< Isaiah 9 >
1 Even so, there will be no more darkness for those who suffered. In the past he humiliated the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the future he will bring honor to Galilee of the foreigners that is on the route that leads from Jordan to the sea.
但那受过痛苦的必不再见幽暗。 从前 神使西布伦地和拿弗他利地被藐视,末后却使这沿海的路,约旦河外,外邦人的加利利地得着荣耀。
2 People walking in the dark will see a bright light; a light will shine on those living in a land of total darkness.
在黑暗中行走的百姓看见了大光; 住在死荫之地的人有光照耀他们。
3 You will make the nation grow enormously, and will make it extremely happy. The people will celebrate before you as people celebrate at harvest time, as soldiers celebrate when dividing up what has been looted.
你使这国民繁多, 加增他们的喜乐; 他们在你面前欢喜, 好像收割的欢喜, 像人分掳物那样的快乐。
4 For you will smash the yoke that burdens them down, the bar across their shoulders, and the oppressors' rod used to beat them just as you did when you defeated the Midianite army.
因为他们所负的重轭 和肩头上的杖, 并欺压他们人的棍, 你都已经折断, 好像在米甸的日子一样。
5 For every army boot that noisily trampled people down, and every uniform soaked in blood—they are going to be burned, fuel for the fire.
战士在乱杀之间所穿戴的盔甲, 并那滚在血中的衣服, 都必作为可烧的, 当作火柴。
6 For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us. He will bear the responsibility to rule. He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
因有一婴孩为我们而生; 有一子赐给我们。 政权必担在他的肩头上; 他名称为“奇妙策士、全能的 神、永在的父、和平的君”。
7 His rule and the peace he brings know no limits and will never come to an end. He will sit on David's throne and rule his kingdom, making it secure. He will operate from principles of justice and goodness, from the time he begins his rule and for all eternity. The Lord Almighty is determined to make this happen.
他的政权与平安必加增无穷。 他必在大卫的宝座上治理他的国, 以公平公义使国坚定稳固, 从今直到永远。 万军之耶和华的热心必成就这事。
8 The Lord has sent a message directed against Jacob, and its consequences will fall upon Israel.
主使一言入于雅各家, 落于以色列家。
9 All the people will soon realize it—Ephraim and the people who live in Samaria. Proudly and arrogantly they say,
这众百姓,就是以法莲 和撒马利亚的居民,都要知道; 他们凭骄傲自大的心说:
10 “The brick buildings have collapsed, but we will rebuild them with dressed stone; the sycamore fig trees have been cut down, but we will replace them with cedars.”
砖墙塌了,我们却要凿石头建筑; 桑树砍了,我们却要换香柏树。
11 But the Lord has strengthened Rezin's enemies against Israel and has encouraged them.
因此,耶和华要高举利汛的敌人 来攻击以色列, 并要激动以色列的仇敌。
12 Arameans from the east and Philistines from the west have greedily eaten swallowed Israel up. In all of this he is still angry and his hand is still raised.
东有亚兰人,西有非利士人; 他们张口要吞吃以色列。 虽然如此,耶和华的怒气还未转消; 他的手仍伸不缩。
13 But the people didn't return to the one who punished them; they didn't come to worship the Lord Almighty.
这百姓还没有归向击打他们的主, 也没有寻求万军之耶和华。
14 So in just a single day the Lord will chop off Israel's head and tail, palm branch and reed.
因此,耶和华一日之间 必从以色列中剪除头与尾, 棕枝与芦苇—
15 Elders and honorable people are the head, and prophets who teach lies are the tail.
长老和尊贵人就是头, 以谎言教人的先知就是尾。
16 The people's leaders have misled them; those who were guided by them are confused.
因为,引导这百姓的使他们走错了路; 被引导的都必败亡。
17 As a result the Lord isn't pleased with their young men, he has no compassion for their orphans and widows, because all of them are hypocrites and do what's evil—they all talk stupidly. In all of this he is still angry and his hand is still raised.
所以,主必不喜悦他们的少年人, 也不怜恤他们的孤儿寡妇; 因为,各人是亵渎的,是行恶的, 并且各人的口都说愚妄的话。 虽然如此,耶和华的怒气还未转消; 他的手仍伸不缩。
18 For wickedness blazes like a fire, burning up brambles and thorns, setting the forest on fire, sending a column of smoke swirling upwards.
邪恶像火焚烧, 烧灭荆棘和蒺藜, 在稠密的树林中着起来, 就成为烟柱,旋转上腾。
19 The anger of the Lord Almighty burns the land. People are like fuel for the fire, and nobody tries to help anyone else.
因万军之耶和华的烈怒,地都烧遍; 百姓成为火柴; 无人怜爱弟兄。
20 People destroy others on the right, yet they're still hungry for more; people destroy others on the left, but they're still not satisfied. In the end they even destroy themselves!
有人右边抢夺,仍受饥饿, 左边吞吃,仍不饱足; 各人吃自己膀臂上的肉。
21 Manasseh destroys Ephraim, and Ephraim destroys Manasseh. Together they turn to destroy Judah. In all of this he is still angry and his hand is still raised.
玛拿西吞吃以法莲; 以法莲吞吃玛拿西, 又一同攻击犹大。 虽然如此,耶和华的怒气还未转消; 他的手仍伸不缩。