< Isaiah 63 >
1 Who is this coming from Edom, from the town of Bozrah with clothes stained crimson? Who is this wearing robes of splendor, leaning forward in his great strength as he marches? It is me, the one who always speaks goodness and truth, the one who has the power to save.
Wane ne wannan mai zuwa daga Edom, daga Bozra, saye da jajjayen rigunarsa? Wane ne wannan, sanye cikin daraja, tafe cikin girmar ƙarfinsa? “Ni ne, mai magana cikin adalci, mai ikon ceto.”
2 Why are your clothes red, like you've been treading grapes in a winepress?
Me ya sa rigunanka suka yi ja, sai ka ce na wanda yake tattaka’ya’yan inabi?
3 I've been treading the winepress by myself; from the nations around no one came to help me. So in my anger I trod them down as if they were grapes, in my fury I trampled them. It's their blood that has stained my clothes.
“Na tattake’ya’yan inabi ni kaɗai; cikin al’ummai kuma babu wani tare da ni. Na tattake su cikin fushina Na matse su cikin hasalata; jininsu ya fantsamar wa rigunana, na kuma ɓata dukan tufafina.
4 For I decided this was the day of my vengeance; the year of my redemption has come.
Gama ranar ɗaukan fansa tana a cikin zuciyata, kuma shekarar fansata ta zo.
5 I looked around, but no one came to help; I was shocked that there was no one to assist me. So I saved them through my own strength alone, and my own anger kept me going.
Na duba, amma babu wanda zai taimaka, na yi mamaki cewa ba wanda ya goyi baya; saboda haka hannuna ya yi mini ceto, fushina kuma ya rayar da ni.
6 I trampled down the nations in my anger; in my fury I made them drunk, and spilled their blood upon the ground.
Na tattake al’ummai cikin fushina; cikin hasalata kuma na sa sun bugu na kuma zub da jininsu a ƙasa.”
7 I want to tell everyone about the Lord's trustworthy love. I will praise the Lord for everything he's done for us—all the good things he has done for the descendants of Israel because of his kindness and his infinite trustworthy love.
Zan ba da labarin alherin Ubangiji, ayyukan da suka sa a yabe shi, bisa ga dukan abubuwan da Ubangiji ya yi mana, I, ayyuka masu kyan da ya yi domin gidan Isra’ila, bisa ga jinƙansa da yawan alheransa.
8 He said, “Aren't they my people, children who wouldn't lie to me?” So he became their Savior.
Ya ce, “Babu shakka su mutanena ne,’ya’ya maza waɗanda ba za su ruɗe ni ba”; ta haka ya zama Mai Cetonsu.
9 He suffered with them in all their suffering, and the angel of his presence saved them. In his love and kindness he redeemed them. He picked them up and carried them all throughout those years long ago.
Cikin dukan damuwarsu shi ma ya damu, mala’ikan da yake gabansa ya cece su. Cikin ƙauna da jinƙai ya fanshe su; ya kuma ɗaga su ya riƙe su dukan kwanakin dā
10 But they rebelled against him, and caused his Holy Spirit grief, so to them he became like an enemy and he fought against them.
Duk da haka suka yi tawaye suka ɓata wa Ruhu Mai Tsarki rai. Saboda haka ya juya ya kuma zama abokin gābansu shi kansa kuma ya yaƙe su.
11 Then they thought back to the days of old when Moses led his people out of Egypt. They shouted out, “Where is the one who took Israel through the sea, along with the shepherds of his flock? Where is the one who placed his Holy Spirit among his people?
Sa’an nan mutanensa suka tuna kwanakin dā, kwanakin Musa da mutanensa, ina yake shi wanda ya fitar da su ta teku, da makiyayan garkensa? Ina shi yake wanda ya sa Ruhunsa Mai Tsarki a cikinsu,
12 Where is the one who lifted Moses' right hand, and who used his amazing power to divided the sea in front of them, giving him such a wonderful, enduring reputation?
wanda ya aika hannu ɗaukakarsa mai iko ya kasance a hannun dama na Musa, wanda ya raba ruwaye a gabansu, don yă sami wa kansa madawwamin suna,
13 Where is the one who led them through the depths of the sea?” They were like a horse running through the desert, they didn't stumble.
wanda ya bishe su cikin zurfafa? Kamar doki a fili, ba su yi tuntuɓe ba;
14 Like cattle descending into a valley, the Lord's Spirit gave them rest. This is how you led your people, earning a glorious reputation for yourself.
kamar shanun da suke gangarawa zuwa kwari, haka Ruhun Ubangiji ya ba su hutu. Ga yadda ka bishe mutanenka don ka ba wa kanka suna mai ɗaukaka.
15 Lord, look down on us from heaven! Watch from your high home, in your holiness and glory! Where is your enthusiasm and power? You're not showing me your feelings of sympathy and kindness!
Ka duba daga sama ka gani daga kursiyinka da yake bisa, mai tsarki da kuma mai ɗaukaka. Ina kishinka da kuma ikonka? Ka janye juyayi da kuma tausayin da kake yi mana daga gare mu.
16 But you are still our Father, even though Abraham wouldn't know us and Israel wouldn't acknowledge us. You, Lord, are our Father; you have always been called our Redeemer from long ago.
Amma kai Ubanmu ne, ko Ibrahim bai san mu ba Isra’ila kuma bai yarda da mu ba; kai, ya Ubangiji, kai ne Ubanmu, Mai Fansarmu tun fil azal ne sunanka.
17 Lord, why do you make us wander from your ways, and make us stubborn so we don't respect you? Come back to us for the sake of your servants, the tribes that belong to you.
Don me, ya Ubangiji, ka sa muna barin hanyoyinka muka kuma taurare zukatanmu don kada mu girmama ka? Ka komo domin darajar bayinka, kabilan da suke abin gādonka.
18 Your Temple belonged to us for a little while, but then our enemies invaded and destroyed it.
Gama a ɗan lokaci mutanenka suka mallaki wurinka mai tsarki, amma yanzu abokan gābanmu sun tattake wurinka mai tsarki.
19 We were yours from ancient times, but we've ended up like people you've never ruled, never identified as yours.
Mu naka tun fil azal; ba ka taɓa yin mulki a kansu ba, ba a taɓa kira su da sunanka ba.