asobozesa ebire okusituka nga biva ku nkomerero y’ensi. Amyansisa eggulu mu nkuba, era n’aggya empewo mu mawanika ge.
14 Everyone is stupid; they don't know anything. Every metalworker is embarrassed by the idols they make. For their images made of molten metal are fraudulent—they're not alive!
Buli muntu talina magezi era taliimu kutegeera; buli muweesi wa zaabu aswala olw’ekifaananyi ky’akoze. Kubanga ebifaananyi bye ebisaanuuse bulimba, era tebiriimu bulamu.
15 They are useless, an object to be laughed at. They will be destroyed at the time of their punishment.
Tebiriiko kye bigasa, ebisaanye okunyoomebwa ebirizikirizibwa nga Mukama azze okusala omusango.
16 The God of Jacob is not like these idols, for he is the Creator of everything, and Israel is the tribe that belongs to him. The Lord Almighty is his name.
Oyo Katonda Omugabo gwa Yakobo tali ng’ebyo, ye Mutonzi w’ebintu byonna, era owa Isirayiri, eggwanga ery’omugabo gwe, Mukama Katonda ow’Eggye lye linnya lye.
17 You people living in Jerusalem under siege, get all your things together ready to leave,
Mukuŋŋaanye ebyammwe muve mu nsi, mmwe abazingiziddwa.
18 because this is what the Lord says: Look! Right now I'm about to throw out the people living in this country, bringing them trouble they will really feel.
Kubanga bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda nti, “Laba nfuumuula abantu mbaggye mu nsi eno, era ndibaleetako ennaku balyoke bawambibwe.”
19 The people of Jerusalem responded, “We're suffering terribly because we've been badly hurt—our injuries are really serious. We thought it wouldn't be that bad and that we could bear it.
Zinsanze nze olw’ekiwundu kyange ekinnuma ennyo. Naye ate ne ŋŋamba nti, “Eno ndwadde yange, nteekwa okugigumira.”
20 Our tents have been destroyed; all our ropes have been broken. Our children have been taken from us and are no more. We don't have anyone left to put up our tents or hang our curtains.”
Eweema yange eyonooneddwa, era emiguwa gyonna gikutuse, abaana bange bandese, tewakyali. Tewali n’omu asigaddewo kaakano kuzimba weema yange wadde okuzimba ekigango kyange.
21 The “shepherds” have become stupid—they don't ask the Lord for advice. That's why they have failed, and all their flock has been scattered.
Kubanga abasumba bafuuse ng’ensolo tebakyebuuza ku Mukama. Noolwekyo tebakulaakulana era endiga zaabwe zonna zisaasaanye.
22 Listen to the news that an noisy army is invading from a country to the north. The towns of Judah will be knocked down, they will be places where only jackals live.
Wuliriza! Amawulire gatuuse, waliwo akeegugungo ak’amaanyi okuva mu nsi ey’omu bukiikakkono, kajja kufuula ebibuga bya Yuda amatongo, ebisulo by’ebibe.
23 I realize, Lord, that people don't control their own lives—no one really knows how to choose their way.
Mmanyi Ayi Mukama Katonda ng’obulamu bw’omuntu si bubwe, omuntu si y’aluŋŋamya amakubo ge.
24 Please discipline me fairly, Lord—not while you're angry, otherwise you'll kill me!
Nnuŋŋamya, Mukama Katonda naye mu kigera ekisaanidde, si mu busungu bwo, si kulwa ng’onfuula ekitaliimu.
25 Pour out your fury on the nations that don't recognize you as God, and on their families that don't worship you. For they have completely destroyed the Israelites, wiping us out. They have devastated our country.
Yiwa obusungu bwo ku mawanga agatakumanyi, agatakutwala ng’ekikulu, ku bantu abatakoowoola linnya lyo. Kubanga bamazeewo Yakobo, bamuliiridde ddala era ne boonoona ensi ye.

< Jeremiah 10 >