< Isaiah 66 >

1 This is what the Lord says: Heaven is my throne, and the earth is where I place my feet. So where will this house be that you're going to build for me? Where will I lie down to rest?
Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, Ko te rangi toku torona, ko te whenua toku turanga waewae: kei hea te whare ka hanga nei e koutou moku? kei hea hoki te wahi hei okiokinga moku?
2 I made everything; that's how it all came into existence, says the Lord. Those I look favorably on are humble and repentant, and they tremble when I speak.
Ko enei mea katoa hoki he mea hanga na toku ringa, a na kona enei mea katoa i oti ai, e ai ta Ihowa; ko tenei ia taku e titiro ai, ko te tangata e iti ana, kua maru te wairua, a e wiri ana ki taku kupu.
3 When someone sacrifices a bull it's like human sacrifice, and when someone sacrifices a lamb, it's like breaking the neck of a dog. When they present a grain offering it's like presenting pig's blood, and when they burn incense it's like worshiping an idol. Since they have chosen to act like this and to love such disgusting things,
Ko te tangata e patu ana i te kau, me te mea e tukituki ana i te tangata; te tangata he reme nei tana patunga tapu, me te mea he kaki kuri e poutoa ana e ia; te tangata e whakaeke ana i te whakahere, me te mea e whakaeke ana i te toto poaka; te t angata e tahu ana i te whakakakara, me te mea e manaaki ana i te whakapakoko. Ae ra, kua whiriwhiria e ratou o ratou ara, e ahuareka ana hoki to ratou wairua ki a ratou mea whakarihariha.
4 I will also choose to punish them severely and to terrify them, because I called out to them but no one answered; I spoke to them, but no one listened. Instead they did what's evil in my sight, choosing to do what I hate.
Ka whiriwhiria ano e ahau o ratou whakaaro horihori, a ka kawea a ratou i wehi ai ki runga ki a ratou; no te mea i karanga ahau, a kihai tetahi i whakao mai, i korero ahau, a kihai ratou i rongo; heoi mahia ana e ratou te kino i taku tirohanga, a whiriwhiria ana e ratou te mea kihai i paingia e ahau.
5 Listen to what the Lord has to say, those of you who tremble when he speaks. This is what some of your people who hate you and throw you out have said, “Let the Lord be glorified, so we can see how happy you are!” but it's them who are going to be humiliated.
Whakarongo ki te kupu a Ihowa, e te hunga e wiri ana ki tana kupu; Ko o koutou tuakana i kino ra ki a koutou, i pei ra i a koutou, he whakaaro ki toku ingoa, i mea, Kia whakakororiatia a Ihowa, kia kite hoki matou i to koutou koa; na ka whakama r atou.
6 Hear all the shouting from the city! Hear all the noise from the Temple! It's the sound of the Lord giving his enemies back what they deserve.
He reo, he ngangau, kei te pa, he reo kei te temepara, ko te reo o Ihowa e whakautu ana i ona hoariri.
7 She gave birth before she went into labor, she delivered a boy before the pains came.
Kiano ia i whakamamae, kua whanau; kiano i pa ona mamae, kua whanau he tane.
8 Who has ever heard of anything like this? Who has seen this kind of thing before? Can a country be delivered in a day, can a nation be born in a moment? Yet as soon as Zion went into labor, she gave birth to her children.
Ko wai i rongo i te penei? ko wai i kite i nga mea penei? E whakamamae ranei te whenua i te ra kotahi? e whanau ranei te iwi i te meatanga kotahi? whakamamae kau hoki a Hiona, kua whanau ana tama.
9 Would I bring a baby to the point of birth and then not deliver it? the Lord asks. Would I who deliver the baby stop it from being born? the Lord asks again.
Tera ranei e meinga e ahau kia taka te ara, a kia kaua e whanau? e ai ta Ihowa; ka meinga ranei e ahau kia whanau, a kopia iho te kopu? e ai ta tou Atua.
10 Celebrate with Jerusalem and be happy for her, everyone who loves her; celebrate with her and sing for joy, everyone who mourns over her.
Kia koa tahi me Hiruharama, whakamanamana ki a ia, e te hunga katoa e aroha ana ki a ia; kia hari tahi me ia, kia hari, e te hunga katoa e tangi ana ki a ia.
11 Like a baby you can nurse at her breasts that bring comfort, drinking deeply and being satisfied by all she has to give.
He mea hoki ka ngote koutou, a ka makona i te u, ara i ana whakamarie, he mea hoki ka whakatete koutou, a ka ora te ngakau i te nui o tona kororia.
12 This is what the Lord says: Watch! I'm going to give her peace and prosperity like a flowing river, the wealth of nations like an overflowing stream. You will nurse and be carried on her hip and played with on her knees.
Ko te kupu hoki tenei a Ihowa, Nana, ano he awa te rangimarie ka horahia atu e ahau ki a ia; ano he waipuke te kororia o nga tauiwi: ko reira koutou ngote ai; ka hikitia koutou ki ona kaokao, ka poipoia ki ona turi.
13 Like a mother comforting her child, I will comfort you. You will be comforted in Jerusalem.
Ka rite hoki ki te tangata e whakamarietia ana e tona whaea, ka whakamarie ano ahau ki a koutou; ka whai whakamarietanga ano koutou i roto i Huriharama.
14 When you see this happening, you'll be happy deep inside, and you'll prosper like growing grass. The Lord's power will be recognized as blessing his servants and cursing his enemies.
Ka kite koutou i tenei, ka koa o koutou ngakau; ko o koutou whenua, koia ano kei te otaota te tupu; a ka mohiotia te ringa o Ihowa ki ana pononga, tona riri ki ona hoariri.
15 Look! The Lord is coming surrounded by fire, his chariots whirling like the wind, to express his anger with fury, to give his reprimand in flames of fire.
Nana, ka haere mai a Ihowa me te ahi, ko ona hariata koia ano kei te tukauati; ki te tuku i tona riri i runga i te weriweri, i tana whakatupehupehu i roto i nga mura ahi.
16 The Lord will execute judgment on everyone by fire and by his sword. There will be many killed by the Lord.
No te mea he ahi ta Ihowa, me tana hoari ano, ina totohe ia ki nga kikokiko katoa, ka tokomaha ano nga tupapaku a Ihowa.
17 Those who dedicate themselves and make themselves pure in order to enter the sacred gardens, to worship the idol placed in the center, and to eat pork and vermin and rats and other disgusting things—they will all die together, says the Lord.
Ko te hunga e whakatapu ana i a ratou, e pure ana i a ratou i nga kari, e whai ana i tetahi i waenganui, ko te hunga e kai ana i te kikokiko poaka, i te mea whakarihariha, i te kiore, ka pau ngatahi ratou, e ai ta Ihowa.
18 I know what they're doing and what they're thinking. I will soon come to gather all nations and peoples of different languages. They will come and see my glory.
E mohio ana hoki ahau ki a ratou mahi, ki o ratou whakaaro. Tenei ake ka huihuia e ahau nga iwi katoa, nga reo, a ka haere mai ratou, ka kite i toku kororia.
19 I will give them a sign, and I will send some who survive to the nations. They will go to Tarshish, to the Libyans and Lydians (who are famous as archers), to Tubal and Greece, and to the distant lands that haven't heard about me or seen my glory. They will announce my glory among the nations.
Ka meinga ano e ahau he tohu ki roto i a ratou, ka unga ano e ahau o ratou morehu ki nga iwi, ki Tarahihi, ki Puru, ki Ruru, ki te hunga kukume kopere, ki Tupara, ki Iawana, ki nga motu i tawhiti kihai nei i rongo ki toku rongo, kihai ano i kite i toku kororia; a ka whakaaturia e ratou toku kororia i roto i nga tauiwi.
20 They will bring back all your people from every nations to my holy mountain in Jerusalem as an offering to the Lord. They will come on horses, in chariots and wagons, and on mules and camels, says the Lord. They will bring them in the same way the Israelites bring their grain offerings to the Lord's Temple using vessels that are ceremonially clean.
Ka kawea mai ano e ratou o koutou teina katoa i roto i nga iwi katoa hei whakahere ki a Ihowa, i runga i te hoiho, i te hariata, i te amo, i te muera, i te kamera tere, ki toku maunga tapu ki Hiruharama, e ai ta Ihowa; ka rite ki ta nga tama a I haraira e kawe nei i te whakahere i roto i te oko ma ki te whare o Ihowa.
21 I will choose some of them as priests and Levites, says the Lord.
Ka tango hoki ahau i etahi o ratou hei tohunga, hei Riwaiti, e ai ta Ihowa.
22 As the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, will last forever, so your descendants and your reputation will also last forever, says the Lord.
Ka rite hoki ki te rangi hou, ki te whenua hou, ka hanga nei e ahau, a ka pumau tonu ki toku aroaro, e ai ta Ihowa, ka pera te pumau o to koutou uri, o to koutou ingoa.
23 Everyone will come and worship me, from one New Moon to the next, and from one Sabbath to the next, says the Lord.
A tenei ake ka haere mai nga kikokiko katoa i tenei marama, i tenei marama, i tenei hapati, i tenei hapati, ki te koropiko ki toku aroaro, e ai ta Ihowa.
24 They will go out and see the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me. The worms that eat them won't die, the fire that burns them won't go out, and everyone who sees them will be horrified.
A ka haere atu ratou, ka matakitaki ki nga tinana o nga tangata i he nei ki ahau: e kore hoki to ratou kutukutu e mate, e kore ano to ratou ahi e tineia, a hei mea whakarihariha ratou ki nga kikokiko katoa.

< Isaiah 66 >