< Isaiah 62 >

1 I can't remain silent because of my love for Zion, I can't keep quiet because of my love for Jerusalem, until her integrity shines like a beam of light, until her salvation blazes like a burning torch.
Propter Sion non tacebo, et propter Jerusalem non quiescam, donec egrediatur ut splendor justus ejus, et salvator ejus ut lampas accendatur.
2 The nations will see the way you live right, and all the kings will see how you are blessed, and you will be called by a new name that the Lord gives you.
Et videbunt gentes justum tuum, et cuncti reges inclytum tuum; et vocabitur tibi nomen novum, quod os Domini nominabit.
3 You will be a crown of beauty in the Lord's hand; a royal head-dress in the hand of your God.
Et eris corona gloriæ in manu Domini, et diadema regni in manu Dei tui.
4 You won't be called Abandoned anymore; your land won't be called Desolate. Instead you will be called She Makes Me Happy, and your land will be called Married, because you make the Lord happy, and your land will be married.
Non vocaberis ultra Derelicta, et terra tua non vocabitur amplius Desolata; sed vocaberis, Voluntas mea in ea, et terra tua Inhabitata, quia complacuit Domino in te, et terra tua inhabitabitur.
5 For just like a young man marries a young woman, so your sons will marry you; and like a groom is happy with his bride, so your God will be happy with you.
Habitabit enim juvenis cum virgine, et habitabunt in te filii tui; et gaudebit sponsus super sponsam, et gaudebit super te Deus tuus.
6 I have placed watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they won't ever be silent, day or night. You who pray to the Lord, don't ever stop and take a rest.
Super muros tuos, Jerusalem, constitui custodes; tota die et tota nocte in perpetuum non tacebunt. Qui reminiscimini Domini, ne taceatis,
7 Don't give the Lord a rest either, until he finishes his work, until he makes Jerusalem the most praiseworthy place on earth.
et ne detis silentium ei, donec stabiliat et donec ponat Jerusalem laudem in terra.
8 The Lord has made a solemn promise, swearing by his power and might: I won't ever again let your enemies have your grain to eat, or let foreigners drink the new wine you worked hard for.
Juravit Dominus in dextera sua, et in brachio fortitudinis suæ: Si dedero triticum tuum ultra cibum inimicis tuis; et si biberint filii alieni vinum tuum in quo laborasti.
9 Instead, those who harvest the grain will eat it and praise the Lord, and those who harvest the grapes for the wine will drink it in the courts of my Temple.
Quia qui congregant illud, comedent, et laudabunt Dominum; et qui comportant illud, bibent in atriis sanctis meis.
10 Exit! Exit through the gates! Clear the way for the people! Build the highway! Get rid of any rocks on the road! Lift up a flag so the nations can see!
Transite, transite per portas, præparate viam populo: planum facite iter, eligite lapides, et elevate signum ad populos.
11 See! The Lord has announced to everyone on earth, Tell the Daughter of Zion: Look! Your Savior is coming. He's bringing his reward with him, coming to give his gift!
Ecce Dominus auditum fecit in extremis terræ: Dicite filiæ Sion: Ecce Salvator tuus venit; ecce merces ejus cum eo, et opus ejus coram illo.
12 They will be called the Holy People, the Redeemed of the Lord; and you will be called the Sought-After Place, A City No Longer Abandoned.
Et vocabunt eos, Populus sanctus, redempti a Domino; tu autem vocaberis, Quæsita civitas, et non Derelicta.

< Isaiah 62 >