< Isaiah 9 >

1 Even so, there will be no more darkness for those who suffered. In the past he humiliated the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the future he will bring honor to Galilee of the foreigners that is on the route that leads from Jordan to the sea.
Men engang skal der ikke længer være Mørke i det Land, hvor der nu er Trængsel; i Fortiden bragte han Skændsel over Zebulons og Naftalis Land, Men i Fremtiden bringer han Ære over Vejen langs Søen, Landet hinsides Jordan, Hedningernes Kreds.
2 People walking in the dark will see a bright light; a light will shine on those living in a land of total darkness.
Det Folk, som vandrer i Mørke, skal skue så stort et Lys; Lys stråler frem over dem, som bor i Mulmets Land.
3 You will make the nation grow enormously, and will make it extremely happy. The people will celebrate before you as people celebrate at harvest time, as soldiers celebrate when dividing up what has been looted.
Du gør Fryden mangfoldig, Glæden stor, de glædes for dit Åsyn, som man glædes i Høst, ret som man jubler, når Bytte deles.
4 For you will smash the yoke that burdens them down, the bar across their shoulders, and the oppressors' rod used to beat them just as you did when you defeated the Midianite army.
Thi dets tunge Åg og Stokken til dets Ryg, dets Drivers Kæp, har du brudt som på Midjans Dag;
5 For every army boot that noisily trampled people down, and every uniform soaked in blood—they are going to be burned, fuel for the fire.
ja, hver en Støvle, der tramper i Striden, og Kappen, der søles i Blod, skal brændes og ende som Luernes Rov.
6 For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us. He will bear the responsibility to rule. He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Thi et Barn er født os, en Søn er os givet, på hans Skulder skal Herredømmet hvile; og hans Navn skal være: Underfuld Rådgiver, Vældig Gud, Evigheds Fader, Fredsfyrste.
7 His rule and the peace he brings know no limits and will never come to an end. He will sit on David's throne and rule his kingdom, making it secure. He will operate from principles of justice and goodness, from the time he begins his rule and for all eternity. The Lord Almighty is determined to make this happen.
Stort bliver Herredømmet, endeløs Freden over Davids Trone og over hans Rige, at det må grundes og fæstnes ved Ret og Retfærd fra nu og til evig Tid. Hærskarers HERREs Nidkærhed gør det.
8 The Lord has sent a message directed against Jacob, and its consequences will fall upon Israel.
Et Ord sender Herren mod Jakob, i Israel slår det ned;
9 All the people will soon realize it—Ephraim and the people who live in Samaria. Proudly and arrogantly they say,
alt Folket får det at kende, Efraim og Samarias Borgere. Thi de siger i Hovmod og Hjertets Stolthed:
10 “The brick buildings have collapsed, but we will rebuild them with dressed stone; the sycamore fig trees have been cut down, but we will replace them with cedars.”
"Teglsten faldt, vi bygger med Kvader, Morbærtræer blev fældet, vi får Cedre i Stedet!"
11 But the Lord has strengthened Rezin's enemies against Israel and has encouraged them.
Da rejser HERREN dets Uvenner mod det og ægger dets Fjender op,
12 Arameans from the east and Philistines from the west have greedily eaten swallowed Israel up. In all of this he is still angry and his hand is still raised.
Syrerne forfra, Filisterne bagfra, de æder Israel med opspilet Gab. Men trods alt har hans Vrede ej lagt sig, hans Hånd er fremdeles rakt ud.
13 But the people didn't return to the one who punished them; they didn't come to worship the Lord Almighty.
Men til ham, der slår det, vender Folket ej om, de, søger ej Hærskarers HERRE.
14 So in just a single day the Lord will chop off Israel's head and tail, palm branch and reed.
Da hugger HERREN Hoved og Hale af Israel, Palme og Siv på en eneste Dag.
15 Elders and honorable people are the head, and prophets who teach lies are the tail.
Den ældste og agtede er Hoved, Løgnprofeten er Hale.
16 The people's leaders have misled them; those who were guided by them are confused.
De ledende i dette Folk leder vild, og de, der ledes, opsluges.
17 As a result the Lord isn't pleased with their young men, he has no compassion for their orphans and widows, because all of them are hypocrites and do what's evil—they all talk stupidly. In all of this he is still angry and his hand is still raised.
Derfor glædes ej Herren ved dets unge Mænd, har ej Medynk med dets faderløse og Enker. Thi alle er Niddinger og Ugerningsmænd, og hver en Mund taler Dårskab. Men trods alt har hans Vrede ej lagt sig, hans Hånd er fremdeles rakt ud.
18 For wickedness blazes like a fire, burning up brambles and thorns, setting the forest on fire, sending a column of smoke swirling upwards.
Thi Gudløshed brænder som Ild, fortærer Torn og Tidsel, sætter Ild på det tætte Krat, så det hvirvler op i Røg.
19 The anger of the Lord Almighty burns the land. People are like fuel for the fire, and nobody tries to help anyone else.
Ved Hærskarers HERREs Vrede står Landet i Brand, og Folket bliver som Føde for Ilden; de skåner ikke hverandre.
20 People destroy others on the right, yet they're still hungry for more; people destroy others on the left, but they're still not satisfied. In the end they even destroy themselves!
Man snapper til højre og hungrer, æder om sig til venstre og mættes dog ej. Hver æder sin Næstes Kød,
21 Manasseh destroys Ephraim, and Ephraim destroys Manasseh. Together they turn to destroy Judah. In all of this he is still angry and his hand is still raised.
Manasse Efraim, Efraim Manasse, og de overfalder Juda sammen. Men trods alt har hans Vrede ej lagt sig, hans Hånd er fremdeles rakt ud.

< Isaiah 9 >