< James 1 >

1 This letter comes from James, servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is sent to the twelve tribes scattered abroad. Best wishes to you!
Jakobho, muranda waMwari nowaIshe Jesu Kristu, kumarudzi gumi namaviri akapararira pakati pendudzi: Kwaziwai.
2 My friends, choose to stay happy even when all kinds of troubles come your way,
Hama dzangu, muti mufaro chaiwo, pose pamunosangana nemiedzo mizhinji yemhando dzose,
3 because you know that endurance comes from dealing with challenges to your trust in God.
nokuti munoziva kuti kuedzwa kwokutenda kwenyu kunobereka kutsungirira.
4 Let your endurance become as strong as possible, so that you will be completely mature, without any shortcomings.
Kutsungirira kunofanira kupedza basa rako kuitira kuti imi mukure uye muve vakakwana, musingashayiwi chinhu.
5 If any of you need wisdom, ask God, who gives generously to everyone without holding back.
Kana mumwe wenyu achishayiwa uchenjeri, ngaakumbire kuna Mwari, anopa zvakawanda kuna vose asingatsvaki mhosva, uye achapiwa hake.
6 But when you ask, remember to trust in God—don't have any doubts. Someone who doubts is like the crashing waves of the sea, tossed about and driven by the wind.
Asi paanokumbira, anofanira kutenda asinganyunyuti, nokuti uyo anonyunyuta akaita sefungu regungwa, rinosundwa uye rinomutswa-mutswa nemhepo.
7 Nobody like that should think they'll get anything from the Lord—
Munhu uyu ngaarege kufunga kuti achagamuchira chinhu chipi zvacho kubva kuna She;
8 their minds think every which way, and they're unstable in whatever they do.
munhu ane mwoyo miviri, anongoshanduka-shanduka mune zvose zvaanoita.
9 Believers who are born poor should take pride in the high position they've been given,
Hama iri panzvimbo yokuninipiswa ngaifare muchinzvimbo chayo chokukudzwa.
10 while the rich should “boast” in the humble position they now have, since they will fade away like flowers in the field.
Asi mupfumi anofanira kufara muchinzvimbo chokuderedzwa kwake, nokuti achapfuura seruva romusango.
11 For the sun rises along with the blistering wind and scorches the grass. The flowers fall and their beauty is marred. Everything the rich achieve will fade in just the same way.
Nokuti zuva rinobuda nokupisa kwakanyanya rigoomesa uswa; ruva rahwo rinodonha uye kunaka kwaro kwoparadzwa. Nenzira imwe cheteyo, mupfumi achasvava kunyange achiri kuita basa rake.
12 Happy is anyone who patiently endures temptation, for when they've proved that they are trustworthy, they will receive the crown of life which God promises to those who love him.
Akaropafadzwa munhu anotsunga pakuedzwa, nokuti paanokunda, achapiwa korona youpenyu yakavimbiswa naMwari kuna avo vanomuda.
13 Nobody should say when they're tempted, “I'm being tempted by God.” For God is not tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone.
Pamunenge muchiedzwa, ngakurege kuva nomunhu anoti, “Mwari ari kundiedza.” Nokuti Mwari haagoni kuedzwa nechakaipa, uye haaedzi munhu;
14 Temptations come from our own evil desires that lead us astray and entrap us.
asi mumwe nomumwe anoedzwa paanenge achikwevewa nokuchiva kwake kwakaipa uye achinyengerwa.
15 Such desires lead to sin, and sin, when it's fully developed, causes death.
Ipapo kuchiva kukange kwaumbwa kunobereka chivi; uye chivi, chikange chakura kwazvo, chinobereka rufu.
16 My dear friends, don't be deceived.
Musanyengerwa, hama dzangu dzinodikanwa.
17 All that's good, every perfect gift, is from above, and comes down from the Father who made heaven's lights. Unlike them he doesn't change—he doesn't vary or cause shadows.
Chipo chose chakanaka uye chakakwana chinobva kumusoro kudenga, chinoburuka chichibva kuna Baba wezviedza zvokudenga, asingashanduki semimvuri inopinduka.
18 He chose to give us new life through the word of truth, so that out of all his creation we would be very special to him.
Akasarudza kutibereka kubudikidza neshoko rechokwadi, kuti tive mhando yechibereko chokutanga chezvisikwa zvake.
19 Remember this, my dear friends: everyone should be quick to listen but slow to speak, and slow to get angry,
Hama dzangu dzinodikanwa, cherechedzai izvi: Munhu mumwe nomumwe anofanira kukurumidza kunzwa, kunonoka kutaura nokunonoka kutsamwa,
20 because human anger doesn't reflect the good character of God.
nokuti kutsamwa kwomunhu hakuuyisi upenyu hwakarurama hunodikanwa naMwari.
21 So get rid of all that's filthy and evil. Humbly accept the word that's been implanted within you—for this is what can save you.
Naizvozvo, bvisai tsvina yose uye nokuipa kwakawanda, mugogamuchira nokuzvininipisa, shoko rakasimwa mamuri, rinogona kukuponesai.
22 But do what the word says—don't just listen to it and delude yourselves.
Musangova vanzwi veshoko bedzi, uye nokudaro muchizvinyengera. Itai zvarinoreva.
23 If you just listen to the word, and don't act on it, it's like staring at your own face in a mirror.
Ani naani anoteerera kushoko asi asingaiti zvarinoreva akaita somunhu anotarira chiso chake muchionioni
24 You see yourself, but then you leave, and immediately forget what you looked like.
uye, mushure mokuzvitarira, anoenda uye nokukurumidza anokanganwa kuti anoratidzika sei.
25 But if you look to the perfect law of freedom and follow it, not as someone who just listens and then forgets, but as someone who acts on it—then you will be blessed in what you do.
Asi munhu anonyatsotarisa mumurayiro wakakwana uyo unopa rusununguko, uye achiramba achiita izvozvo, asingakanganwi zvaanzwa, asi achizviita, acharopafadzwa pane zvaanoita.
26 If you think you're religious, but don't control what you say, you deceive yourself—your religion is pointless.
Kana munhu upi zvake achizviti akarurama uye asingachengeti rurimi rwake zvakasimba, anozvinyengera uye chinamato chake hachina maturo.
27 In the eyes of our God and Father, religion that's pure and genuine is to visit orphans and widows in their suffering, and to keep yourself from being contaminated by the world.
Kunamata kunodikanwa naMwari Baba vedu kwakachena, uye kusina chakungapomerwa ndokuku: kuchengeta nherera nechirikadzi mukutambudzika kwavo uye nokuzvichengeta kuti urege kusvibiswa nenyika.

< James 1 >