< Isaiah 8 >

1 Then the Lord told me, “Get a large tablet and write on it in with an ordinary pen, ‘Maher-shalal-hash-baz.’
Hina Gode da nama amane sia: i, “Dia meloa bioi bagade lale, amoga dunu noga: le idima: ne agoane dedemu, ‘Ma: ihi Sia: ila: ile Ha: isaba: se ‘(dawaloma: ne da hedolo wamolale, gaguli masa)’
2 I will need Uriah the priest and Zechariah, son of Jeberekiah, to be my trustworthy witnesses.”
Amo dedei dafawaneyale ba: ma: ne, ba: su dunu moloidafa aduna ilegemu. Amo da gobele salasu ouligisu ea dio amo Iulaia amola Segalaia (Yibeligaia egefe) ilegema.
3 Then I slept with my wife the prophetess, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. The Lord told me, “Call him Maher-shalal-hash-baz.
Fa: no, na uda da abula agui ba: i. Ania dunu mano lalelegeloba, Hina Gode da nama amane sia: i, “Dia manoma ‘Ma: ihi Sia: ila: ile Ha: isiaba: se” dio asulima.
4 For even before the boy knows how to say ‘Daddy’ or ‘Mommy,’ the king of Assyria will carry off Damascus' wealth and Samaria's possessions.”
E da fonobahadi fawane asigilale, ‘Ada’ amola ‘Ame’ amo sia: musa: dawa: mu. Be hidadea, amo sia: mu hamedei galea, Asilia hina bagade da Dama: sagase amola Samelia, amo ea muni amola liligi ida: iwane wamolale, gaguli masunu.”
5 Then the Lord spoke to me again, saying,
Hina Gode da bu nama sia: i.
6 “Because this people has rejected the waters of Shiloah that gently flow and instead have rejoiced with Rezin and Remaliah's son,
E da amane sia: i, “Yuda dunu da Hano Siloua: me ea olofoi hano amo higa: i dagoi. Amola ilia da hina bagade Lisini amola hina bagade Biga amoma beda: iba: le, yagugusa.
7 the Lord is going to bring the powerful floodwaters of the Euphrates River against them—the king of Assyria with all his glorious army. It will flood all its channels and overflow all its banks.
Amaiba: le, Na, Hina Gode, da Asilia hina bagade amola ea dadi gagui dunu huluane, amo Yuda dunu fi ilima doagala: musa: oule misunu. Iufala: idisi Hano da neda: le, ea bega: nabale aduga: le daha amo defele ilia da misunu.
8 It will sweep on into Judah, overflowing and flooding through, reaching up to the neck. Like outspread wings it will engulf the whole of your land, Immanuel!
Ilia da Yuda sogega hano bagade neda: i agoane misini, bagade heda: le, liligi huluane dedebomu.” Gode da nini esala! Ea ougia ligia gadole da ninia soge gaga: sa.
9 Pay attention, you nations, and be smashed! Listen, all you distant lands, get ready, but you will be smashed. Get ready, but you will be smashed.
Dilia fifi asi gala dunu fi huluane beda: iwane gilisima! Soge sedaga fi huluane, nabima! Gegemusa: momagema, be beda: ma! Dafawane! Momagema, be beda: iwane dawa: ma!
10 You can plan your strategy, but it will be foiled; you can say what you're intending, but it won't happen, for God is with us.”
Gegemusa: ilegema! Be dilia ilegesu da dafamu. Baligiliwane fada: i sia: ma! Be dilia momagesu da hamedei. Bai Gode da ninima esala.
11 For this is what the Lord told me, holding me with a strong hand, instructing me not to follow the way of this people. He said,
Hina Gode da Ea gasa bagade amoga, na da Yuda dunu eno ilima mae fa: no bobogema: ne sisane sia: i.
12 Don't call a conspiracy everything that these people call a conspiracy. Don't fear what they fear. Don't be overawed!
E da amane sia: i, “Di da amo dunu ilia ilegesu amoma mae gilisima, amola liligi amoma ilia da beda: i, amoba: le di mae beda: ma.
13 The Lord Almighty is the one you should see as holy. He is the one you should fear, he is the one you should be in awe of.
Na, Hina Gode Bagadedafa da Hadigi (Houli)! Amo mae gogolema! Di da eno dunuma mae beda: ne, Nama fawane beda: ma.
14 He will be a sanctuary for you. But to the royal families of both Israel and Judah he will be a stone they trip over and a rock that makes them stumble, a trap and a snare to the people who live in Jerusalem.
Na da baligili Hadigidafa. Amaiba: le, Na da fedege agoane, igi amoga dunu da emo udasisu gala. Na da sani amoga Yuda amola Isala: ili dunu amola Yelusaleme dunu daha.
15 Many people will stumble over them. They will fall and be broken. They will be trapped and caught.
Dunu bagohame da dafane, goudai dagoi ba: mu. Ilia da amo saniga sa: imu.”
16 Safeguard this testimony, seal these instructions—they are for my disciples.
Dilia! Na adoba: su dunu! Dilia sia: , amo Gode da nama i, amo noga: le ouligima!
17 I will wait for the Lord, the one who is hiding his face from Jacob's descendants. I will wait in hope for him.
Hina Gode da Ea fi dunu E mae ba: ma: ne, wamoaligi dagoi. Be na da Ea hou dafawaneyale dawa: be, amola E da fa: no misunu hou amo noga: le ouligisu na dawa:
18 Look, I'm here, together with the children the Lord has given me. They are signs and wonders in Israel from the Lord Almighty, who lives on Mount Zion.
Na amola mano amo Hina Gode da nama i, da lela. Hina Gode Bagadedafa Ea Fisu da Saione Goumiga gala, amola E da nini sia: ne iasu esala agoane Isala: ili fi dunu ilima asunasi dagoi.
19 When someone suggests to you, “Go and ask mediums and spiritists who whisper and mutter,” shouldn't people ask their God? Why should they ask the dead on behalf of the living?
Be eno dunu da dilia udigili ba: la: lusu dunu amola gesami dasu (amo da gesami hea: sa amola hehedosa) amoma adole ba: ma: ne sia: mu. Be abuliba: le esala dunu fidima: ne, bogoi dunu amoma adole ba: ma: bela: ?”
20 Go and examine God's law and his instructions! If what they say doesn't correspond with God's word, there will be no dawn for them.
Be dilia bu adole ima, “Gode Ea sema amola Ea dedei huluane amo fawane dawa: ma. Gesami dasu dunu ilia sia: maedafa nabima! Eno dunu da Gode Ea sia: defele hame sia: sea, amo dunu da hadigi hame, ogogosu fawane dawa: ma.”
21 They will wander round the country, depressed and hungry. When they are starving they will become furious, and looking up they will curse their king and their God.
Isala: ili dunu da ha: i nabawane amola da: i dione, udigili soge ganodini lalumu. Ilia da ha: iba: le amola ougiba: le, ba: le gadole ilia Hina bagade amola Godema gagabusu aligima: ne sia: mu.
22 Then they will look towards the earth and see only misery and gloom and agonizing depression, and they will be thrown out into the darkness.
Amasea, ilia da osoboga ba: le guduli, be bidi hamoi amola gasi amola beda: ma: ne gasi amoga Gode da ili sefasilala, amo fawane ba: mu.

< Isaiah 8 >