< Isaiah 61 >

1 The Spirit of the Lord God is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to announce liberation to the captives, to set the prisoners free,
UMoya weNkosi uJehova uphezu kwami, ngoba iNkosi ingigcobile ukuthi ngitshumayele indaba ezinhle kwabamnene; ingithumile ukubopha abalenhliziyo ezidabukileyo, ukumemezela inkululeko kwabathunjiweyo, lokuvulwa kwentolongo kwababotshiweyo;
2 to declare the year of the Lord's grace and the day of our God's punishment, to comfort those who mourn.
ukumemezela umnyaka owemukelekayo weNkosi, losuku lwempindiselo lukaNkulunkulu wethu; ukududuza bonke abalilayo;
3 The Lord will give to everyone who mourns in Zion a crown instead of ashes on their head, the oil of happiness instead of mourning, clothes of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of integrity, planted by the Lord to reveal his glory.
ukumisa kwabalilayo beZiyoni, ukubanika ubuhle esikhundleni somlotha, amafutha enjabulo endaweni yokulila, isembatho sendumiso endaweni yomoya obuthakathaka; ukuze babizwe ngokuthi yizihlahla ezinkulu zokulunga, ukuhlanyelwa kweNkosi, ukuze idunyiswe.
4 They will rebuild the old ruins; they will restore places abandoned long ago; they will restore towns that were destroyed, places left desolate for generation after generation.
Njalo bazakwakha amanxiwa amadala, bavuse izincithakalo zakuqala, balungise imizi engamanxiwa, izincithakalo zezizukulwana ngezizukulwana.
5 Foreigners will shepherd your flocks, and take care of your fields, and look after your vineyards.
Labezizwe bazakuma beluse imihlambi yenu, lamadodana awemzini abe ngabalimi benu labaphathi benu bezivini.
6 You will be called priests of the Lord, identified as ministers of our God. You will enjoy the wealth of nations and be proud that you have it.
Kodwa lina lizabizwa ngokuthi lingabaPristi beNkosi; lithiwe liyiziKhonzi zikaNkulunkulu wethu; lizakudla inotho yabezizwe, lizincome ngodumo lwazo.
7 Instead of shame you will receive a double blessing; instead of insults, you will be happy to have a double amount of land given to you, and your joy will last forever.
Esikhundleni sehlazo lenu lizakuba lokuphindwe kabili; langokuyangeka bazajabula ngesabelo sabo; ngakho elizweni labo bazafuya okuphindwe kabili, intokozo elaphakade ibe ngeyabo.
8 I, the Lord, love what is right. I hate robbery and injustice. I will faithfully reward my people and make an everlasting agreement with them.
Ngoba mina Nkosi ngithanda isahlulelo; ngizonda impango emhlatshelweni otshiswayo; njalo ngizanika umvuzo wabo ngeqiniso, ngenze labo isivumelwano esilaphakade.
9 Their descendants will be acknowledged among the nations, and their children among the peoples. Everyone who sees them will agree that they are people that the Lord has blessed.
Lenzalo yabo izakwaziwa phakathi kwabezizwe, lembewu yabo phakathi kwabantu; bonke abababonayo bazabazi ukuthi bayinzalo iNkosi eyibusisileyo.
10 I will happily celebrate in the Lord! My whole being will shout praises to my God. For he has dressed me with the clothing of salvation, and has wrapped around me in a robe of goodness. I am like a bridegroom dressed for the wedding, like a bride wearing her jewels.
Ngizathokoza lokuthokoza eNkosini; umphefumulo wami uzajabula kuNkulunkulu wami; ngoba ungigqokise izembatho zosindiso; ungembese ngebhatshi lokulunga, njengomyeni ezicecise ngesiceciso sobukhosi, lanjengomakoti ezicecise ngokuligugu kwakhe.
11 Just as the earth sends up shoots, and plants grow in a garden, so the Lord makes goodness and praise grow before all nations.
Ngoba njengomhlaba uveza ihlumela lawo, lanjengesivande sikhulisa okuhlanyelweyo kiso, ngokunjalo iNkosi uJehova izakwenza ukulunga lodumo kuhlume phambi kwezizwe zonke.

< Isaiah 61 >